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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII.DNR DEI-CARA ION <br />I hc.cby ul6rn undcr Fcn,ltt,,r pcrjury rhd I n'n cr.mpr lioft rhc Grnridor{ Licctr\c ljw f(n lhc lnlbsin8 r.,$ (s*.70115 <br />Busincs\ md PtuL\ron Cdlc) An, Ciry or Coutrly lhich rcquircs a Frnrir i) .. ( .r, tlrcr. nntmvc. dcmolhh nr rclJn rny <br />{ruclurc.0rntr b ils nsumc.oho rcquncs lhc ltplicanl li! $ch pcn n n, fik, si8md s c Enr rhar tE or shc i\ llccnsM P!r!anr' <br />ti rhc t,n,vi\n,n\ ofrh. (bntrr.ioas t-rcnsd tjw lchdprs 9. CoNnrcncin8 wirh Se.rion TlXXl.r Divi\n,n I uf rhc Ausirrc$.ndr <br />Pmlt$ ons Codd or rhrr h. or shc k cxcmrr thcrclrom rnd rhc h.sis lnr rhc alkscdcrc'$rn,n Any violrriunol Sccriotr T0ll5 hy afy <br />rrpli.rllI lor.pcirni srhj(ls rhc orrt'licanr ro acivil,rn!llyolnor nmrcrhrn nv.hundt dd.llrs(5500). <br />-1. <br />ar owEr orrhc pmpcdy, (r nry cmtlo)er *irh *rtcqs rh.n vnc conDcnsilion. willno rhc sirk iril rrr jr-rurc is 'nlim.n&{ or .lrcr.d ror slc (sh-. 7(!4. Busi,rcs {nd Pronssiotrs Codc l h. Cofircn,\ t-iNn€ Ilw do.s trot lplrly lo !n owncr oi <br />rhc lnJIEny $hoh'ildro.i t ros rhcren, lrd eh, dcr $.h * hntr\clforhcr{lfurrhmugihhornqo$nenlplorc.s. <br />pr.vntdrh sx.hnn|)(vcnEnhlrcni,cndcdoroltarnf.rqric.llho*c!.Lrlf,huitlingornqrorcnrmisuklwirhi|on)tr <br />of conpLrtun. rtr O$ nf Buikld {iI hrvc rhc bonlctr of |nrnE rhr hr or $c did nor huild or inlprorc tfic lnrFry for rlE purloc ol <br />_1. isowNrofrhc prol--ny, wirh li..ns.d conr0cror lo con(rucr rhc ptr,Fcr (Scc.7014. auiNss <br />rnd hntr\sirn Codc: Thc Conlraclols Liccnsc 1.0* doc{ n.r ilplyro 6ownc. ofpor.dy sho builds or ioPtotrs rhc'.otr. <br />and qho onrmcrs fitr srch pn,jtuh wnh a C. dcbn s) licciscd rursurm ro rhc Conrrlcloi s t-iccn\c tls) <br />-l <br />r .xcnrpr undcr Sccii{,n , A. & PC lnlhi\ E.son <br />UaBKE&tloutlNrl-ua!j2[!LA&[IAN <br />I hc'rhy rtfi'r utulcr Nidliyol l,crjrtryotrc.l rhc,oll.sirE dcchr nrN: <br />lhrvcrtuvillnrinhinrCenifictrrcolConsc roSrlilnsurc tr wor[ds' ronr.trsd Dn. ns providcd i,r bySrcri.n:]71)0urrhc <br />titx, coic. rorrlDpcrf.rmrccofrhc sc.k thr shichrhc |crni k isucJ <br />tu wht h rhis pcmir i! n\ud Nry so'ktri\rrtr,i r\umi.c cnricr i,xlFlicy nunrh.r rrc <br />5 2g v lqln._-I T T <br />I.cdili th nr rhc p(rloflrutrcc {'llh. wo* n)r shich ihis !.nn'r i\ i\{kd. I thrll ror cmnloy rny pcron ir rny <br />'nnnncrv, trsrohconrc suhJccrh rhcso*${..nrr.ns.rir lrw\ of Crl'hfliir, rnd rgrcc rh il I skn'ld bccoft {ihlc.r turhc <br />ertrkcr\' co'nncn\rrio. povi\nrnl ol :l?m ol rhc llt.r C.dc. I sllrll. ,nn hwilh snnpl, wirh rli,{ |m,li\nfi <br />Wr\llNIN(; rnilmc lo s.ur. \'or[ers .on,pc'sari{,n.1rvcrrlc is udlrstul. and shill $rhiccr rn cnr oycr h Lri'tinrl ltnalra ntrd <br />.ivil lincs uD lo oN hu rcn rh.u\!nd do{;iru+H : <br />llar\ lll(*r.(xx)r. in rdd i(nr t) rlr <br />t)t( I \lt \ I l{)\ <br />I hcruh,Jrltnunhrnc alry.l ncrjurtrhd\cdurdcrtrevisiono,conrmcnci'ig$irhS..rion7L{X))olDivi\lon.l <br />5oVatAc-< <br />Dd,e Sftal rg *.'**. <br />I hcrchy amrn ondcr Fnahrofprrjuryrh,r rhcB is a consdclioo tndins lscncy fo, rhe p.rfodhn.. orrhc work for Bhi.h thh Fmril n <br />nsucd (Scc :1097, Civ C.) <br />AIELICdNLDESLANAIIO! <br />I lErby afi-rnn unds pctrolty ofpcrjlry one oarhe {dhwins dcchturn,ns: <br />D.nrlilnr Pcrnrir!Asb.sros Notificuri.n l:cdcalRcsulalion\ (firlc,lO, Pd6) <br />-Rcqunc! <br />Lcttcr 01 Norilkirion <br />I rsrilirh rhd l.dcralk!xl.rir)trs rc8&lirr r$.{o\rci(rrlrrc norrpplica$]. k, rli\ pn)jtcr <br />l.cniryrhd I hr\c r.ud lhis0pllicrliono {arc rhar rh. atNr inbrturn,i n.omr. l dgrs ro conrlly wnh .ll Cily lmj Counry <br />ordinrn..s rid srarc Laqs rcLrim ro huildinx cor(ru!1ion 2c rcprd\cnrdrivcs of <br />'hn <br />Ciry md Counly ro cnrcr opon nt <br />rhrc nrnri(nrcd nn)Jrny ntr <br />I /\DDlicsnl or Aftrl Sirnrlore <br />I <br />rcm r tr rPr,dr:I <br />lb I <br />Set Backs f,.s-^@ <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns q?-u(J <br />Erection Pads *1,s -ry <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Rool Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq Y//../x t!\*K <br />lnsu lation/E ne rqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext.i lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lVlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />(#\)FINAL 'l/5.//(561ra <br />Certilicate ol Occu n <br />les Remarks Etc. <br />(Cadr.Sa <br />0 <br />( <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />ol rhc Busincsrnd Proac$bn\ Codc. and hy liccnsc i\ in futlfodc dxlclfc.r. <br />tfi1 <br />I