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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O,n.r Buildd Drcl.rorion <br />I hereh imrm und.r penahyotperrury thli I am.r.mrl form rh.ContractoB l,rce.s€l,.wforth€aollowingroson(s.c70rI5Rlsin6s <br />tnd Prof.$iotr Cod.): Aoy Cily or County shich r.qun6 r D.rmil t..onsrtu.t. !lld. impror.. d.f,olBh or..piirrny rtructuc, priorto its <br />issnanc..nko r.qun6 th. ror3o.hp.rmi! to lilc. ssoed s$ th.lheor3hcislir.s.d puEuint lo lt. pu nioB olth. <br />Coorrrcrois l.'c.nsed l,aw (Chiprs e, Conrfr.n.rna wrh Setion 7000 ofD'vBi6n I oith. au$n6s !.d ProlBiions Cod.)or $rt hc or <br />xcnrfl th.rcfrom and lt basisforlherllcscdcr.nrp'iof,Anrvioliionors<rio.T0.ll5branyrrpli.rnlrorrFmilrubj.clsth. <br />Ln o s.nilr.nalry otnor Dor. rtui nvc nuod.d dolhrs 1t500). <br />oNrcrolrhcprop.dy, oLnt.nrloy.6 \vi(hw.ssis rh.nsolecomncnsation. willdo rhcwork lnd rhc slnrclu. n noi illcndcd <br />fu sal. ( Sec '70,1!, In6 essrnd Prof.ssions Code Th.(-..trcro. s I rc:ne l{\!do6 norapply ro..own.rofrh.propcny <br />or impror6 lh.ron. .nd who do6 soch Nolk h.slf o. rhroueh his ortur 6-n chrloy6. provid.d rhlt sucrr <br />rents ar. not inrcnd.d or oflcrcd for sil. Il, hos.v.r. rh. huildrg or impNvcm.n! issold withino.c y.arofcomplctioo. rh. <br />Osn.r lluild.r *illhirc lh. hurd.n oflro\ing lhar h. or sh. nol huili or impnrc for th. purFs. olsal.). <br />I. $ owndotrh. pr6p.dy. ih conracring {irh lic.ns.d conlr..toa r. coNlrucr rh. ptoj..l ( S( 70!a.8usin6s.nd <br />Profcsstun (-odc:1hc Conricro. s l-iccis.l-iw do6 nor rpply ro an o*ncr ollronrdy who huilds o, 'nrrrov.s lhcreo., cnd who <br />.oitr.k ior n'.h prreca \ hr contdcro(r) lccnrd rtrrsu.rh. conrrrcrois t_,cens.lrw ) <br />rur,'(,.,.iD <br />I h.r.hFflinn trndcr r) ofperilR.n. ollh. follo( i <br />I havc.fld $illmainlain a ( enific ..raonsc r (o s.lrln$c r*ork.r'conll)en$r'o.,ss pnv'ded fo'hySechotr rTooof the <br />I..b1tr clxl.. nn ihc Brfirnrn...rrhc rvork iNLvh'chlfi. ncrnrir t ktu.d <br />I h.ve6nd wlllm.darn wo*ers ronrpenerrcn 'nnmn.r,.s 'equtr.d'on 1700 otrhe llborCod€. forrhe pe'forma... orth. <br />ffi <br />I (.nifylhat in rh.p.rfornun..ollh. sorl f.rehich rhL u.d. lshill normlpl()vanI p.noi in any n,annrrn) as n, <br />t"^,. <br />should h.con,esubEr b rh€ worle^ <br />.n c'n0loycr tr .ri'nina1 n.nihi.s aid.ivil <br />fin.s trp ro on. hundr.d rhousand dolldrs ($ l00,orn). in <br />rh.lixn ('od.. mr.r6r andrrorn.v s fg <br />dam.s.s.s pmvid.d ror thc S.clion 1076 oa <br />t,l( t:Nst:D (l)N I RA(',t oRs t)tl l.'\R\1t()N <br />I rltirm undcr pcn0llyofp.rjurylhd I im li..ns.d nnds pmrisiod I (.omn.n.rns $irh S..rion 7000).lDnision I ol <br />^nd <br />n,y lic.nse iln finl lorc.and cfl 1 D3U1 <br />lo lu I (\=4.L <br />I uds p.mhyofpcrjury thBI lh.rc t N cotrsl <br />nsu.d (S.c 1097. civ. C ). <br />onc.oflh.eorl for which rhisrdmn G <br />4!8!!CA[L!DEC!A!4r!AN <br />D.molinJn P.nnirs F.d.ral Rcsulrtnrns(IitL40-P.n6) <br />Rc{uir.d l,llcr olNolifi ctrlion <br />I c.nilythil Ih. f.d.rclrcaulirions..*ardins Bberos molalrr. nol .prlic{hl. to rhi projcct <br />rlion ind sl.rcthrl infonn.rion k .oii.d. l agr.. ra .onDlt wnh all( ily and County <br />nsku.rion. and aurhori. r.pr6.nrarn.s olrhis <br />;,/a <br />rbovc m..lio..d $o!.d, <br />I <br />t-r.,,,, <br />"",.,,.,r,,, R t(trb r1r <br />?\\'L<- <br />IttI 5 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />ltr'leter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL b-t-tg J )..(t-t?&O <br />NI Permil lnspe€ton Fornrs\Elecrr car lnspecron Record doc 03 3l 06 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />I c.niayrhal I hiucread lhh