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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BIIILDf, R DEI,('AR TION <br />I h.rchy tlinn undd pcnrlly olpoi(ry rhd l m.i. pl Eor lh. Contrndoh' l-'cens. trq forlh. follosing rmson ts.c.70:11.5 <br />lnsines .nd ,,roLssi6n ( od.) Any Cil y or County arrich r.qun6 ! lcmn ro conshrct. alrd. inrpro!.. donotish .r r.?in iny <br />srtucnE. priorro ic isnmnc.- 6ho r.quircs th..prli.anl ror su.h D.mir io fi].. th.t h.or.h( n liccru.d pnNtrinr <br />ro lh. r.olisioB.lth. ( of,ti.rors t-'c.N.d lrw (Chspr.r 9. Comm.miu $irh sr.ri.n 7(t)0 of l)jvisba I ofthc Rusin6s ind <br />, h.nrsh. s.r.nrpr thcr.fiomi.d$s aorth. att.s.d.rcnDiion Anyviolarionors..ri.nT0lt 5hy.n! <br />rFh$nrr.'inmirr'bi.crrl...ppl'.rnrroartrirpcn'lrvrfnnrm.r.rhinti\?huidr.dd.thr({iro0r <br />DK*. "r,r..--r. ^r dr cmnroycR (irh *ie.s '! rh.n s.b codp.6Nrioi. wrltd. rtE sorl xnd rh. srnf,iu. r frn <br />m'dLF\ n ollrcd lir el. I s< 7&4. nNn6\ snd Prcf<hns aod. Thi (onrBcror'3 l.ic..s. l,l dod nor .pply ro .n owf,.r or <br />!l'. nfutny \lnli'ild!ori Dr.tB rh.m. ajdshndn6s!.hwo.{hirns.lforh.$.lfo hr.ughhir.rhdostr.nrplor.cs. <br />,ro\ id.d r h 3o.h imrro!trdi3 rF nor<l or.l|r.d foi $1. ll lEs,.G. rh. hlildin3 or iDprovdrEd ir $H whhin .n. <br /> l)roverh. pmrdt rr rh. rrito* ot <br />l. ssosn.ror(h.propcny. ah contra.lin8 lrnh li..ns.d conract.d r. con(rucllnc (S.c ?04!. Asin.s3 <br />.,'1 l,,'F..1,('cfc lhc ( J <br />'3. !' \ I Lcn\r la* Jf.s n ly ro an o*r.r orDrop.ny \rho bundr or inirro\.s rh.'.otr <br />atrd qlro .d trck nn s'.h tnoicch\itha ( onlracn\G).il ptr'n' rillf(.rri.nn ( li.enrc l \ )-fis <br />,-" /a <br />I h.r.6! am'n utrde' p.nilrvorlc'ilNonc or <br />I hi\c rrln llln,arnrai', a ( en'firar. ol (wo,lcr ("rDmsdD,. rs In\iied nr [vSedio01?o(roIrl]c <br />lrhn (.dc f{trrh.ndfo,mlnceolrhcso.t fo, rhic <br />I havcand rill mainlrin *orlcra.ofr.nsri,ii insEncc. trs r.aut.dh!SationlT00.alh.kbor(.d.,forrh.nnlonnaiccof <br />-il.:r ?;_q& <br />. ffi; r;a: lj, ili * t ; <br />I (.niIythal m rh.p.rro'n$n< orrh. $ort turhich Iht n.nn'r n Fiu.d. I shrll nnr . nl.J in(".,..",,,1", "',",'.'$$sot(aliaomitr..arr..rhE illshoold h..or. suhj.d r. rh. <br />lonhqilh comply qilh thos. prorisions <br />L. and shall rubj(t ., mploy.i lo DoBlri6 . d <br />ln..o$ ofcom!.nsition. dimi$s .s pr.rid.d foi rlr <br />sork.6 co,npcnsirnnrp!o\hionsofSc ioi.lTmorth.IxhorCod.. I <br />\\ ,\RNtN(j Ia,t,rcnr s.(trre \.rrc,{ c.or,. r.ritrr.f!.,,1(( 5u <br />lrntrhv olr'ruv rl'rr li lic.nscd tr tr. r! rirh S..rion 70{n) ofl)ntr,on 1 <br />of rh. Busin.ssand Im|ssionsCod.. and m! liccnc. ir ln <br />B72l <br />7_":.ydmn trnd.r p.mlrvorp.rirry lhii lna. is i c.lrhe \orl lor shich rht ptnnir is <br />isnk (s.c n)!)7.(n ( , <br />4-8I!!e lltoEqul^rlqr <br />I ht$y armn !nd.r p.nally olp.rjry onc ofrhc rollNnrs d..ldririons: <br />l)cnnniri.n Pamil.-Asb.yos Norilicaridj F.dchl R.strlar'.ns 1l ill.40. fan6) <br />Rdt'itrrl r.r.,,1 N,, li(nr!j <br />l.cnifyrhilhcLd.,alregnhrionsr.ralnirtasl{slosr.r.vil enot.r .ihl.x,rlns <br />I L0r'lY rhd I hr\r <br />'cRt <br />rhr ifrl'.ih..h,!. i'rfo'm.rirn I:Sreloconrly rithall('iiyand ( (n l <br />.'didanrcs ind Slat. l-r\s r.lalin! lo h{.h} (hori4rcrcsenrili\.s oll[n ( tv nnd ( otrrll r. cflrd trnon rlr <br />ih.1. nknridr.d t,rot'.d! fin ins <br />Applicr l or Si8nrlur. <br />v-{t &.. <br />,"/ <br />a tb r5 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />U FER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />[,4asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engrneer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 5- s -/,J)etal',(€-o <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes Remarks, Etc <br />I.' <br />,t/rt,#' <br />tl