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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcl,y ifinm undcr rEmlry or Frjury rhar I am.x.mpr rmrn rhc Conlrick,F Liccn\c tiw r.r rhc rollowir8 rc.en (Scc 7Oll5 <br />ll \incss rnd PR,ft*n,n C.d.): Any Ciry or c{nrdy whkh rcquir.s ! pcrnrir i(, con{fl.r. ,lrn. irrrovc. dcmlhh or rcIlIt nn, <br />in.rurc. prior fu il sulncc. dlso rcquircs lhc cpplicanl n). such pcrinir I' tilc r siSNd tutcmnr lhor hcorsnc i\ li.cnsd puho r <br />ro rh.\ dr rh. conrisctors Liccnscd lj* (Chrfl( 9. Comn]cncina *irh sedn,n 7mo or Divisnrn I or lhc Bxsi"cs rid <br />PmtlsionsCodc).rrhrihcorshcisercmrrrhcrrrcnndrhchlskr(rrh.Jllf.icxcmplion.Any!t'hli('noisc.riotrT0llshyan, <br />ellicanr lorapcn r rubjcchrhc rmli.nnr b r.rviltcmkyofnol nmrc lhnn livc huMr.d dollds (s500). <br />_1. as o*ner ol'rhc pn'Fny. {n <br />'ny <br />.nnl.)r{! wirh urlcr as ihcn sob .onFn{ol ion. $ill do rhc *rk ,n rlr itrrm is ml <br />inrcrtkyl or.lT.dd f.r sl. rsG.?01,1. Busi"c$ nnd Pnfc$ions Co.lcr'I'hc Conkrc(tr\ Liccnsc Law docs trot mrlt lo ano*rcr ol <br />rhcpmFny who hu ilds or irprolcs rhcmn. ud wh dmr ch*r)t*hinsclro,hcr*lforrhrouEhhisorhcrowicmnloyccs- <br />F)vidcd rhd su.h nnrroEnEnr m nor inrc cd or otttEd tur L c li h,wnur. ttr hurtirg or iqrotcnErr is bld *irhin rm rtJr <br />olconrbrnrn-rhcO*mrBuilddwillhavcrh.bualcnofnmvin.!lh.rhcorshcd nor build o. inpn,w $. tmFny fot r puqn{ol <br />-l. <br />osD.'oIihcl,(,rrn),rrcxclu(ivclycotrn'icrin8wirhllccn\qlconrracknsk,conn.trhrf,n+.r(sc.7(l1,l.Du\incs <br />ifllFtlixshtrC.dc1[cConrrrcrolsLiccn{l-a$(n)c\n.rapplyrJiiowDcr.lnropcnywho6uinkori'npmvL\rhMc.i. <br />rnd sho.otrrBcr\fdskhtnorcrwirhiConrrdr(\)licenscdpur\urdn)rh.Contd.roasLcctr{.lja) <br />I rn) .\cf,!r uD{i.r <br />Dore: Oroo: <br />woRxl.rRs' (.l)trlmNs^TloN <br />DTI;IA8A.I,&N <br />I hcrcby rflntrrxndcr p.Mlryoi|f,rjryonc otrhc inlbwinB dslorurirnr: <br />I hrrc.r willnrnfuirrCcnificarcofcon\cnrioScltln\urcf{rsorkcd conDc proridcn lnr hy SL{nJn l7(Irofrlr <br />lahtrGxlc. fu rhc p..lod tr.collhcwork for $hich lhc lrnnn h issucd <br />-l havc udwill nuinhin *orlc6 .onrr.n{rio i6$rumc, N rcqun d $y Sc.rion lT0Oorrhc bt'.r C.dc. forlhc pc,torroncc o, <br />lhc sork i{, Bhich rhiln rmi( is hsucd. M,w.lkc .rn{Ensalion iNurrn.c c rif afiiFlicytrumb.r ac: <br />PolicyNun ,q-Exptcs <br />I c.difyrhrr i.thr p.rfoi,runccolthc qorl fitr whichihh pcflnit i\ i\su.{t,I \h,ll nor cnllrloy any I'c6on inanymann.i <br />$ N ro bcconrc sunrd ro ric workds d,trt .\!ri.n hwsofcllifoiin!. aM,8rcc rhtrr ilt \hould t{conr subjNl ro rh. <br />qor*cn srmFnsrrion povi\ion: orSe(i.n]]m ofrhc ljt r Codc. I sh.ll. lonh*irh sdply tnh rho* tovisions. <br />WARNINC Fdilxr b qurc workctr' conDcns.rion c.\cm8c h lihetul. md shru subjccl !tr emtloyer ro mninal p.mlris afrl <br />civil finc\ up b oi. hu drcd thous.nd dollor ($ll)0.0(x)). in addin { .rconFNntiotr. du{Ecs !\ providcd tbr rh.':::;p);*i' crc{ rtrd d.nry's lir\. <br />I hcmby rffiruutucr pcnnltyolFrjoryrha! I m li&n*d xndo pmvition ofCh!flcr 9 (onftking wirh sc.rhn Tlxxjl ofl)ivision:l <br />o, rh. Bu\incss and PNfc$ions ("odc- ut nry liccn\e is in llll fod and cfiitr. <br />I tr,L-by.fiinn u crrrnrlryofncrjtryrh rhdr. n r .ond ru.lotr btrdin8 !3crc} tu ric PerrdrroNc or rh- woik ior shich rhi\ Irrnrir i\ <br />i\{ul tScc r09r.Crv ( r <br />IITPUIINLDICLABIIION <br />Ilf,d)ydtnnu d p.nilry olpcrjury onc ofrhc lnlLNin8 dslrinN <br />Dcnmlirion Pcrmirs A\hcior Norillcdion Fcd.ftl Rrgul!rnnN (l irlc.l). P n6) <br />R.quncd t r{{crol Norirl. ri({l <br />-l <br />ccniryrhli rM icdcrulrcluhrnff rc8nrdir8 t\$.qos rcnmvil irc nor ipPli.nhlc ro <br />'hi( lnrc.r. <br />l.('rilyrhar I htr{ rci lh^ L'IJi cxri,rrnl(xr.rhnrfuxhno l,trn 0r \.or..r I 13'.c ri, conut * hnllcir!rtrd (-,rrry <br />trrh rirr(0d Srrr lr\r\n:lIitr8 ki htr l,li',9.i rqnc\cnlili\c\ ofrhi\ ( irY rid C. <br />xho\. nrnrurcd f()l,ory lnr <br />Al)l)li.inl or \xml Si,:nrh,rr <br />4{uavz.- <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathinq .f{,r/r{?bftLltb <br />Shear Wall <br />Framino <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />l\4ason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />FINAL 5/1 ,tl/'6 1.'-ffiuiql <4 <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Subf loor/Vent/l nsu lation <br />I