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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE IDiSIG. <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/l nsulation <br />Roof Sheathi ng (lzz( rG ,.{,{&4n <br />Shear Wall <br />sFramin <br />lnsu lation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />vMasonr <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL f/K/t65 VvU,6l t4{ <br />Certiticate of Occu ancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER AUILDER I}ELCARA'NON <br />I rtiirn lndcr p.nal'y.f pcrjury rhd I !m cxcmpl fom rhc Conrrlcr.r' l,ic.osc li* lor lhe trlo$ins rcr$. (s..70.11.5 <br />lrusincs aM Pnnasbn Codr) Any Cily or Counr, whi.h rcqrirc\ r Itrnil 1o ..n(dcr, alr&, inpmvc. dcmlish or rc|ln any <br />srruclurc. priorro its n\uon(,.1s. rcquncs Ihc nlplicnd ntr su.h triinn lo 6lc r si8ncd stat.nrnr lhal txor \nc is liccnsd paruanl <br />h rh. F,!ni.n\ .l rlt Conltu t.a\ Li..n\cd liw (Chlprcr 9. Co,.dcn(nrs sirh sccrion 7(xlo of DivnioD.r ofr[c ausincss and <br />Prof.ssionsCodc)orrh hcor shc i\cxcnrr rh$.rron and rh.l,asi\ rr rh. ,lk8dl .xcmp.on. iy viol0tionofScclhnl03l.5 ny aDy <br />aprlionr for rpc,nrir \ubccr\rhc artlicanr ro acivilpcnolryol..r nrrcrnan fivc hu rcddollas(3500) <br />-1. <br />rs owncr of rhc loltny. or nry cnrplolBs wirh Niscs a. rhcn *rc .onlp.nsdiotr. *ill n. rhc atrt drl lhc sBlurc n Nr <br />tr ctrdc orofacrd lirv c(S 704.1.8usnt\s d f'mlcssions Codc:1hc Cotrtrclin \ l,iccrsc lr* dors not ,mly b rtr .wtrd of <br />rhc pmpcrly *ha hdilds or improrcs lhcsin, nM sho ds \kh w,rk hnnsll or hcncli or thou8h his or hc! ow. cnlnlolccs. <br />l)rcvnlcd rh r such impmvc]ftnhuc r$r i cndcd orollcrcd ti,r srL li ho$cvcr rhc tdikli',8 or i'rprovcmnr isn,ldsiihin ic ]tr <br />uf.o pkri,n, rll. ()*mr Buildcr will h!!c lh. hurdcn il pmvin8 rid tr or +c did rn $uil(l or ir{,Dw rhc pmp.iy f(n rh. purF)r ol <br />_ l. r\ owmr of rhc pm|xny. rtrr cxclusllcly .onkd i'r! sirh\.rl .oM{h'a n) .on{ru.r rhc fiojc.r (Sc. 7r!4. Buwcss <br />n'd Pn,fssir Codc: Thc Conrladors l-iccnsc l-rw docs not {pIly t) rn osNr.l nr.p.n! sho huil.k or inprors rhcrcoi. <br />anl sho coDrtu k tu \u.h , {ith r Conk(b( I licm\cd pur\unr h rlf Coftr.ttr s* trw). <br />I n.xc r,n undrr Sc.l <br />(l\\ftr <br />!u)a[[ai!Q]!rr$ -I.L.rl)tll"!&Il!!]! <br />I hcrcby Nfiinn trnd.r pcnrllynlI'.rluryom.irhc lolk,sin! dNl idrion\ <br />I hrr. and wilt mrinrrin rC.nifiur.ofConscnr r) Sclllnsrrc for $ork.n Lannp.nsdn,n. ar fovid.d f(, by SL\ri,r l?rx).frh. <br />bllr Codc. for rhc P3rturma cc otrhc work fo, shich rh. pcroir h is\trcd <br />Itk wurk turshichrhi\ pcrmi! is is\hd My sorkcrr .omp.nertrn in\urrncc.rrior md B,li.y ntrhb(nrc: <br />-l <br />ccnilyrhot ir rhc Frfoirmn.cofrhc wort for whrhrhis t!.rnrii s issu.d. t shillnor emnloy.nylrcc.n inanynu.Nr <br />v, nst, hcrox hicr ro lh. worlcn onpcnurion hss oi Clliiomio. nnd ryrce rhd irl \hould hccont suhjd r.rh. <br />$orks\' conpcnsrrbn proli\i{nx ofS.cri{in.17(x) oirhc l.rbo. (ixic.I lhrll. ladh\irh (nnnlr $ilhrlnN Imrsnn} <br />WAllNlNCr l,iilure lo scurc vorkcn' conrFnsd cmplorr n) rin'i.rll^-.rlrtu\ rid <br />civil Ii'rcs trf ro om hundrc(l rhousrtul d.llir (5 ;\rrid,. draus.\ r\ pft,vnl.d tur rhc <br />scc(i{nr 1076.irhc Lnhtr codc. inrcrcn (nd aro <br />llrlltts -lto! <br />I hcrcbyrnnmu $ pcnrlr!.1lrrjMy rhdr I r r undo pn,rision$ 9(commncinA wilh S(lirn 7O\x)) ofl)ivision.l <br />of rhc Busnrs\ md Prrfcsi.n\Cod.. aM myliccn( iq in lull l,ncd a,xlc,lc.r <br />I hcrcbyrllirmundcr rrn0lryolI'.riuryrh lhc.cisrcons <br />is$cd (Sc.. 1097, Civ. C ). <br />i.n lcndirg aScmy tor lhc pslolnmn.c ol rhc *ork f(r $hih rhi\ Fnnn n <br />AfPLlCAIrfDECl BAll()! <br />I hsEt'y rilm undcr ncnrlryofperjlr] onc oilhc followins dcchmrions: <br />l)cnrliiotr Pcrmn+Ash.sos Nolifi.alion Fcd$nl Rcgnhrhn! (Tirlc,10. Paa6) <br />Rcqnir.d t ucr of N{rifi.trtion <br />ln'ns rcglnling rll.{os rcr$vrlarc nor,pnl <br />conccr I aBre roco'nnl, wirhrllCiryrn Coudy <br />ir\ ofrnt Cirr rnd Counry b ctrr.r n|).n rlr <br />*," 6-t-l-t8 <br />COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />UFER Ground <br />IIrlfl.AJ(|c., <br />T------ <br />-T------