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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOB RECOBD <br />OWNER'UII,DER DELCAR TI()N <br />I ho.hy amrn und F. y of tl.rjury ih r I tr crc fr lmrn rhc' l-i.cns ljw for rhc lollowin8 rcisn (S$ 'l).l l .J <br />BusnEs ad Pmf.ssion Codcr Any Ciry or County which rcquncs a pcmrir ro onsltuc'. alrcr, ihprolc. dcmlish or Ep.n 1., <br />strucrlrc. pio. lo ils issllncc. aho rqrircs rhc lpplicxrr ior suchFrmir b lilc arisncd sd.mnt rhar h.or*hc n licc.scd lur\uAnr <br />ro rh. Eovnions of ltE aonlr(.lors Lianscd Law (Choflcr 9. ConrmNins *irh Secrn'n 7 x) or Dieiiion:t otrhc Busincs(,nd <br />Pmfu$io Codc)orrhrr h.or shc k.rcq)r ihcrcfiondn thchs\hforlh..lhg.dcrcmfrion Atrylnnarionolscclion7r).]15hy!n, <br />lprlicanr lnraFnnit subjsls lnc applicanl ro[yofnol morclhan fivc hlndrcddollun(!5OO) <br />l. N osncr of rht pn,Fd y. or ay .mpbrr.i sirh s,r.s rs lhcn sh i(ri. will do ih. sdk ,rd lhc srtrrm is ,x,l <br />ic cd orofrcrcrl for sh (s(.7ol,il. Busincsand Pmfcsion\ C.dcr ThcComadols Liccnsc tiw docs nor aDplyronowncrof <br />rh. prericny *h. huilds or iq'mvc\ rlErmn. a.d wtn' des such trr* him\clror hcrsllor rhmush his or hcr own cmtlnttcs, <br />Imvidcd rhd such inD$wmds e0Fr ir cnddoroff.tul f.r eh.Ir. ho'cvci rh. huiklnB.r inlPmrcnEnt is old wirhinonc )rr <br />oro'ryhrion- th. Ow.f Build& will hav. rhL borLi of ptuving thai h. or sh. di(i mr buiu or nryturc thc tmltny fo! lne puqxrc o, <br />-1. <br />nsowrcrofrhctotdt. rncx.lusivclyconta.rin8 sirh li.cnsd conrrcrosr,cotr dct thr pmFr (Scc.7(l+4. Busim\\ <br />nnd l\Df6shn C&lcr'l hc Conrr3ct, \ Liccnse t-o* doc\ nor rDply b !nowner ofprc!.dy who hxilds or imtrorcs thcrcon. <br />a.d who conrmcr for such rmj.rts wirh a C. ndo(O liccnsd luFur.t ro rhc(n"tracrois Liccnsc ljs) <br />-l <br />omexcryl undcr Sccrio <br />Dat. Oemr: <br />WoRKERS C()trrPFNS,tTi( \l <br />DICLAaAIIIIN <br />I hcrch, af,irm und.r r.nllry of pnjury onc ofthc nrlow,m dcclnrurions: <br />-l <br />havc nnn will rui ain a Ccnifi.lre ol aotrsc lo Scr'nsurc lor qork$ onp.lsart,n. as Eovid.d for bt S(ri.n :r70o or rh. <br />L.hor Codc.lor rhc ltrformrmc olrhc wolk L. which thc Ptrmir h hsucd <br />I hrrt rid qill ,riiirin sorkcrf .otrltiisrri r i'NUrnN.. r\ <br />rhc lvork lnrshichrhi\ pcrn,ir i\ i\sucd. My workc^ con,l)In\nr <br />rcqltcd hy sc.rion l7fil ofrh. L.hnr Gdc. for thc pcrf{}nNrcc of <br />i,,. m{r.'n.c .irle! xtrd 'inl.! nntr$.r rr. <br />lusutan, e t'd"A-h he (or,Peot So',1 )on <br />.r.rnfuu,or*,l"/-'v/"4 <br />I .cnily rh.r in lht p.noirmncc olth. work ior which thh k hsucd. I stull nor enrlo, lny r.$on ii rny nutrRr <br />s !s ro tEom sut'rccl lo lhc *orkcn conrpc.s.lion la*s ofcllifomia. xnd usE rhrr irl sh.uld subFcl h lhc <br />*or*c6 mmpen\olion pmltions of sdion :l?00.r rhc libor Co<l€.I shall. ronhwirh.r,nlply wirh rhJt povisions. <br />WAIdTNC: F lud ro uo workcm .om!.ns,rion slcmgc is unlnwlnl. .nd sh,l! suhirl 0n cmplortr lo oinrinll pcmxts and <br />c'v'l fin.{ ur ro nnc hunJred rhou$nd dolles (!td.n0(0, nr dddirion ro rhc cosr ol compensrion. d!ruscs as povidcd lor rhc <br />sccrk,n 1076.r rh. titrn codc. mrrcr arnorm/r r.o**,.-:\/4utr--4". b-;n'q- 5u-,.,, UTEAIIDIONIXA(IAB ADEIIASAIIAN <br />Ihcrcbyalfirmundcrrc.0llyofpcrrlrylh l qm liensl !trdcr nF! tion or(hJlrcr c (. mmnc'new h sRr nn ?Ortr) ol Dirision l <br />ol lhc Busifts and Pmfcsions Codc. at my liccnsc is in tuU lore ond cflst. <br />cnsc N0nft.,: I g <br />b/)!l>-,J+ <br />CONEIIIJCIIANIINI}INCICDNCI <br />Ih.rcbyalfirmund.rFnallyolp.rrrythatlhncn0otrnruclionkndinSoscncynrlhcfqfornBmeor'hewor*fitrwhi.hrhisr.rnilis <br />hsrcd (scc 1097, Civ C ) <br />AIIUCANLIIECI.A&UIAN <br />limbyafiimunds pcnolry ol pcrjury one orlhc lollouin8 dsharioo\: <br />D.N,lirion PcnnirrAsh.sos Notilic nrcdc l Rc8uh ionr (Titlc 4{). Prn6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />Lctrcr oi Noli'ic{rion <br />I,rrhrrilr. riJcr lrgul.riotr\ Attr i'r! \h.snx rc rrnldrc trorrt\rlicdhlc ro rhr fmjccr <br />I ..diry r,N I havc rc rhis,lpliLarion ind nrr.rhai thc t'lr i.n,marn,n iscotrc.r lasrsx,.on,plywirhrllCiryrnd(t,Dnry <br />ordinmccs Md srdc tjss rcldtitr8 to buildinS consrrlcrion. .id ncrcbynurhorizc rcl,rcrnlllncs ofrhis Ciryand Counry b.nro upotr d. <br />rtxlo trrtrri(rcd rmncn,f(tr i'I <br />Applitxnl or Sis$lur <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas. Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Rough 6'rr/* Slc iLtP2+& <br />Service lt/eler <br />FINAL [ro\\q I tAbifi\ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc v <br />Pole Bases <br />lvleter Release <br />Enr' s <br />I <br />T----- <br />=