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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDi]R I,ELCARATION <br />I hcrchy n in. undcr Firlry()f p.ijury lh l mcx.nrtr lmnr rhc C.trlr0doN Liensc ltrw r.r rh.lollowiflS rcrwn (Scc70:11.5 <br />Bo\incs\ and Ptufc*io. C.dc) Any cily or Courry *hich rcquircs a psmir k, .on{fl.r. ,lrd, imlnvc, dcmlhh or rclat ,ny <br />{flcrur., tri.r ru irs als rqlirc( lhc npplkini lor \uch ltnnir t, filc , qgncd sllrcmnl rhal hc or \hc is li.cnscd lU Uad <br />t, rhc pblhionr .l rlr coir,.trtr\ Li.cnsLn kw (ChoDtc. e. Commncing uirh sc.rnrn 7000 of Division I ot rhc Bulincs rnd <br />PmLssiorCodc)or rhat hcorstc h crcnpr rh€rctom3nd rhc hrsi\ r(r rh. nllcB.d cnnlprion AnyviolalionorSc.rhnT0]l.5hy0ny <br />rpplic! tur 0 Fcrmir slbjccr rh. appli.rnrkJ,.ivilFnrlryornor.brcrhmlivchuftlrcddollarl($5m) <br />L a\ ownn or rhc ,,rcrcny. or my cmpk,y.cs wilh w0rcs as lhct {nc .$orr.ns,l ion. will do lhc work od rhe nturm L\ mr <br />i,rtcRlcd or oficrcd tu slc {Sc 7044, Buiin.* .nd Pm(c\rn,ns Cod. Thc Conr.mloi\ l,iccn* l,* d*t nor ,pdy b b oi <br />thc pmrcd, who hlilds or i'rprows ilEMn. ond who d.4s ruch{o himscll or tcr*lr or rhmueh his or lrcr o*n cmpk,, <br />Irovidcd thar $ch impmwmna m mr inrcnd.d or oltu for slc Il hos.w. rlE buildiry or i,ryno{r is q'll wirhin onc )tr <br />of $.plct6.. thc orncr Buildcr will harc rhc tturhn ol pmling rhtrr lt or .hc di1 mr build or in{mrc lhc lqsly for thc NrIlN o, <br />L atownd oarh. t'opcny. anexclusiyclyconhcrins wirh I iccn\td .. trtr.roN ro lon(rucr llE Irniccl (S( 7ot4. Bunncss <br />und Pnitssin Codc: 'lhc ConkrcroCr Li.cnsc hw des nol.ntly ro in owncr olpn,pcny who huilds or inpmvcs lhereon. <br />aM *ho co.ln s for such roicls *irh ! Contudon r lEcn*d pu^uam fu <br />'hc <br />contr0dors Liccnrc L!w) <br />I. crcry u crScclio <br />Dlte O*ne. <br />woR(FRS COiIPEN.SATT()N <br />DES,AAAIAN <br />I h..chy riirnlndd t.n,lryofr.luryom olthe nrbwirs dNLratnrns: <br />-l <br />hav. sid will nBinrrin a C.niif,alc oi Cotrsfll lo Sclll trsurc for *orkc6 .otrF.sarion, f,s ,rcvidcd for l,y Ssrion l?@ or rhc <br />Lsbor Cndc- tr lhc pcrfortun.c.flhc sork fo. which tlE Pcrnrit is hslcd <br />I h,v. dnd will mrinrsin wolkcrl compcnsariotr insumnce. us eqlircd hy S.d im l?m ol lhc lri,or G)dc. f{ rh. ldrdi.Dtrcc ol <br />rh. work for which rhii Fnnn is nsEl My works co'rvEnelion insrrM.. .ad.r and Policy numbcr ecl <br />/",,rv rhrr rn thc Jlcrliinu'rc.l rhc !u'l fi qhi, h rhn I'f'rrir -isnrcd. ! shallnor rnple!lnylcrsotr inonynrnmr <br />!d lrrc. rhd if I sh.uld tnom subjGl lo rh. <br />\tu11. fonhwirh .omrly sirh rhorc pro!hions.. <br />$ asr. txom uhird brhc wo cr\ $trrtrtrrdhon lissoicrlinnnir. <br />*orker\ conlp.n\rri,'i F)vision\ olSccrion lTIrOolrhc lj}In (ix]l.1 <br />WARNINC: Flilur b {.urc qork r' sml).n\ari.n c.vcmSc h unliNtul shrll sublc.r ,n cnrllolcr lo Ftulrh{.nd <br />ro onc h!nlrcd rhousitrd dollaF (li1fi),(xxl). i. M.lirio ofco rrcnsrrion. drmrgcs as pn,viddd fd rhc <br />Sccri(nr .1076 olth.lrhtr (id., i' crcn 0kldionry \ lic\ <br />lrla t t t <br />^r,r,h,nr:)<- <br />I hcrcby ilirm undcr prnalrynflerjfiyrhd I rfl liLrnwl undcr tolisionofChlplcr 9 (comnincinS with SNlion 70fi)) ofOilhion l <br />or rh. Bxsin.s ,nJ Pofcsions Conc. and my li.ctr{ is in full nncd md cr'rmr <br />D c c c 9(g57oc7 <br />t,"," l\4at r/ <br />I hcrhy rlliirn undf Jlnrliyol F Jury rha! rhcrc t a con{tucrhn Ldnrg iEcncy lor lhc pcrlirmrNc ofrhc Poft for which lhh pcrni! n <br />i\suedlS.c -1097. Ci! C ). <br />A.ITI.ICANIDECI.ABAIIIIN <br />I lrrny aJtm undci Fnah y of p.rjury om of lh. follo*ing dekll n trsl <br />Dcmolilion Pcrmils Ashcsror Norific0rion Fcdcral Rcgul.rions (TnbrO, Pan6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />krr.r of No(iakari.n <br />I asrc ro 6rply wi$ allCily! <br />lrivcs olrhh Ciry !r.t Cou.rylo.ni6 ulrn dr <br />""", Lla"l q,lg <br />// <br />/7 <br />L.n vrhor,hc lcd.mlrc8ulolinnt rprdins a.hcn,^rcnr.Lluc n.r,rnLE$lc I' <br />VI Rnilr t\r lh$c rcld lhi. apnlrJrii,n.'n'l ilr. rh r\c,t,\c nloaturnl Ncomcr <br />.TIFJA cs Md sr.rc ljws mllrins r.l,u'ldrns con.turll"n. rrl h.'rhyadrh{'/u EI,rc\cFl <br />f , <br />" ^n -*a p.,p"ny r,,,." "., n-€rr:)r_zlb_ <br />^Dpric.d <br />orAsmr slBnarun < I " V <br />ermir*namerprinrr:x / Sullnn SuMJ <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER i lzr\tB <br />^^tA(A)Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release \g ^4\o <br />Rouoh <br />Service Ir/eler cl(t9,,q"d/ltL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etck <br />ut+,l I <br />-t <br />I <br />FINAL <br />landcir Ad E$