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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.OWNER IIUILDER DET,CARATION <br />I h.rcby nftnn u d.r I'cntrht oI itrijury rhar I am cxcmrl from rhc conhdcrtrl Liccnsc Lr* nn lh. rollowin8 tcosn (Scc 70.11 5 <br />BusnE$ ad Pofcsi.n Codc): Aiy Ciry or Cornrt whi.h Rqunc\ 0 ncmrir lQ condfl.r, rl'cr, nn[ovc. Lhmli\h nr rcFr rnt <br />{ndurc, rrhr ro irs hs!&cc. nl1o r.qutrsrhc 4plicatrr lor suchpcnnilrd nt s \ narcmtrr rhar hcorshc i! lic.ns.d pur{.nr <br />b ihc f' vi\tuns or lhc Co rocroi\ l,ionscd l:,w (Chrlrc' 9, ConnncNirrs wirh Secrion 7tm or Di!i!n,n I of lhc B!\inc\\ tnd <br />PDfcsi()nx Cod.) or lh t* or sh. i\ crdnrpr s rhc h$is ld rh.lllcgcd.rcmpri{,n A.yviohlionolScclionT0ll5btany <br />sppliqtrrrd3r.ihirsxhlc-hrhcrpplicinrroacivilpcnrllyornornborhn fivc nundtcd dollds (!5LtJ) <br />-1.,\ <br />owtr ol rh. pn,,l.ny. ot my.mnloyccs wilh wua.r !s lhtt s'h conrNn\rrio.. *illd.ltr eort 3rd rlI \rtu1m n toi <br />i,n.ndcd o. ollcrcd for sk lsa 7194- Busirc\s and Pft,r.sln,ns C.dc:'lh. Conto.roii Lkci{ Lnw ddi nor.,Dly b !.osncr ol <br />lhc pupcny *kl hlilds or i'rFrovcs rhcmn. ona who des su.h $.It hn.scltor hc.slrot rhn,uSh his or h.r orn.mpbycc\. <br />Drovidcd rhor srh irnnmvcmnh m mr inrchd.d or oflctud for srtr. It. htw$u. rhc boilding or i'll|tm!. r is soB wirh'n nn! rr <br />oi compkrion. rlt auiUn *ill hnE lhc ttrnjcn ol pr,lirs lhd hc or rl[ dil mt hoid or inllmtc rhc Pn [dy ror rh. PU{n* ol <br />L i\ rwn.r ol rh. tmleny. amcrclusivcly.onrracriis wirh liccn*d ( {reto to co,(dcr rhc tNj$r (s.. 7(}.l4. 8uriru$ <br />a Eof$si,n Codc ThcConracror'sLic.nsc tjw do$ tror iotlylo 0nowncr orpn,pcn!who builds or imnovc\ rh.rco.. <br />ad *ho.odB.Ntusuchprejccls*nh!Grnln.iorlrliccnf,dplr\urhrr'thcConllrn"st,{l-nwl <br />!48$BS:!:0M!ENSAIION <br />DECI.AXAIIII! <br />I h.rcby .fftrn undcr Fn lry oa pojrry om of lh. followinS d.chmlions: <br />-lnnEfliwillminrointrCcnifi.rrcorConsctrrhSclf.lNurc{orworkc^conrF.nsdtun,!srrovidcdlorbySccrn,nrTm.rrhcbhtr Clldc. f(rrfu pcrfornuneolrhE woll rotshi.h rhc p.rmn ir hsucd. <br />-l <br />havc and will minlain workcs compcnsation in$rncc, 6 rcqxicd hy Scct ion 1700 of rhc khor Cod.. lor lh. pcrfomfte of <br />rhc sork tur uhich rhis ,finril is hssd Myworkcn Lln1Pcnrlr raNc cadcr ad s,licy nldb.r m: <br />I ccnify thd in ihc lcrformnce olrhc *o.k fd which p.rn t tsued.l snollnor cmploy.ny p.rson inu.y6dncr <br />s N ro h€$m s!6iri lo lh. hdGs .orp.ns.ltun laws of Coliforni!. lnd ,gN thd if I should bccoft rubl.d lo thc <br />wo,kcG' ompcnsar ion peaiilB of Sdiotr lrGJ of $. Uhor Codc. l shnll ronhwith o q,ly w n rhe t ovirions <br />WAIINING F0ilu.c ro surc aorken compcn\oln,n NrcBg. i\ unlaarul snd stull slhjccr d cmPlorcr lo aiminal lr@[is Md <br />.ivil fincs ut ro om hundr.d lholsaod doll{r (Sltlo,ooo), in rddilbn !o lhc cosl ol.ofrp.nsorion. dlmBcs rs Pmeid.d ror rh. <br />rhc &nor C{nc. inrcr{ rhd ortuy-s rcc\ <br />2 C1 c Dla I <br />LI!ENSUrI,:0,:II3A.qIOB <br />DECLTXATAN <br />ol ittr Uu\i'r\\rid Pr.'lc\sids Cod.. lril my liccnsc n in tulllamcmdcllccr <br />I <br />}\ <br />(ONiIBU!.JIQNUNDINC.{AIXS <br />I hcrhy.ffinn utucr pcDllryorp(rjlry rhrr rhcd n d cotrsiru.lhn lcndins aEcncy rttr rhc lErrornurcc oirhc $ork n, shi.h ihis Pcrmit i\ <br />is\!.d (S.. 1097, Civ C.) <br />ATELICANLDSCI/IIAIIA! <br />I r.r$yfiinnu c! rcnalr, olp.rJxry or. ofr[c nnbwin8 dcchrurion\: <br />Dcmlition PcflnirsAsbcslo\ Norificlrion frd.dl R.sulnl ions (Titlc 40,lrrn6l <br />Rcquircd L. crof NorirElioi <br />-l <br />cenify rhd rhc fcdcBl Eeuhtions rc8lrditrB asbcslos rctuval src nor ,pdic.hlc to Ihn pnirr <br />I .cn ily rhd I hdc read ltis !,,Ilicalion and sriic rhat rh. d$rc intormrion is .orccl. I rFe i6 6nll)1, *nh aI Cn, a.d Colnry <br />ordinan cs and Sl,t tjws Bllrins $ blildinB.o.{ru.r ion, drl h.rcby aull$riz rcprcsnbrivcs of rhk Cily ond Colnly kr cn'cr uF,n E <br />*," 5/zdrt <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor 6-(3-(s \>t6qq <br />Gas-Underf loor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarilier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent L ...r9 . r^G{, <br />Water Pipino t,)d'6.q- <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouoh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Servrce <br />Waler Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbinq <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release n <br />FINAL 7*lq.-lv i{.v{-}t <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />-l <br />an cx.mpr unrt . Serior- B, & P,C, fot rht5 l!&n. <br />?a <br />1. 1.". \JJ'rs <br />- <br />Jhrr nEnuotud nn'*nv lor in\Dcctiotr Durmrci <br />Appr(onr or srq*ro*: ZZ-L <br />II