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ELECTHICAL-INSPECTOH RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DEI,CARATION <br />I hcrcby afirm undcr pcnalry of Frjury rhar I rn .rcmrr fon rhc Conrr,.r.s' t-icctrk bw for lh. lollowins rea$n (Sc..?oll 5 <br />Burirc$ lrn Profc$io. Codc): Any Cn, or Cou.ry whhh rcqoncr a Fann ro onnrud, alrci implove. dcnhlnh or rcpnn any <br />d.rnrc. a/ir ro irr isiu0ftc..lso rcqutcs rtuopplicml lor su.h lrnnl nr lilc r si8ncd sdcmnr rhlr hco. rhI is liccnsd Nnurnr <br />n, rhc tnvtions of thc Conrrrclols Liccnsed lj* (Chlnrcr 9- Co.,mckine wnh s..lnrn 7000 of Divhion 3 oflhc Busincss aIrJ <br />Pnrrercion\Codc)orrhtrr h.or\hc is.rcmfl Ihrrcrr.mMd rh. h.1h rd'hc rll.Scd .xcnrprion AnyviolationolSEri,.?03l5byrny <br />,mlicanl ror a p.nnn thc apdic.trr to scivilpcnlllyofnor mrcth.n rivc h!.drrd d.lldr (S50o). <br />_l- !s owner oa rhc pmFny, or my c'npbyes wirh wr8c\ a\ rhct $L con1N srio.. will do rlE work 'dIhcsrMrucis t, <br />i.rur,.d or oficr.d ror sL (5(.?(114- Businc$ !.d Pronsiotrs Codc I hc (nnrrudoi! l-iccnsc kw doer nor arply ro atr .qE of <br />rhc p^,pcny sho hilds or i'qirors rhcd,n. arxl sho doc\ skh wo,I hiE.lf or hfslfor rhbuph his or hc. osn.Dployc$, <br />pNvdcd rh.r such inf,mrc rnc rm mr inrcndcn .r.rctod nn slc. ll how$q. rh huildiq or irqrtrrnr isoklwirhi", 'cyrJrof.o'nplcrhn. tlr OwRr Bxildcr *ill hrw rh. hurdcn ol |,ovnE fttr h. or shu dil mr huald o, rfmvc rhc nFpcny for rhc purp* of <br />I a .xc rU undcr SL{lion-. B. & PC lnrlhn rcr$n <br /> ()en..: <br />.u0af,E8s.lout[Nsajl(]N <br />DEOAAA.IIAN <br />I hcrchya,firnutuLi pcnnlry.f Frrurrotrc.f rhc lolbwmS'lclrhrionsl <br />I hrlc d*illnnn Ji',rCcnirlcrrc.rco \c r k, S.lf lnturc tur \0rl.6' conD.r{rli, .n{ Drovidcd,nr hySccri(m l7(Xrotrhc <br />LrIxtr(od..forlhcpciolnrnccof rhc*orklar*hichrhcpcrarn i\l$ucd <br />-l havc and will minloin workeB comp€nsalion insunrcc. ss rcquircd 6y S<lion lTtl) or ih. t i,co&,forln ttrlotnEncc or <br />lhc port aor wnich lnis lcrmil is is$d. My *o,kda mnwnsri,n insuntue cari( &ld,Dlicy.umb.r m: <br />P.lkyNunh.r Erprcr-: <br />_lccnilyrtd irrhc pcrfornuncd for lhich rhi\ lcrnrir is h$rd.l shallml cmployrnypcro. inlny manNr <br />s is b b..onx suhjccr t, rhc workcn ompctrs0lion hws olCilihrnin. rM a3N rnar ill sl&uld t corft iubj..r to rrr <br />w.rkc.omp.neriotrtmvnioosolScdion3Tl)oollhctilnaonc.lshlll.fonhwirhconDlywirhrho$tr.visir,ns. <br />WARNINC hibrc ro \ccurc *1trkc^ cohpcnsrn,n cokrrsc i\ unhNrui. nnd \hnll nrhjc.t rrr.mploycr lo onirrl !.'r rirs tr.| <br />civil up to onc hundrcd rholend dol <br />Selion -1076 ofrhc tit r Codc. inlercsl snd <br />Xxr). iI rldiriotr ro rtu ()n.l (unrNtrlrrir . drnr8c\ r\ t,'ovidrd ktr rl'c <br />o"t", - 5/tl\8 <br />ltltll3truaN <br />I h.eby affi.m u dc. r.ndry ol p.rjury lhal I an: li.c.$d u.d.r !$vision of Chaptcr 9 (urmmMiog wnh SNrdn ?000) ol tlivhion l <br />ol rhc BusirEs\ aftl Pnfcssionr Cudc. arxl my lkcnsc ir in tull ttrcc dd crrd! <br />- <br />4\^ >=b_?orqtl <br />o"", g:7 r/ 16 De<.o r- 7.- e.< J. r '- <br />ATfL,ICANI.IIEIJAAAII()N <br />I tsthylninn!nncr p€nrlryotpdjoryo c.rrhc ft,llowi'rgiLcl,rari.ns: <br />Dcmolirion PcrnrillAst sos Nolificalton [ed.rulRquhrions (lirlc 40. Pan6) <br />-ltcqutcd <br />hrrcr o, Norifi carior <br />onti. Ns and Strt ljw\ rclrtirglr)ildins c.Nrrucrn,n. nnd hcrcl'yrtrrhoih rrF.\cnr.riv.s orrhk CirytrM Counly ro cnrcr uF,n rhc <br />rll'lc trrnri(rcd pr.pcny for ir! <br />,\ppli,ntrl rr {!.nl Sirnalur.5/rr\( <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab i Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding IUFERA <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels 2 tf-Ap tB lr-#o (vt) <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Rough (-7o-to -Jt €D <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL /."-/?* lU JleJ*,Gy ) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Pole Bases <br />lvleter Release <br />-l,.soqrcrorrh! <br />[oli.ny. rflrcxclusivclyconrrncrins rnh I iccnsed co nrlcroF ro co nd tucr rh. Frccr (s( 7014. Bu$rs <br />snd Eorcsi,n Codc:'l hc'! Li.cns. Law d..s nor aprly ro M o,ncr olnropcay who t'uilds.r inpmrc\ rhrron. <br />otrd qho coahcF tu such lrojccls wirh ! Conrmcto(9 li.cnscd pusunr ro rh. ConrnLkr\ hw) <br />CANEIBUCUANIENDING-&CEICI <br />I hcBby.ffinn undcr Fn.hy of r.dury llEl thcrc n a conslrucliotr tndins ascrcr aor rh. pe.Iormrc. olrhc *ork for whichrhh pcrnil n <br />hsucd (se.,1097. civ. c.) <br />Lxndc'\ Nsne <br />- <br />I ccnify lhal th. fcdcrul rcBubrions EBlrding ,shcsros rcnbvol arc nor lpplioblc ro rhk pmitr <br />-l <br />enily thar I havc rcod rhk application ud (alc rhlr rlE 0hoE infortuiidn ii c.ffiI. I .8G lo.omplywith 0l!Citylnd Counly <br />I <br />I