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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Ivletal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouoh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />(,WNI.]R IIUIT,D[:R DIiI-('ARATIoN <br />r, rh. rrris trr.t rhc (innrr.rtr \ Lrctsc(l trs lchrucr q.(iiNnc(tC \{h Sc.ri(nr 7(XX).i Divi\ion.r ofrhc llu\i'rc!\ inJ. <br />nt)fl'ctrd Lr rNnnir \rbl..r\rh. rpllirrnr k, rci!,lN rlry.fnor ric rl[D li\c hutulrcd Jollxr\ (S5l{)l <br />-1. <br />ss owmr ofrhc Fsncfly. M oy cn lolss wilh *a8.s .s rlfn $t ot{Enerion. will &J tn wod erl llE $ndE k "olintedad or oncEd for sL (Se.?044. Blsiftsr ed Rofcish.s Co<lcr TIE Conlrdor's Liens tlw docs nor dl,ply lo !n o*nd of <br />0E pmFny wln tdills or irpos tuetr .Id eho .lo.s such srk hinsc,I or ncrelf or fimngh hk ot h.r own cmPloyccs. <br />potidcd rhll sx.h irlpeEE&e mr inlcd.n orofcrcd aor sk. r. hoe*i tr tuildoB or inpmEB neBelhinoaFa <br />of@n9krbn. r,t Owner Build.r eil h,rc lhc hudo of <br />''svitrB <br />thd hc or shc dn rcl bliu o. ioptuE tE FoPsry for lnc Dottl* of <br />l. as owN or rh. pmpcny. amcrclusivclyconradi.s sirh liccn*d conrm.l6 to oNltucl lhc pmjlti {56. ?044. Busrrcs <br />and Eof:sshn Codc The ConrMloas Liccnsc L.w do.s mr amly lo !n ownd oi tolrny eho builds or imtrovcs lhercon. <br />ud sho connrc8tin such loidsqilh a ConftdodO liccnsd pu uo to thc C.ntacror's Liccnsc L!w). <br />_l tro.rcnpl undcr Scct <br />IIOB6ETS:I:OMTENIAUqN <br />D[qJAAtrON <br />I hcrcby rmrm undcr p.nalty oi pdjury 6rc ol $c tollowi.S d(l,rdrion. <br />I hnlc ud tr'll Dnnrin.Ccnrlj!.rlc tConscnlniScllln\urcl(nsork.NconDcnrali(in.ns PmridcdturhySc.ri()n.11(X)olrh. <br />lnhor Co.l.. hr rhu ncrtuimrncr orrhc *o,k lir {iich rhu l[nn[ i\ i\sud <br />I hav. and lill minlnin workss con\*nsllioo in$urlncc. !s rcquncd bySccrhtr:17(nofrhc L.b. Codc,ldr lh. re onlEna ol <br />ompcnsdion insuroncc cartr and F,li., n!o6.. m: <br />*hichrhtF nir t ir\u.d,I shrll nol cnlloy 3ny lc.v,n ir aryn: Nr <br />s as ro lrem sut jc . rhc m 6 on c.eri., hw! of Calilomi,. .nd $Ec that if l \houtd tEconc subjel lo lhc <br />mrks conqEnsliion pmvishns of S(lioo l70o or lhc tjtri Cod.. I shall. fontwilh odpD wnh rhos pmvisio$.. <br />llARNtNGr Failurc ro NUrc workcG conucnsarion ovc6sā‚¬ is unl,wtul, .nd sholl slbiIl d errlo)t. ro aimhd lcNlris and <br />.ivil finci up ro om htrftlEd lhousnd dollos (S100,000). in additioo io rhc co* olcomlcnslion, dntugci rs ptoridcn for lhc <br /> 1076.1'h. ljbor Codc. inlcrcsl Md arromr'x lt.s. <br />F:6/ZAAA-o <br />LICEUIELCANIIACIAA <br />I,IS(IAf,ANON <br />I hceby lltiror undcr Fn.llyotpcrjury ihd l,n lie.$d u.dcr tmvision ofChlPrcr 9 (..mnMcin8 wilh Sccrio! ?m0) orDivi.i. l <br />or rh. Bu\incss,M PmfcssmnsC.dc. a.d myltcne h in fullror.xdlcrrccl <br />1ot -l t"i <br />*<o* Pto{<r <br />cllulrSJl1:lloNrENplxli-trc[Ncr <br />I hcrcby rffi.nundcr p(nolry olrc.Jxty rhur rhcrc ( r consrru.ri.n kMins r8cncy for rhc p.nof,Mmc oflhc *ort for whhh lhh If,mir is <br />issucdlSR.' .l(rr7, Civ. C.) <br />t nJcis Nimc <br />- <br />l (cnify lnar rh.fcdcr.l rcsulorions rcaurding rsh.s.s dmv,lorc n.r apnlic lc lo lhn Pmif,r <br />-l <br />cenify rhlt I havc rc! thiq appri.aliotr ad stllclhal lhcahovc infomrton h corccr t aSra lo odtll, wift 3ll Cily and Coonl, <br />odinlnccs and Sr c EhrinB ro buildin8 c.nsldction. a hcrebyaurhorizc rcpre*.larihs oflhi3Cityand Colnl, xi enls uponrh. <br />ohorc mnriorcd pml{ny fo. irsp.dio. <br />H-.a L. <br />,,"., 6/z-1t8 <br />II <br />Above Hard Lid <br />-l <br />cc ifyrh in rh. p.rrorrorcof lhc ro* <br />Q"?r4;": <br />lrndca\Ad&u*:- <br />lppr rc,rni ortilmilriit- <br />I hcreby .fiim undcr nenolty ol pcrjury om of rh. rollowinB d(ldr.t io.s <br />DcnDlirion tcrn r\ Asbc{os N.rifictrtio. ftdcBl Rc8ulllions (Tirlctl}, PM6) <br />Rcqun.dIrucrof Nolilt ion <br />--------r------ <br />f-------T------ <br />I <br />i-