<br />I h6*r .rrm undq Ftshy of parury fid I @ a@F fon r,E Codr..r6 Lk6E tn lir rlr tolt srlg la)n (Sd 7011J
<br />hsilB td Prctdion Cod.)r Ary Cny or Coudy shtt EqoiE . Fnr to @tdrucr, .16, inp.ovc dEnolnh or E .( ey
<br />rddEc Fi,rro iri islmc. lrro rcqui.6 rlE rpplf,d for ru.h Ftn 'ofiL.!'rnd ic6l rtd lEor rlE it li.6.d Fed
<br />ro tlE FoviriJE otrn Cont-rd t!.rl Llw {Cll4rq g, Com*bs *ith Scrion ,000 ol Divilbn I of E A6in* &d
<br />PrDl*bN Co&) 6 rh.t h. c th. it aal,r rlE nom ald lh. b.sir fo, $. alkrcd a@Fion Anyriolllionofsclb.7011.5 byMy
<br />npplicsl for. Fmn $bjclr llE lpplicul
<br />'o
<br />. civil p@hy of mr DE rhe li!.lEnd &llrs (l5m)
<br />tl,ift 6 oMd otlhc pr!rEl), d dr dnLyG w(hwls6s r.r$LmnpnEipn,*1!&rE6IrnrlErdaird
<br />tiad.d d ordq, lc sb (S< 704,1, BBiB Ed Prof6io6 Co<L: Tlt atnl...ln t Ltqg b$ &6 ml +?ly lo u ow of
<br />th.Fopdly *ho hril& or idFo6 Ltc@tr ed wh. d6 sch *!* hitur.lf or hd*ltor lhmush iir u lE 06 dnplot6,
<br />p..vlLd rhd sb mFnraEt e d dad.d d otu i,. rL. lt hoqlc. 0E hliuit q ilq!€idr b bld *iin * tEoa@4lrbn rl! o$G &rilCa willhrE rlE hntat of Flvine $!. & o !n. dd 'br hild dr !'Dro* rhc FlFry fi, rtr F,Flof
<br />*s oen6 oarh. p.DFry. D GoffiiDs $irh li.g!.d o rrr6ro codrul rt FaJ..r 156. 704.1. &!i6
<br />Plbldb. Co&: Th. Conrr.ror'r Lic.@ tl* do6 er rpply ro u oMs of ,ropdy *ho buil& .r impmvd rh6mn.
<br />qho cotnEdsfo.schFoJ€1ssnhrConfro(r,lkds.dIiErErtorlEco'! LilEts)
<br />I hd.6) rltm u.d.r Fany or por@ .E or0E follos'ns &cldarra
<br />-l
<br />h.v. rn vill tuidrin. Cdrifrdc of Coer b S.lf-lBr fq @lqr'@nrFqrioll' d FDvid.d tu by S6lio.17m of th.
<br />lllor ('odq for th. FfolMc. oalh. mrt fd Et'th th. pqnn i isu.d.
<br />_Ih.rc.nd*illtuilllhwo.'conrsa ioniNulncc.Br.qutcdbySction1700oflh.tibor(o<h,forthcFfollM.or
<br />rh. *ut fo. *hth lhn Fnn a &.d My worto' onFui,n iEuE. oa .i Fliy n6hd i.:
<br />-l
<br />cdiry lhal in llE p..fome. of lnc wort foi which rhi! i3 !su.d. I !i!ll ml @rloy e) Fso o @y ndE
<br />$ 6
<br />'o
<br />hdor stid ro E srl6'o,rpqd6n lN. of Crliflma !d isr rhd if I nruld t .om $brEl lo
<br />'lE$ortd conFsrion FovirioN of Salio. l70o of th. Liirr Cod., I .hrll. tunhwnh conpry wnh 'h- FlrithBltARnnC Falur.lo tr *rt6' oBrEErion covE+. i 6l&tu1 rn lll.ll rubirl - apL'r€ ro onind paalri6 4d
<br />ciril lin6 up ro om hud tho@d &llG (1100.000). in sddnion to rh. cor ol.omFeri.n. d.ms6 6 Fov'd.d for tlE
<br />s.nDn 1076 ofrh.l,ho. Codc lnsd rd.lldEy r fG.niltL-,"ffi-U
<br />I I'al5, .Irm p6.t, oaFrury lhi I m lic@d unds FDrbioi of Ch.pis 9 (omeing wilt S*1hn 7000) of Divsid l
<br />of 0r BuiB dd ProfBioo Co&. d my li.e L in lu foN !n .ft.d.
<br />cq$iralcllou.lEllac.AcElq
<br />I hq*r .lrm Ert r p6.t, of Fiuy th, tlE! ir . .od!.rbn LrdrB ryc, am tlE Flm of th. wt fo. stth lhir Foi b
<br />it&cd (sd. 1097. civ c ).
<br />I ha*y rtrm und.. of FiEy oE of th. folL,qi.g (bLrlioN
<br />ocmhb. P@a}Atb..ot Nori6.db.] R.goLrbB (1nL,lo, Pd6)
<br />-R.qrir.d
<br />ta's of r,Lri6dir
<br />-l
<br />c61r b rhd th. f.da.l r.8uhioB rt8ldlry Gb.los .l & ml q''1lf,lbL k, lha rojdl
<br />-I
<br />.drfy rhd I lh. @rl rh. +plad b. rn r.rc ih, rh. rtb* 'naoldhn a rlld I 196 r. mDCry wnh !U ( ily.nd Couly
<br />r,Ir*=:;6 rd St.r. b*. Ehl'.s to boildiry .onatud io^ drt h6.b, .urbrn. r.FMrdivd of rhir Ciiy srd Couiry ro 6rs upor t E
<br />.h,r. ndrion d ptupdy fo,
<br />'6F<1iJ. FrF6
<br />,tpplicrni or,\Cor Shn.tu.c
<br />,aNDY
<br />*,l,il-
<br />LEI 4/u/zor/
<br />Set Backs u/t/?t*2/raie-/Q-
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns 9/-c/ttt ,*z>rz //rv/
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing 4ltita z 7Y?oz*/t)-
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing 4/tS//4 r -rnD/ft 1p-
<br />lnsulation/Ene rgy .l
<br />D all
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />aeoadz-zt/z/ta *nrrfr-/6-\
<br />FINAL &l/1lv/fllnvw ta./
<br />Certificate of Occu r'-tpancy
<br />Noteg, Remarks , Etc.
<br />2
<br />/ a--T- -- -z
<br />;".-vii[fr)o
<br />l-rar Cliq