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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DEI,CAlr^Tl()N <br />I hc6hy rrfirni undcr pcn,lry of p.rjury rhrr Ln cicmpr ircm rhc Conrnclon Liensc trs lor rhc iollowinA rclbn ( Slr ?0:1 1.5 <br />lrusincs nd Proltsion Codc,: Any Cny .r C.unr! which rcqunc\ a Fmir i, .r.ndcr. trhcr. iry)ro!., dotulnh .r tol3n uny <br />{tucrxrc, nrio. lo ils hsumre. ako rcquncs rhc al) for Nu.h ,).flnir h filc . siSncd edc.trnr rhrr h. or shc ii li.cnscd puisurl <br />h rhc trcvisiotrs oi rhc Cbdmctols Liccnscd tiw (Chlpr.r 9. qirh Serioo 7O(X) oi Diliion.l.frhc Brrin.s ond <br />Pmrc\rn,n: Codc) or thsr hc or \he i\ crcnlti rhcrclrom,nd rhc blsis lor rhc lllc8cd cxcmptn,n. Ary viol0iionofScclhn?0115 by lny <br />apnlicanlrb.apcrnrirsubjirsth.trp!lic{nrtor.ivilpcndliyofnormoErhanrie.hunitrcddoll$lS5(x)) <br />l. ns o*ncr oi rhc popcny. or my cnployes wiri wascs rs thct slc .onD.nsrion. will do thc "oi( uxl rtf, stnrrurc is mr <br />idcnd.d or oftcrcd f(r slc (Sd 7lxi. Bxsincs nnd Pmfcxio!\ Codc'lhc Conkacttr s l-iccnsc ti$ doe\ nor +pl, t, tri owncr of <br />th. tmpcny {ln tuilds or iryr)ve\ ltE on. lnd qtF dtrs su.h w)d( hinsclfor hcsclror lhtuuBh his or hcr osn.nploycci <br />providc<l rhjr such npmlcnEnh m mr iincndcd .r ollcrul forsk ltl ho$c\{i rhc hiliing or tnprorcm nso within,,nctur <br />ol'.orq1hri.n. thc Own$ Buib.r willhivc rh( hrdcn ofloving rhd lr o, shr did mr hikl or itrqroE nE pmpcny aor rlE purlncof <br />-l. <br />r\.strdol'rhc Pn)txny. a\trcl!.ontrcring tr h licctr\.d c.ntrkE !) ronntu.r rhc pnrccr is.( 7{ll.l, Bu!h.s\ <br />rtrd Pn,ftsbnCixt lhcContactr's l,iccf\.1,r$ dr.s trorrJrDlyro rtroqNr 01ltropcnywho builds or imrrcrs rhcrcon. <br />rn wh. ..ntNhfd $rhfmlNnwihrCnrtu.ktrr\) liccnwl punurnr ri,\ l-iccnsc lf,qr <br />-l <br />uDcrcnu u cr Scctn, <br />UI]AtrE&IIOIIIIIIAIION <br />DECI,I36I]ON <br />I hcr.l, nn und$ Fn,lr, of |)crjuryonc of rhc rolkrerrs dcclrarn,n\ <br />-l <br />hrvc dd w'llnai'[r n Ccnil].nrc nf Cotrrni k) Scll lNrc tur *orkcB .onlcns rion. rs prvidcJ tnr 6y S(r i{,n :l?(X) ol rhc <br />L$or Qxlc. a.r rh. I.rfonnM.c ofrh. work rnr shich rhc i\ is\ucd <br /> ond willmrinl0in workcn co"rtcnsrlion nNunmc. N r.qur.d iyscflion rT ) or lhc tjhor codc, lor lhc Nrioirruncc of <br />'1...!.rlr.'\1 .h'h.\r,.1tr r \ \,r.J \l\s 1li '.US Free Tosrranc-( <br />( <br />I.cdify rhrr i. rlr Ilcrformric. ofrh. $ork f{r which rhis pcmir ir is{cd. I shrll nor cnploy !n, pcrson in rn, nruncr <br />s, 6 to hccom suhr.r hr rhc qorkcs' .nnwnsri i.n hws of Crlifornia. rid 4nc rhd if I \hould kr..r subt$r h rh- <br />sorkcrs,.orpctrs!ri(,.l,ovi\iotrrolSc.ridrl7mofrhcIjhrC, c.Islr'll,n hw (h ..nrply s irh ltk,{ ptu!i\nrnr <br />IVARNINC: Ililurc to $ure worlcr $mpctrsrtiotr cokntc is nrll \uhlr.r x c rdoycr r) .rrnrhl |inlrc( ind <br />civil ljnci up tu onc htrndr.d Ih.ustrtrd dollrn ($1(x).0ff)). in .o{ of.onrt).nsdion, d.mtcs ar pri,vidud fff Ih. <br />Codc. i crcslntri rrlortruy \ tcc\ <br />,r", I ) <br />I hcrchyaififln uM.r r.n,hroIt'erj0ryrhd I m lftnkd nndd pi(,!i\nJn olgnrtty 91..' *hh s..ti 7000)ofr)nrion I <br />or rhc Bu\irc* md Pof6\ion\ Code. ud m, liccn\c n in ftll fore ud ctf(r <br />DO <br />CANEIBI]IIIAII.DNDINTi.ACENCI, <br />I hcrcby (lltmuMcr Fnahrol!.rjuryrhal rlrE h a.otrnncrk,n bndinS nscmy lor rhc pnlorrorEc of'hc wort lor whthlhn lcrmir h <br />hsucd (Sc.. 1097, Civ C.) <br />AIIUIANfDEILASAIION <br />I hdrb! tiqnuftlrr pcnrhy orpfjury om orrh. r(,lbwins dKlrlrion\. <br />D.rmlirion P.rhn. Asb.n.{ Norin.n(ion Fcdcrrl RcEulnri,,nsl'lirlc4). Pan6) <br />-Rcqnircd <br />txxs of Notifrcari.n <br />-l.cnifyrhur <br />llrfcdcrolrcsulalions rq{rdirs nshc(o\ rcN,vrl lrc tro' r!!li.a61c r. rhis prcjccl <br />'ryrhnl l l \c rcrd r[n n!t)t.rr <br />trl' k.\rtri s!r.Iru\rl,!ri'f r.hnl <br />nI.rl r(hcrh\c nr,{nLtr(n,nr.n..r IxlRrt,c.n,flr sirh rll(,r}rid (-(tu j <br />rDlhori/r roprr\ctr1rriv.\ ofrhn ( iry <br />xlo\o tr{nrnril tr,tf,ay ,1, i,,;;1";[d'- <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf looriVenVlnsulation <br />Rool Sheathinq <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Ene rgy <br />D rywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />I\/ ason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL 6-<-ls J).161 2(Fi) <br />Certilicate of Occu pancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />ID/SIG. <br />Shear Wall <br />n,,.r".,*, ' 4,'\6? 11 2 5 t3 ,,,,,,,". <br />tlv <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />=