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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Unde round <br />Pole Bases <br />Fountains <br />monumentSiNS <br />Life Safe /Low Volta <br />Fire Alarm / Dam rS <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildin <br />Bondin / Groundin / UFER <br />Transformers <br />To uern <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof T UI enlE <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />Ceilin Hard & Soffit Rous h <br />Ceilin S <br />Meter Release <br />Rou h <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Flemarks <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATIONI ncrcby amrm un&r pcmlry or pcrjnry thar I m crcm fmn rhc co.ra.r66 Liccns tjw tor rh. folowins rcamn (S(.7o] I t <br />sorincss rnd Pmrcsion Codc): Ary Ciry or County whih rcquircs o Fjmn b hndtucr. alr.( inl,mv., d.mliii or Epair lny <br />sru.rrrc. lrhr to n! isiu,rcc. aho rcquiEs rh. lppticanl ror s$h Fnnit to itc a siSmd satctunr ttor tE or sh. a ti.cnscd pu^annlt' thc pmvhionr ofltf, Conka..or's Lienscd L{w (Cha/cr 9. Commncine sirh Ssrion TOur of oiahi.n I of rhe Burinc* n.d <br />Por.sioN Codc) o. lh ne or shc t crcnll rh.rctom and rhc bask tu rhc atlcscd cxcmprion An, viohtion otsccr,on ?Oll tnyatryanlh. ntr ! |.,nrit{br.d\rr. sFrticanr to Jc'v.t[Icnokyotnor mn,e rhrn n!e Fundrcodo e\ ls5tur) <br />ffirr,r:lr,*r,Jil,l::l'J"".:;r',;"f:#irHllf,r'rfirlr'#;r',r#tl'h*:HffH,.I'r,., <br />rhc lr(lllny whd huilds or inrprews irEftn, ad wlb d6 shh w* hinsctror h.rctror rhmuslr his or h*o*;;dpby.s. <br />Iirclidcd rhsi such inlroEmnb ft mr inrcndd oroficnd Il. k *chi rhc tlildins or inphhmnr G std uirhin nnc rroronpkrioo. rh. Os,rer auirlq wi!, nls llE hrd.n nfrovinS rh,r lx.r sh. did mt t{ild or irlhh rh€ pmFny aor llE l)Urrs{ or <br />l. r!.wncrolrhc nror.ny. ! crch'\ivcty.otrkrcrins wih tNrscd.nnrrNru\ lo cotrslrucr rh. pmlc.r lScc.704,t. <br />fhfcssiJn Codc lhcConracrtr s l,iccnsc Lra dllc\ hor apntylo nnosmrofrorcdywho huit s.rnnd sho conlmck ror su.h ltrojdF wirn a Gnrmcro(9 ticctrsd pursued |o ric Coorrodof\ Lic.nrc L! <br />I h.rcby arfirn undcr lcn,htorI€rjuryonc orrh. rdkrsins <br />I h!!€ andsill hEimain a C.nificorc of Consor ro S€lt-lnsuB for *ortcm compcns.rion, os pmvided fo!bySeion3T0ooftheblnr Codc, aor fie poiomne of thc wor* for *hich lnc h nsucd. <br />_l horc and will maintai, worrcB c.fipensarion iosuratuc, as rcquicd by s..lion 3?OO oflhc Labor Codc. ro, rhc rj.rformncc of <br />rhc work ro. whth rhn tsnil is isskd. My vortcB onip.osarion inslErc. cei.r ajld Flicy rumbs ml <br />I'D r ! fr'!n: i" itry n,rnai <br />worlc^ compctrsurion pmvisi,,ns,tr 37m.frh.Iitnr Codc.I\hrtt. ionhwith conrty wirh rths prnvhions <br />rii'allc' <br />coalP.ns nnr ..!crxgc i. I w{nl, Md \hall rubicr !n cnl,',orrr ro 6in nal rculras rnd <br />ion. daruCus as providcd lor rh.dolhr (SloO.{XX)r. in ld <br />I hctuhy rllt'! undcr pcn{lryofp.rjuy thd I nti.cnscduoderpmvistunorChDrrer9(connmrcinSwirhs <br />ol rh. Busirc$ !M Profc$ions Codc. nxl nry ticdn{ G in lull tirN od dffccr <br />CONSTRUCT(IN I I'NDII\(; A(:FNCV <br />I lrEby ulilflnundcr p.nalryofFrjury thot rh.ic h hnding {cocy i'or lhe pcrtorna..c orrhc work ior which lhh p.rni n(sred (Se. 3097, Civ C ). <br />APPI,(:ANT DFCI AR,{TIoN <br />I llatby nfllm onner pcnnhyorF.rjury onc oirhc lottowing dcclir0rions: <br />I)cmnIion Pcrmirs-Asbcar.s Norificotiotr Fcdcrat Regllations (Tirtc 4t], pfi 6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />Lcxs of Nolificxrion <br />I cniryrhrr ihc riicrolrclutal(rn\ rsstin8 !\bcio\.cmvltarc ml{fti.,blc kr rhis pmjccr <br />rhd Ih !c rcldlih amtic.r tnr d nrrr lhnr rhc dtbvc ini{nnDli,rr i(c.rc.r I rlrccr,cor <br />rnd Srar. IjRs retarins ro bui rizc rcprcsctrhllcr.rrhh C <br />atn,vc nEtrrbmd pnrEny for .rn,n <br />ApDlic{nr o. AXent Signatuft: <br />dt con{ru.rioD. itrd hcr.6r- <br />ply sirh nllCtyrM C.trfrv'"^;lilitr^* <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, <br />Under Slab i Floor <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />(T-Bar Rouoh) <br />t tl <br />Etc. <br />rJdcfs Addrcs: _