<br />I hcrchy rflifln xnder penrhy or pcrjury rld I an.r!'nfl rft,n lhc x,6 Licctr{ liw r'or lhc lblbsins (se.7o:11 5
<br />Bu\incsr trnd Proicsnrn C le) Any Ciry or Couniy wnth rcquircs tr ncdl r. cotriru.r. ,lrcr. itpovc. demohh ot rcPlt any
<br />nru.'urc. fii{,'o i( i\ru,n..,,ko rcquncs rh. {Dltinr ror $rh lrnnn l. fiLa \i3ned sralcm Ull hcor sh. i\ li..n\cd pur{u..r
<br />h rhc [ovhions ollh. Conrracrols l,icenred L,e (Chaplcr 9- CommcNih! sirh sccrn 7000 of Divhion:] ofrhc Blsinc* aid
<br />Pmtcstna Codc)orrhll hcorshc hcxcmp! rhcrclionrnd rhc briA f{r rhc rllc8cd cxcmrriotr Anyviohrn,nolS.dn,nT0.ll5hrany
<br />aptli.anrrttr,tcinrirsubjc.Blhc,Itlic!trrkrrcivilFnahyornormftlhonlivchurdrcddolhs(S50o)
<br />-1.
<br />trs o*ncr oflhc pmpcny- (n n,ycmJrl,,yc.s wirh wr!!1rs rhcn {,t..nllcNarnnr. silldo rh. word lnd lh. (ndh i\ ior
<br />i'nctulcd or oitarc{l f,n aL (sN.?(}{4, Bu\incss and Profcsrtr,ns Cdc: rhc Gntnlrois Licnc l,rw der ior aptly ro M ostrcr ol
<br />rhc pmllcn y *h. huilds or innmws rhcmtr. a whodes\uchworlhimsclforhcrsrlforrhtuu8hhisothcroqncnDloyccs.
<br />pn)ltlcd thlrn(h irn|nxcnrnts {F tror r.ndBl.r.fliR\l for \ah ll. h.N.v.r. rhchuiuingor i'nprovcarni iss,ld*irhi",trr. JaJr
<br />ol cong'lclion. rh. ltuitlq sill n!rc rbc budcnofprcvi',8 rlrl hc or +c did Nr hoill or inrrnir dt pn,Fn, for rhc puri)tof
<br />I. s.wncr or rhc
<br />'l(ll]cn
<br />r. an cxclusircly conrracr ins wirh liccnrd conlEckn t, con(tucr rh. tn'jdr (sN 7Or4- Bu\ims
<br />nhd lhfcsinCodc ThcConr,ctoi \Li.ctrscllwdo.\ nor lptlyk) rnosrcr olt".pcrlrwho 6uitk.r ialprovcs rh.rcof.
<br />nnd who.ontr!.isrbrsuchprcjccr\wiihrContrct'(s)liccnrdn!^urnrbrhcc.ntrrt**trw)
<br />I nmur |, utr,l.r Sc.ii,
<br />DEl. ()*ner
<br />\YI)RK!]RS t:ONtPF-NSA fl a)N
<br />!fll. .BAIU!
<br />I hcrc6villirDn ..p.mlr,of pcrjtryoncorrhcr{nk)*i','nnntr
<br />Myw.rkc( conrrcnsrrtin irsunNcc ricr i.d Flicynnmbrr *c
<br />1o?\1s ('29\( ..0,,",1o.S-l?:
<br />-l
<br />enilylhar in rhcpcrlormanccofrhc sork fnr shichrhi\ p.rnir t i\srcd,I shrll nor cnPloy afly nc^on in uymari$
<br />$ d n, blioB subFr t, rhc workc* .oqrnsarion lnws or c.lirdnir. a asNlid iII skDld tf,ro'E hFdtorhc
<br />so&d\' comFnsdrion ,i.visio.s of Sc.r i r 37fii or lh. Ijk,t Cod., I shall. r{'n hwirh dnnply *irh rho$ ,rovisio.s.$ARNIN(; r.r'lurc h *curc N.rk$i.r rlr rrr(rr.o!(rrg . A utrlxsfnl. \h(ll \uhjccr !n cmpb$r io ryininalFn.hics.nd
<br />.i\il lnr\ uI ro otrc hutrJr.d r
<br />,,,,", L-V1q
<br />r(-I""*,t... d-.e- * r,-''d"d r",,h.
<br />I hcEhr.fliflntrMcrlcnrllyoiprrjurrrhar I x liccnsl u cr novnionol chq
<br />of rhc Btrsne$a Pmics\iorsCodc- mn my liccns is in lulllorce rnd cfccr
<br />9lLomnrncirA uilh Sccri,,n ?(lD) ofDirishn l
<br />a 2cl g\ZL
<br />:;,:""'f
<br />,W
<br />I hrsbt n,Irn uMc, Fnrxy or p.lury rhar lhcE is r onstNcrion hdin8 !-qercy for rhc poromftc of !h. ,ort for *hth rhis Fml h
<br />issucd (Scc. 3097. Cie. C.)
<br />txtrdcls Andr.$r
<br />-
<br />Iho6ydlmundcr Dcnalry oincriu,y o.c ofrbc aolLsing ddlf ions:
<br />Dcnnnirbn Pfmia.Asb. os Notificorion Fedcr.l Rc8uhrions (Tirle40, Pud6)
<br />Rcquncd krt.r ol Nolif{alion
<br />I ccnilyrhrrrhc lid.rnl rcpxlarion\ toArding r\h.{o\rc $!rldc tr.r.pnli.rhlc t, rhntmFr
<br />l .cflily thar I hrvc rcid rlrh applicnriotr a slarcll tu ihrvc irlnnmrion i..od..r IigrccrocomflysirntrllCilyrtrdCounry
<br />.rdimftci md Srrrc trws rclitmE t
<br />rh^c nrdidrn ln)n nylar i sF
<br />,\p licnnl or ,\rrnl Sixnnt
<br />aulrnir rcr(* rlivls oflhis Cny and Co!.ryro nrcr ulr
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation r\
<br />Roof Sheathinq c-2e1[x.w1d FdLtl W-r-)
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framinq
<br />I n s u latio n/E ne rgy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />It4asonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enqineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />I
<br />1-2-ld , )/e:-g Al
<br />Certiricate of Occu nc
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc v
<br />D hr?n/$
<br />FINAL
<br />-lhrvcadsillmi
<br />dn ! CcnifElrc oi Con*.1 ro Sclf lnu.c for workc^ c.n{'.trs!rion, $ [ovidcd a.r by Scclion.]700 orrh.
<br />tib.r Codc.lor thc pcrfonmncc olrhc uork fu lhicn lhc p.nnil is hsucdI
<br />=--------T------