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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Bondino / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />It/eter Release <br />Rough <br />Service [/]eter <br />FINAL -7/z< t 14 -.k ,-1An <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. I r- -S <br />--) <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATTON <br />I hcrchy orfm tnder fcnrlry of Fdury U'ar I d ciemo fDm rh. c.'nr.don Li(nsc taw for lhc fdlowioS rq$n (Scc 7O3 l 5 <br />Busincss aDd Profcssion Codc): Any Cily o, Counr, which rcqlircr r pcrnrir h conen.r, ahd. improv.. d.mlnh or E!!n any <br />srtudurc. plior x, ns issuai(. aho rqun srheppliclnr fo! ru.h pLimir ro lil. a siERd slalcmtrl lhal hcor she k liccnrd purornr <br />ro lne F)vGions ofrlE Contmcrols Liccn*d LaF (Ch.prs 9. Commeocing qirh s.crion 7{xr) of oivision 3 oilhc Busnrc$ and <br />Ptrlrcsk,nr Corjc) o. rh,r lt or rh. is.xcnDr lhcr.rom a.d rh. blsis ror rhc,llcgcd cxcmplion. A.y violllionofS.cti,n?0115 hya.y <br />optlic,trr lor. p.flnil subjNts rhc alllicanl lo acivilpcnlltyoinor mrcrhan filc hundrcddolh^ (5500) <br />_l.r\osncrofrhcnroFny.,trmycnrrk,rtcssith*agcsa\rhrnvrd.o'nP,nsdnr.willdolh.worlandlncnMlurcisEn <br />inrcndcJ oronaEd for sle (SLr 7044. Busimss lnd Prorcasn,n\ Codc Thc G,ntacrois Liiensc bs docs nol apply b 3n osi.rof <br />rhcpmncny wlx, hurlds or inll,ro$\ rhcEn. lnd who lms slcn nnrk hin,scl{or hc^clt.r rhsu8h hh or hcr own cmployc$. <br />pn,!id.d rhdr such i'nllrtJkm sm( imddcd doltarcd f.r $h llho*$s.rhchildingori pmunrnlis$ld *irhin rc]ru <br />oacotr{'klion. rhc Builcr till halc ltE hu cnorrrDvins rt l b.o!\nc dil hr briB or i,r{mv. rhc pqhy n rh!puqDeof <br />I. ns own$ .f rhc topcnt- trm.Klusivcly conk0.tir3 wirh licctrrd conrrncron ro co!{rucr rlr tDjMr (s.. 7044, B im$ <br />ond PDlts\im Cod.: 'lhc Cotrrracroi\ l-iccn\c li* dms no' rpply k, an.wncr.fpiotr.iry who build\.r imlrovcs lhc.con- <br />a.d wh..onh(,Jc.rwirhrcontr,.krnnltutr*dpuruunrrorhcConrracroirl,iceiseltrw) <br />I rm.xcn1pr und$ S..rn[ .a &PC lorrh]{ <br />Ih(e ()*n.r: <br />]IOBtrItsL1;OUTI'NSAIION <br />DEg.InA-lIg! <br />I h.rchyrffirmund.ri^-mhroln(rJUrio colrhcfolk,si'rEd.clxrarn)n! <br />-l <br />hrvc$dEillnuirrainaCcrrificarcnfConent to Scll lnsurc ror workc( FrovilcdlorbySc.rioilT00olrhctitu Codc. aor rhc pcrfolmrcc of lhe wrt for *nich lhe lmni h nsucd <br />rc. ricr tu rolicy trunrbci m <br />f'o "v4 5 <br />I 1 <br />I ccnily rhrr h rhc tl.rfofllMncc of rM work lor ehi.h rhs rErnrir h nnEd. I shall rcl cmpk,y trny pcr$n h rny nrtrn$ <br />r !s r(, hecom subFl lorhc$orkc6 con,pcNari.n lxws ofCrlilnrnin. d l3(r lhd il I should bjcd rorht <br />wor*cr\ compcn{r ion povisbns of S.crnn, :lT0O of rhc LJh)r Codc. l \h l. fodhwirhcomplyeithlhos prcvi\i{rns <br />WAtrNlN(;r Frilurc ro {curc woricr coDrFtrs.rbn covcrrtc i\ unh$tu|. and chtrll suhjccr u.nlpbrcr t) diDrirrl pctrrlrics tnd <br />.vil tnr.s uI !{r otrc hundr.d rhousand dollan (S|0O,UD). ir,! ilion lo rhe con ofcoipcn\rrhn. dunr8cc rs ftuvdcd li,r lhc:::lfrW <br />DIt t.,rRl',t Ir)\ <br />I hcrcby al6rm undcr pcoally o, pc,jnry rh,r I ad lien{n undc! p,(,!iri.o ufChapr& 9l.umrncinS wilh Salion ?00)) orDirkion l <br />of rhc Busnr$and Pot$nnsCode. md myltensc is in lullftEc arlcl'iccrg 97a38 <br />Z E ...,"""..,x 19u ,[Z7tk; <br />CONSIBIj TOTIIEIDINC-AATNCI <br />Ihcrcby fiflnundcr Fnalryofp.rjury lhll liN n a onslMlbn lcndins ascrcy lor lhcFr,omtc olih€ *ork aor rhi.hlnis pcm n <br />hsu.d (sft. 1097, civ. c.). <br />dtttlcANtDEcLAEauo! <br />I ffiydamlndd p€n.hyof p€rjury o.c of ttE folk ritrS delualions: <br />Dcnx,lni.n Prmns-Asb.sros Nolificarion RcSulalions (TnG &. Pd6) <br />-Rcq!ncd <br />Ln.r ot Norir*ri.. <br />/ Ld'lrrhd'h.rcdcr0lr.Eularion"rcg,din8,""r..rJl0EtrorumlicJl,hlnrhnnnAr <br />lllccnify rhd Ihr( E0d rlnsamlEauntr! {orc r tur rhe atrre inlbrmurn,n n I dgm ro.rnDly wilh lll Cily ond <br />ordinaftcs nnd Sr.rc rlws rchring to buildins cotrsldction. ! h€re$y aurlsrir!.i olrhir ci'y rld counly lo cnts utbn llr <br />rlxrc Df,nrtrnrJ f'otrnyror i'NF.r <br />AppliunlorABenl SirDltrr.ZLPcmii€ ): )(' KeV;4 t3 44tr <br />tD/stG. <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />I.nd'\ \ddc., <br />tt