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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUIT,DI'R I'ET,CARATION <br />I hcrcby .mm undd pdatry of pdjury lhal I m .r.mpl frlm lhc ContacioN Licas ljw for lt. follo$ in8 rffin (Scc 70.1 1 5 <br />ausin6s ,nd Proa6ion Cod.) Any C'ly or Cou.'ly shi.h cqut6 t pdlnil lo coNlru( alld. impro!( d.molish or qEn ey <br />srtudu.. prior ro irs€. al$ r.qun6 rh. lppli.dt for sr.h Fmit lo file a sisn.d ilaanst Ihal hc or st. is li.os.d !r$ml <br />lo lh. Fori.ioE olth. Conlmlors Licco*d taw (Cha/d 9. comc.cin8 wilh S€cri.n 7000 oa Division I ofrh. Busin$ .nd <br />Prof6ions Code) orlh.l h.orsh. lncrctom dlhcb6isao!lhcallcsal.rmplion.Anyviolarionofsdion701I5bvany <br />applicanr for a p€rnir subjdrs lhc arplicanl lo acivilpenaltyotiol nor. thd livc hundEd dollds ($500) <br />l. 6 o$Dd ollhc prcpeny. or ny .mployc wnh wa86 6 lfict $lc cdnp.Nrion. will do thc "ort &d lh. nn(1u. is ml <br />i 6drd or6lTd.d for sl.rss 70.14. gusi.6 ed Pof6ios Cod.: Tn. Conl6crois Lt.@bwdo6nol applv lo d oYn$ ol <br />rh.Fop61y !vh. boilds or rrytov5 thdotr tnd who do6 sch mrl himscll o, hmlf or throuBh his or ho oM @ploy$. <br />prcvid.d lhal such inprorffiB ft mr i .nd.d or ofi6d lor slc lr. lb*dd. rh. t{ilditr8 or improv@l b $ld within onc ) s <br />oaconll)LlD{ rh€ OM6 Brildd will havc th€ hdst oap.oling tlul h. or sh. did tur build or inpro\€ thc popqly for rhc purpo* of <br />l. s oNn6 olfic prcpqry, @ cr.l6n€ly contra.ting with licds.d contracrcu b .onsdcl lh€ Fojcn (Sd 7044. B6ins <br />aJd Pllfsion C6d€: Th. conkiclois l,iccnsc l,aw doB nor applyto MosnE olrror.ny { bo buil& o. improv6 lhseon, <br />and rvho conlBcts nn 3uch projdrs{ili s Conimdons) liccrkd ,,ucudl lorh. co,!tu1ois Lic€N La*) <br />I an cxempl und€rSdlio. <br />uoaKES!:caMfEllalla!, DECIAXAIION <br />I h.reby afim undd p.nakyolpojuryon of lhc touowins d6l@lioB: <br />-l <br />hav. dd will @inuin a Ccnifical. otcoMl lo Sclf-lBur. aor "uk6 coftp.sdioo. s providcd for bv Sftlion .1700 o f rh. <br />L.bor cod..tlprh. DE follffiG o f rhc $'orl lo' *h(h lh. p@tr 6 NU.d <br />S# -a .".-" *,16 compc*ar'on ,Nuranca s rcquiEd by sccriotr l?oo orrhc lrbor cod.. ror rh. Frommc. or <br />th. w* for *hich this pdnit t ised. My so*@ @mF.!dio. icutmc. cdi6 ard Fli., nrmhd rc <br />,**, {v€i+s,T_ { t D9!rrL- <br />*r,.,",,,* C,4too0t3 z,l6 t n,p;.,, 4 L'l t <br />I c.niay lnal in rhe pslo@nce oarh. worl for Nhich lhis pmn is iisu.d. I shall not mploy any Fson in anv manns <br />sr 6 ro b.co6c s!6jRt to thc soltm compdsalion laNs of Califomid. Md 0s@ th ill sh.uld h..oDt. subjdl lo$e <br />vorl6..mpm,rionpovisioflsofS.clion1700oilh.llborCodeIshall,tonh\rnh.odplywnhlho*p,ovisiois <br />11ARNINCT Failure ro e!u. work6 composation covsas. G unla\ful. <br />civil fincs up ro on. hundrcd rhorsand dollaG (1100 <br />aod.. iddd and arlom.y\I tg <br />DECLAR,ATTON <br />I hmby omm und.r poaly olpajury tlrd I m licas.d unds prDvisio. ot Chrpr. 9 (commcing qio Setio. 7000) of l <br />of th€ Bulind md Pmisio,a Codc. ed ny licm. ir in full fore ad.fld <br />j \ <br />"",", e lt SSoa <br />CANiIAUCIONI,ETDIIG.ACTIICI <br />I heby aflim u{t\, p.raty o t Fjury tfial th6€ is a coslrudion k ding aSdcy for lhe Ffomd.c ofrh. sort ft'r Nhich lhi5 Fmn is <br />iss!.i iSE. 309?, aiv. C.). <br />AftllcaNlpEc!.a8allo! <br />I hddyarnnund6 F,ally olpdju.y on ot$. followin8 dalmlions: <br />D.nohion Pmils-kb€los Norilic.lio. F.ddal R.aulllioG (Till. 40. Patl6) <br />R.qoir.d lrt.r of Mtifica$on <br />I ccniry thar lhe r.ddrl r.gulidoN ressdins sb€los Bnoval .r. not .pplicablc lo th$ piojdt <br />karnnr erle.lethd th .lr!c Iasretocomnly{nhallCit}and(o!nl) <br />alx,re unlioNd opdli "l'::"!l;l;" <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL I 'r-9'/A -t*Srl'-u9 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Sub-Panels <br />'-t l-o <br />I