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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Sollit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Belease <br />Rough <br />Service Meter t <br />FINAL i "2(-/g J/ctd+'drr) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />(,WNl]R BUILD'R DELCARA'NON <br />I hcrcb, afirn undcr l)cn.lry (,f pcrjury lhdl I m cxcnpr irom rhc (\nracloF Liccnsc Law for rhc iollosinr ,.av,n (sc.7o.rl 5 <br />Businc$ and Profcssiotr Codc) Any Ciry or Colnly which Equncs r fcrrrir lo conslrucr. rlrcr- imrov.. dc,mlidr .r rcI)dn my <br />srrucrt,r- ri(trr, irs i\slatuc. al$ rcqlnc\rhc upplicanr t]r su(h Frnrirb fil., signcd {ar. rnr rhar tror shc is liccnsed t'urulnl <br />to rhc provisions ofrhc Conrrocrols Liccnsd La{ (Chtrrrcr 9. ('ommncin8 wirh Sccrion 70(D of Diri\tun.1 ot rhc arsinr$ itrd <br />ProrcsionsCodclorrhar tE o, \h. ndemrr rh€rctrom !!d rhc hnsk ror rhc alL8.d crtfrprn,n Any vn ,rionolS.cliotr 7011.5 hyiny <br /> ror a pfifrit \ubjdr\ rhc omli.anr lon.ivilrcnnlry.rnot morc rhan livc huxlrcd dollns (tsm). <br />-1. <br />$ oqncroflhc pmpcay. or my cnrplorrs wil,r qrscsosthcn sh.ompcnrarnnr, willdo rhe w.rt od rht srmrm is.ol <br />inrc hn or ollc..d for slc (S( 7044. Bnsin6s and Pf,,fcsion\ Crld. 1 h. Coikrcktr s Liccn{ tjw docs not trPrly lo !n owncr oi <br />rhc rmrEny whohoildsori 0mws ' <br />md sk, d(B ilch w'l( himscll o! hcrclf or r hr"ust hh or hcr o*n enplortcs. <br />providcd rhnr such inprcRnrnls m n i.rcndcd ororcEd fo! elc lL howelr. rlr bxildiigor ingtuvcmnr k $ld wilhin onc )r.r <br />ofsrl0brhi. rL Owncr BuikLr sill hav. llr hrd.n or ptuling dd hc dr shi dll mr buih or itr{,roh thc lmtdy fo. llr purFs ol <br />l. r\opn$ofrh.lropcny. aD c xclus irc ly conrtrcr inS qnh lic.n{d ...rrr.^ rn con{n'c[hc proFr (Scc. 7(]+'1. Bu\irc.\ <br />xl hDri:sirCodc-lhcConlndoisLiccnscLr$docsnortrlplyro!n.*ncroflr()pcrryNhobrildsorimtn,vc\rhcrcotr, <br />rnd whn conrB.c tor such pr+ck anh a Contrbrl9 liccn*d prrsurir h rhc Conra.i(*\ Li.cnsc bw ). <br />-l <br />rm.ieftfl undcr Seri6 <br />I undf !.nrlr! of ,crlury <br />DECI,ANAUON <br />l hrvr rnd sill fui'rrdin , Ccn iturrc oa G,n\cnr t, S.ll: ln\urc tur work.^ .omlcn\uri(,n. N rn,vidcd hr by Sccrion l?0l ol lhc <br />Itrtx, (.xlc. tor rhc !.rrorroncc ofrhc $ork f{r which rh. pcrmir is issu.d <br />I hrvc.nd wrll,nrn rin workcrl co.rrcN0lion insunncc, rs rcquncd hySccrnnr ST(Doflhc L,borCodc. r(tr rh.lBrortumc or <br />lhcworkforwhichthnpcflnilishsucn.My*!.nsarioniNunncc..ricrandpolic,numhcruc: <br />P',1tr'yNumhrr Lrtrc. <br />- <br />-l(cnilylhlrinrhcperloimnNcofth.workforuhkhthnlcrnlisn\rcd.Ishlllnorcn'pk,,Diy,'.8.ninrnymotrrcrs,arbt..'ftsrhi.rrorhcwork.scon!.nssrionlrw!olCalir(rnir,rtrdlgrccrhorifIshuklh.comrubicrl.'rhc <br />sork. ' &mF.nrario. pmviiions ol scrion ]7m of rh. tlhr Cfrl.. I shrll. fod hsilh omply R irh rlnc pmvisions <br />NrtRNIN(; l.ailurc t, {cur. *lrk.r conllfn$l orcra8c i\ unh*rul. rnd \hrll \!hj.{r r. c'npk,rr ro dDlnal p.ktics a <br />civil linc\ ut ro otrc hundrcd rhonsrnd dolhrs <br />t)t.( t, \t \t t()\ <br />I hcrchy alItrm ulldcr pcnahy of Frjury lhal I ! liensn undcr provision of Ch{ptcr 9 (drdmn.ins enh Seri,n 7000) or Divnio. l <br />of rhc Busincar and Pof(sions Cod., arxl my ir in tull for! dtd cfier <br />Liccns€ Numbcrl <br />AITIIqdNIDECIIIIAIIO! <br />I Hlyllim lndcr p€nohy of rErjury onc.f ihc idlowins dccldarions: <br />Dcmlilioo Pernnis'Ashcslos Notificoliotr Fcderal Rcsulations (Tillc,l0. PM6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />L.llcr oaNolitidlion <br />N togeling rltr{os rcnnhl arc norrmlirdblc to rh^ flojccr <br />i,nr md e rc rhxr rh. xh)vc i'rl(tr hri, i\.oa..r I r$ccni cnnrnly !,irI rll Ciry rtrJ C.unry <br />ht Ciryrnd Counrrh cnrrr trFrnrh.t,i d.lion, snd hcrcbyaulhorie rclrcsd0livci oIt <br />t-/t/8 <br />COMMENTS <br />co{ or.omp. \drion. drnngcr as lmvidcd Inr lhc <br />IONSIBIJ{:E)TiIEIDINCAAENCI <br />l hcrcby effin.uDdcr pcnaltyo{rcrjlry rh lh€'.rnrilis <br />issued (S(. 109?. Civ C.l. <br />IrnJ.i\ Nimc <br />I <br />I <br />----f-- <br />=