<br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS (rr\\t:R 8l t,lI t]tr ( \R \ l l(l\
<br />I und.r Fdy of Fdury l,u Imd.tpr n mrlE(o 11166'l-i!g lre aor rL f.Uo*'irs r.en(S<701I!
<br />D6rllg i,n Prof6i,n C.d., 4., (ity or Coudy rti(t r.qu,6 r p6h. ro Ndtud. rhs, inp.o( (bmlirt ar EP.n -'
<br />Irude, Fhr ro il3 iwq .ln EquiB rh. @lkd for 3uh Fnn m fil ! t{,Ed .ridmr rhr lE or !l. a Iicou.d rnBad
<br />ro rh. FnvirFB of dE Co'h(d r l-t6sd tr*' (Ch!F6 9. ( .nMi.8 $ nfi S.dion ,000 .f Dirthn ! .f llE BlsilB ed
<br />Pnl{bm(od.)orill,l,Eor.n.t.n$lha.trco&drh.hNrlorrfi.tlkg.d6oFion.Anyvi6ldbrofsdion701L51^o}
<br />lprlic. for r Fnil subj.rl! rh. !pplic!.1 ro d civil parl, of .ot mE lhe li( huBH dolbF {1500).
<br />L a o1r.d of rh. protEny. o n, cbplot6 $rrh $.s6 ar rh.t el. ..mpoBdtur. rill do lh. s.rt ad fic nMlE is rcl
<br />inrd,.lal oroffcEd lor 7u4,lluli.d&d Pmfsionr(.& In (i' r..lois l-i..e Lu &6mlryplyl.ano{G.f
<br />rlE lirFrt *h hrilds or inFo\€ rlEon. dd s ls do6 trfi $.lI hinB.ll or hdslf or lhmuSh hn or hq o*n mployc.
<br />I,.\ rdal rhd roch imrtr\oEfi c nn idai.d oroft.nd tu sk l( h]tr6s. ilE lnildin3 or iqi.rffi ! $H tr irhin oft )d
<br />or(rlprii,( tlF (xn B{itlr " tE\! llE hrdd' orForntE lhd tt N slE dd d txiu ( !qFr. rh. FnF tu rlE pt FE of
<br />l. so*Eof rh.ForEr). D!r.b.n.D c.nrdi.s $nh'dN m otu 'lr Foj{rl (s( 7o{. &G
<br />.nd PniisiN cod.: It. (-ontrrloir l-ic.B L!tr do6 mr.tPl, !o 6o*E or Fop.rrt u h. hoild. or impmv6 rhEdn.
<br />rnd sh. Nnf&l3 lor sBh |'ol<B { ilt r (onlra.lo4sl lic6$al P!6ud! 6 rhc ConMoaJ Licd. lrtr ,
<br />lr''.,rntitr' l,1lhi.,l - .ll 1,1'\'...^.' ,,
<br />,,.,, zta!*nc 2"r1,\,r/
<br />-/'{ \-!lJq[-Bra!rlL]ll- \ -!L|.Blll!r\
<br />I r'!1..'rl'. r rrJq rq','\' I r'-r'\' r.,.1 rh. i,l,r r.l!.1r.' a.
<br />I h.r. rn tr ill Ei in . ( dl ifrrl. ol('.Br ro stlf-ldu,. f $orlB'NnFs{rn.6 For'dal fot t! S<rion r'7m ofrh.
<br />l.thr (i{.. 16r ih. Ffmt olllE nlrt tu \nth lh. Fnn a isu.d
<br />t hir. .nd \ ill miinlnin \ orld' .dml.nsir i.. i6urt.c., 6 ht s-ln'n 17m .l rh. Ltrr ( i'dc. nr I h. tcfomtnc. of
<br />rhc (ort for which this p6nil Lr n.u.a My$ort6 .onpqslion cdrid dd Flict .omhs dc
<br />l..ni4 rhd in t,E Ffoffi of rh. trlrl fnr snih rhi.Fmn L ie.d l.n!ll Nl opl'' Far in r! om6
<br />$ s lo tE(m $t*r1 lo llE *trld mnpasi.n lsrs of( dia.mia !i tsr rh, ir I shlE h6or elt<.r h rlE
<br />\ td" Flrbrb olsdion lT(xr ofth. L.trtr ( od..l till. fodlNhfionpl) {nhlbrrtv6i)B.
<br />\'lAlNI|{c t-!ilur. ro sEc *@L6 NnFMir. o\dtt. B onhstul. !.d .hlll 3ubidl m mplotq lo diond Ftrlis dld
<br />.nil fi.6 op b on. hurdr.d rhouod &nlffi (S100
<br />\.(rtr$ 1t)r6.frlF I ahn {inic. 'nt1$ritrLli f'
<br />,^^, Z)l f,z r', C Z't1,,,
<br />I hs.b lltm u.dn Fuht olFrlrt lhd t u licqu.d uodd Iro\!6i or(-h.pi6 q (onrnftin8 trdh s.tion 7(xx)l olDnirin 1
<br />ol th.ltulE ad PnfdiiB ( n&. ,n mr licc k in aull ,orE &d clf.d
<br />ca.N!.IAI](.tIANIIlllllCACr:llf
<br />Ihd."r_ ifi n und6 p.ndllt olFrtrr, rhd rh6.i3.codndi)n lddin*nrNv ntr!h.lan)man(..lth.rork tur {hichrhis p6 it ir
<br />fn'd lsc r(,97, (-n c l
<br />I .nJd i \in.
<br />I hdrrl! illm unda p..alr! ot no iory .n. .r rhc aolLr$ ins d.rb.' nnr
<br />l).nrhtion P6mns Asb6br Nolili..lnrr !.d6!l R.sulalions (l ilt,r0, P.n6)
<br />R.qot.ti ldrn oi Notificalion
<br />I cdil,_ lnli lhc rar6d Gful.r io.r r.Sddhs sb.slos rmo\ !l s. fr, ,$li(thh to lhi
<br />I .drft rhd I 16. rad lhir rpplidrn in nd. th, $. .b.r. mf.tuion . .nd I +r ro cotrdy snh .ll ( irt.idCom'!
<br />o.d'uh 6 .nd Srrt. tjss ELlit{ ro tr ms .odM6n. trd hd.6t .!llr'r,. .+r6ddit6 ol rtu ( ilr od ( ounrt ro ald up.. llE
<br />rln( 6rhn d F)pd! f.r iNpd
<br />,\ppli(inl or trurl Sisnrrtrr.#-,,*-,,"*7a.fqr,('?.oll
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns lllphr,r 1 {e
<br />Erection Pads tlt ut
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framinq
<br />ln s ulation/E nerg y
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enqineer Final Reporl
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL Tltolur'17 .tltu e14 >,
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />in.ddnion lo rh..on .f .omD.drn'n, a pro\id.d fo, rh.
<br />b,'E