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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE OWNER BTIIT,DER DEL(]{RATION <br />I hcEhy afiirn undcr pcnllry of pc.jory rh.r I d'n cxcnDr linnr rhc Cont.crots Licensc Llw,or ih. rolk,wnE rc0srn (5(.?031.5 <br />Itusincs lnd Pofession C.<lc): Any Cily or counly which r.qutcs ! pcrmn ro condocr, ahdr. inDroq. &nmhh or Enan ,ny <br />{tucrurc, . ns issu,n..,,ho rcquncslhc rtpliconl for such permil b lilc a sigred shlcircnr that lEor ihe h licttri.d pusunnr <br />ro rhc Dmvhions ofttE CoorEcror's l.iccnied Ln* (chryrfi 9. Commmins *irh Sc.lio. 70m 6r Oivi\ion I ofllc Bu\in$s and <br />Protcsions Codc) or rhd hc or shc h cxcmrr th.rctunn lod thc blsh ntr rhc ullcgcd cxctrrp'ion. Any viol0lionofScdt'n70.115 by rnv <br />altlicr for n pcrnir sublcch thc applicanr roacnilFnahyornor m.rc'httr lirc hundrcddollar (S5m) <br />-1. <br />0s oNrcr ot rhc nDFdy. .r nly cnll)loyss wnh w!8cs os thcir sle comFndi.n. wrll d. rhc tr rk ad rhc srturur. is to, <br />inrcrt.d or ofi.rcd ror slc (Ss.?044. Busincs md Profcssiofls Cod.: The conrMrtrt Liccns f!* doc\ nor {pply lo atr owrc! of <br />lhcpmncny who tlilds or imrrett rhm$n, snd wb dftr luchw)tk hi scllorhcrcllorrhR,xlhhhorhdo*ncmllolt$. <br />pn,lidcd rhar su.h nn hEmnt m m'r hrc cd $ ofrcrcd for eb ll h,*.vr. rlr hxildinE or irttorcm.r is eld *irhin otu F <br />of.o,rrlclion. ihc O{ncr Auiklci $illhorc rhe tulcn ot provins ihri lr or shc did nor build or imomrc lhc rmFi, for !h. purlx,$ of <br />I. ,r .am! or rh. [o!cny. am cx.lusivcly conlBcl ins $irh liccn\.d .onta.roE lo .onstrud rlE l,ojccr (Stc 7ol'1. Bu{nc$ <br />and Codc Thc Coitacl.fs Li.cnsc Lawdocs not 0pplylo ro owncr na ParFny who huildsor inrProlcs rhercoi, <br />.nd who co mcrs for slch pmJc.( wirh a conrtuio(s) Ii.cnscd |)usu to rhc connlcroi\ Liccn* hR) <br />-l <br />!u cxcnrpr undcr Sccr <br />Drls - O*n.r: <br />woRxiRs coMPENslrarN <br />DEI:IAAA.IIOB <br />I hcrcby affi m unncr pcndrrdtp.rjuryoft orrhc followire dc.larations <br />-lhr\r <br />d will .Einrain tr Ccd ituarc of Con{.r lo Sclll trsurc f(tr *or kcs .o.Itn\rr io.. rs 0rcvided lor by S(iion .l7m of rhc <br />l,lhor Codc. to! lhc pern,runcc otrhc w.ik rd vhich rhc l,tnnil is isntd. <br />I hdv. ind willmrintrin workcri .onDcnNliqr ins!r!!cc, !! r.quir.rlbyScdnn!17(X)otlhct:'horCodc.forrhcp.rlo Mtrccot <br />rhc w.rl ror whi.h rhk pcirnir is is$sl. My *orlcG compeosal ion insunn.c .micr and r{licy nu mh.r tft: <br />PolicyNx rhcr:- <br />-l <br />ccnirlhat nr lhcrcrr.rnun.corrhc wor* Lr whichrhis pcirnil t nslcd.l \h,lln.r c.Vk,rnnylErson in otryo'aitur <br />$ os lo bccom sxhi{r t' rh. wodrr cornpcns bn llsc of C.liiunix. dndredc l[d iil should tecom sur,jd rolh. <br />sorkc^ comlcnnnion tmvirions oiSccrion.UOl)oIlhc tih, Codc.l \hall. fonhsilh conPly wilh Iho* nn'visnrns <br />WARNINC: Frilurc hr *.tri. *.lkcN corpcnsdrion .orcmsc is unhstul. Md \hall {b]cct arr cnuloycr lo .rlnin.l Nnrlricc n <br />.ivil ,ii.s up k, oft huMrcd rhous0nd dollar (, in trsrion. d!rogds ns providcd r'or lhc <br />,r" Cod.. i.icrcn andarrorrcy s lccs <br />,rr", 5h-Y <br />UECIA8AIIAN <br />Ihcrhyafln'nundcrlcn.llyolpcrjurylhlrIamliccnEdundcrFovi\nrofchlDtcr9(cohmnci.!wnhsNrn,n?(xr)ofDivnion.l <br />ot rhc Arsin6rand PbfcssionsCodc. and nryliccas is in fullluLc rtd.fla.r <br />os2 <br />I 3l)i@L] <br />I hercb, amrm nnd( Fnaxy or Fdury thol li.rc n a coNrcthn leDdins ascn.y lor rh. lEnornEncc of lte wor* ro. which rhis Fmil is <br />nsucd (s( 1097. civ c.). <br />| .ndc"( Nsm <br />- <br />trnJ.r( Addrc$ <br />- <br />Af]IICANLDECLAXAIION <br />I h.iEhy ltlm ufrlcr r,cnalr y or n rjury onc .r rlf hllownr8 dcclml ions <br />t).'tuliri,,oPrn +AshcslosNolificoln,n Ftderal Rc[Uhrnnr(Tillc.10, Pnd6) <br />l{cq tcd Lcrr.r,'l Norili.rrnir <br />l..dllJ rhrr lhr\. ru'l rhn rrplir inr i\..nccr I aSrs tocomnly $ilh rllCiryrklCootrry <br />.',li m.s rrlsrxrd Lx*\ r! ntr,! <br />atnlc Drnrioncd lrropcny inr iN <br />Appli.!nr or ,1genr SiEnnIur.::::?4/;::- <br />Site-Work <br />Underqroundr.,.lr\5 59 c\tAts Itt,Co"l*a .V <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains sttH 6\2?\\6 Alh|\\P*t c{c"\ bo,35 \ eq.r? $vle <br />Signs (monument)ro dul. bo4l'ye* <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding IUFE&4/14r(th<s1., <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Bouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />It/eter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service lrleter <br />FINAL ht /a ttv 5\frb <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />-liinircr <br />- <br />-lccriiyrhlrrhcltdcralrcgul.rionrrg,rdingasbc{osrcrmvnlm.ollpplicrhleturhispojccr <br />I