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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR HECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Sollit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lVleter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service It/eler <br />1\aflt?,,4/.41ffFINAL <br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc.I <br />()wNldr ttrrll-t)l.tR Dtd,(,\RA Ix)N <br />l;:lil1.:,:1.1.,il <br />I hcrcby ,fin'n und.r pcnrhy of leiury lhnl I onr il.rn lhc Codt(kB Licctrsc rjw tor lhc follo <br />aur c\\ 0lxl l,rorcssion Codc): Any Ciry or Cornry shth ruqunc\ J l.rmir ro c.n{ru - rl'.r. <br />$nr.rurc. prirr ro ns hsnrNc. {ls. rcqutcs rhe apPlirhr forsuth Frn ro filcn siSnci {utcntm rhnr hcot <br />ro rhc provhions of 0E conr.crols Liccnsd L!* lchlplcr 9- Com.t*nr8 *ilh Scclion ?0(x) of Divnion I orlhc susinc$ andl <br />Phrc\sions Codc) or lh.t hc or shc i\ cxcnpr rhcbrrom md rhc basn lor lnc.llcgcd exenPrnrn Ady violotioDofSccrionT0Sl5 by,ny <br />apfliclnr lor oFrnrir sdbreds ih. ntpli.dnt ro acililpcnaltyoinor mrerhan nv. hundmd dollnB 1S500). <br />I. as o*ns of thc ,,ollcnr. Dr my cntloles wirh urlcs ar rhet $lc mmp.ntation. will do rh. sdk ard rh! slnrlm i\ Bn <br />inlcdcd or oftcrcd ftr slc ( sd.7044. Busi.cs and Prdtsions Code: 'l hc Crn dcttr s Liccns tjP docs nol lnply i, ,i osncr of <br />rhc pEFny wh hirds or inproEs th.$n. {d whr d6 $ch Mr& hi'nrcll or hcRlf or lhrou8h fih or h{r own cn'rloytcs. <br />providcd rir such imprormnh d mr hotrerci rhc l,riHinA or nrrmttmnl h$ld sithinor rd <br />ol cooolclion- thc (rmr Buius *iI hzvc rhc bordcn orfmli.S rhd hc or shc did mr hikl or nipmrc lnc lmrsly for rhc pnrlnE of <br />-l.0rosncrorthcI, <br />r.dirs wirh liccnscd conr rdr tJF ro .o nsrud rhc pmicl lscc 7013. Busnc$ <br />xl Pl!ftssrn Codc Thc(i'nrrocroast.icc icl-awdocs orapplyroisowncrofFop.dywhobxitdsornnprovcslhcr@n, <br />ond who co rucrsroriuchpmj..kwirhaCo rdons) liccnscd puru.r t, rh. c.ntact(tr s Liccns Luw) <br />-! <br />!r cx.orfl !0lcr Sc.inn <br />TI)BXEBILIjAMIINSAJII!]N <br />DECLAId.IION <br />I hcrchy !ll_rrn utrdcr pcnalrrotp..JuryoN orrhc lollowirB dalnrnlnrns <br />l htrvc !trd will roinruin i or con$d ro Scl trsulc ior workcs cumr..sarion,0s pmvided for hy Serion]T00 ofrhc <br />trtff'r lhc osforrurcc oirh. sork lbr !hi.h rlc p.nni h hsucd. <br />f(, h.r a ! wiu nrinl'i. wo.k tr corycNarhn ins!runce. as rcqlned by s..rion l?oo or rhc Lsbor cddc. tor rh. !.rromrce or <br />Z <br />-l <br />ccniryrhd ir rhr Frr.rnrdrcc ol rhc work for*hich rhis pcrmn I is\u.d.l snrllnol cnrployany P.rn,1 in any nuoncr <br />{, art' trcotr* \uhjccr ro rhc !o.ic6 co'npcnsdb. law\ .f Crlili,irri{ lnd r8ru. rhar ifl ih'uld t$onE suh}tt ro rhe <br />*orkds.onrti.nsdionlmvhinnsoiSccrion-lTlDorrh.tih,codc.lshell-i,nh*iih.onrrlyqirhrhoclrovhions <br />WARNIN(;: t]Jihr ro sccurc $olkcn comncn\dion q)vcBlc i' unhslul. ud shall suhjccr r cilp <br />(ivil finr\ up n, on. hlnlrcd rlnuson<l dollm (Sl(t).(xjo). in rddnbn ro rhc cosl otconrn nurion. <br />lor.r Io aiflinal pctuli€s and <br />dlN8cs !s pnvidcd for rhc <br />h S.clion 70(x)) ofDivkion I <br />o "t'y-,/ < <br />tit rcod.. inrcEst ad anomy s les <br />DICI.AMIII]N <br />I hcrcby 0firn undcr pcnalry oi pcrjury rhd I am lic.nsd und.r pnvision oa Ch!, d 9 (comnrming vil <br />ol rh. Busilcs rnd Proltsions Codc. rnd m, liccnrc is in tull liN nri .iIccr. <br />Z lcrc cro <br />-E <br />CONSTRUCTION I FITDIN(; ACEN(:V <br />I h.rhy rtnn utrdcr lcnshy of pcrjurr rhar rhco is r conqrruclion lcndins lscncr attr rh. pcrlornrancc ofrh. work tu shi.h rhn Firnil t <br />hlucd (S.c .lly,)7- Civ c.) <br />t ndcrs Nam: <br />- <br />AIIUCANI.I'ECIdBAIIAN <br />I hcn:hy afm undcr Fnalr, ur pcrjxry orc olrhc follo{inB d(lararion\: <br />Dcnolir ion Pcrmirl^sbcsros Norificarion Fcdci,l Rcguhr ions lTillc 40. P!n6) <br />Rcquircd txllcr ol N.,lifrdion <br />I ceniryrh r rhc fcdcarl rcEuhrions rc8rding x\h.nos rcnr)rrlrrc ror lj)Pli(uhlc k' rhi\ F)r.r <br />l.cnilyrh l hrvcrcidlhn &ppltrri.n nnd n,rcrh{ rh. ahovc inlonurion h.onccr LCrt lo omPly ,il h all Cir y tnd County <br />ordii0nc.s.nd Sr.rc LjRs Ebrins ro bniuhe .oi{ru.rtr'n. dd hcrcb} uuth.,ir rF\cnrd'v.'.,irhr C[) otrd Cndnry('.nrc, uFn rt* <br />ov. nrnlion d n(,Fny ld hs <br />f <br />,\pplicmt or a€nl Siaruhrr <br />Ea.z---.f/azrztt SPrnnir.c mr. ( Dnnr ): <br />DATE <br />4 <br />PaticyN\niEt:LL+ CQ? <br />/r! <br />-T