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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/l nsu lation <br />Roof Shealhinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Ceftif . <br />I <br />FINAL )/2,,;lt { <br />Certiticate of Occu a <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OlINER AUILDI]I' DELCARATION <br />I h.nhy ,Iilrm und.r prMlry ol rcrju.y lhar I am.xcmpl linrn rhc Co.k(nx Lk.n\c Law ror $c followinS rcas,n (Ss 70ll 5 <br /> and Profc$ion Codc): An, Cily o! Counly *hich rcqlirc\ r [rmn tr' .on{d.r, .hcr. im!ro\c. dcmlhh or rcpan any <br />nd.turc, nriorro ih Gsu.ncc. llso cquncs rhe applicanr lbrsu.t pcdit b lil. r \i8rcd {drcmnr rha' tEor shc Ls liccnrcd pu^urir <br />n, rhc Imvhions of rht C.nrr-'rols Liccnscd lns (Chlnrcr 9. ComnNncins uirh Sccrion ?(XX) of Divhion I ofrhc Ausitrc$ ond <br />PmlbssiotrsCod.)orrhdhcors[cncrcmpllhcrcirommdlhcbu\istnrhc,li.gcdcn'nptDn./\.,violrlionofSccliotr?0:]15byuny <br />rpplicrtrr ntr 0ri.rmirsuhJccrsrhc 0!plicanr i. acivilpcn,xyor.or morclh0n five hundrcddothr (5500). <br />l.$oBncrofthelmn.ny.ornrycnrrlorlcs*ilhsrsc\arlhcirv,lc.o'np.n\ tr . wrlldo thc work ldtncsltrl!rci\Bn <br />inrcMcn oroficrcdn lrlc (Sa.. 7l}14, Businesand korcsions Codd Thc G)ntactors Liccn\c ks docs nor lpply t, d oetur .r <br />rhd pn,Fny *h huilds or nnfhrrs tlrBnr. md *ho docs \u(h q)rt hinr\cllor hc^clfor rhr.dgh his or h$ own ctnnloyccs. <br />[ovnh riar uch irposnftddn id.nd.doroflt(n f(r {'lc lr, k,$cvcr, rh. ttrildrry or i.q]tovcrnr t $U sirhin ncEtr <br />of.on{rLi ion. th. owmr Buit-6 uill t!!c lnc burdcn oi provins rhrr tc or \hc did tur build or inpmw rh. tmtEny for rh. purlEs ol <br />_1.!sn$ncrolih.propcdy.rtucr.h\ivclycontadinEw[\cdcorodoNlocotrslrucrrhLflorccr(Scc7044.8u'i,t.\s <br />artrl t\ur.ssi C.dc: Th.Cotrt0ctols Liccnsc Law diics norntnlrlo u.wncr of prol.d y uh(, brildsot imPlorts thcrc.n. <br />rtrd sho contmdst)rruchpricch*irhuGrnrEcronslliccn\c tnrrur.l ro rhc ct.tmctois Liccnsc L!$) <br />I umcicrnbr undcr Sccriotr .8.&PC na rhi! r.r^a <br />WoRK[RS' C(}IIIPENSATION <br />DIiCLAIAIION <br />I hc.cb) lf,irn undcr lcNhy of!.rjuy onc orth. folloqthe rtc.iurrions <br />-l <br />trvc d will Di'nlin d C.nifi.nrc of Conscnr t' Sclf.lnsurc for wor&cs ompcnslrion. as proeidcd fo. byS(rion lT0Oolrhc <br />libor Codc. for thc pcrfornuncc ofrhc wof* r.r shich <br />'hc <br />p.nnir h issucd. <br />lhrvc dnd will'n.n tr workcr\'compcnsntion insumncc. r\ rcqutcdhrSccri{'nlTf,Oollh.ljborCodc,IorlhcPcrli'rro.ccof <br />work ror whi.hrhn Fnni( h i{sucd Myworkcrs n in\!rx'.t c,ri.r lxl Fh.y.unrbcr:uc <br />oqott <br />t <br />_, ccnifyrhd in rhc of r hc s.rk for whi.h rhr\ tr.nnir h hsucd.l strllnor cmpk,y trny p.r$n in any msnrcr <br />nr rstu suha.r ro thc u.rtcrs compcnsarion hws olColilomir. Bnd lgN ihar irl li(,uld tE.onE suhicr ro rhc <br />wolkcrs.onlEnsationrmvhionso{SsrionlT00ofrhcLltnrCod..lshJl.ronhwirh.ompiy*ithrhosnmvhions <br />WARNINC: Foilurc ro wur. s.rkcB comp.ns nrn cov.fut. is unlnwful. ond shall subjccl {n c'ntlorr to dnniml Pcnohts lnd <br />riril li B up r(r onc huxlrcd rl'ot\r J olln^ lSllX).(XXr, itr Jdd(ion r,nsation, dlmgcs .s ,'mvidcd for lfic <br />:::]IJ;$L <br />I hochr rllirm utue! ncnilryol F.rjtrry rhar I rtr,liccn{J utrd.i pn^ntr,n of 9 (comm.cir8 wirh SNrh. 70fl1) .f Dvision l <br />or rhc BusmssaNi PmLssiorNCod.. ud nryliccns h in aull i.,e lnd.ffkr <br />B o30 <br />(]ONSTRT'(ITI(tN LENDING GENCY <br />I hckby dl6rn lndd Fn,lry ol pcrjury thot lhcrc is ! con(rurlior lcndifs r[.ncy ror rhc rcnoflrrrr.c olrhc sork io! *hich rhh rcrmir i\ <br />i\\td rscc l(r97 Civ C ) <br />AITIJIANLII&CUAAII!]N <br />I hcrclty sfinnr undcr pcnalry ol fcrlury om ofrhc folbNnrg dNlnmtnrnr <br />Ixnmlirion Pcrmih-Asbcslos Norificnrio. Fddoal Regul i(,rs (Tirh ,r0. P,n6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />l!rcr otNorincdion <br />-lccn'ltrh rh. r.dcmlrcgulatnn\ rcgardinao\h({n.rcrmrrlrr. rt{ aldrdbh ro(hF pmFt. <br />tal cci rly rhd I h!,c Ead rhr lpnlrarion rd idc rhir rhe ahrvc inhmra'n i\ coBccl. I !E E lo 6mpry e h all c y rnd uounry <br />ordlfrn..s r Srd.l-.rsr r.Iritr! b huil,li',!.onntucrnr. rtrd hc,chl rcprcscnrorivcs olrhis Cir, and Counry ro cmcr <br />alx,vc rctrrioncd pmr.ny f(tr irstB..rion purposcs. <br />'\D icr.lor gehtSi*nilrrru <br />lQu'n f,.Lz- <br />U <br />,&A <br />-4 <br />d t€ <br />I'€nnnee m E (p.inl)rlt(_ <br />f-------T------