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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ow,tEt Bull,t tt DEl,caR TtoN <br />I h6!b,.r!m uldd pa.xy of Fjury tbr I m ddli toE E Corlr.cloE U.mE L!* for tlE bllowilr la). (Sc.7oBlJ <br />Bubd ed Plofajon Cod.)r Aly cn, or Coldy *tth .!qui6 . Fnil lo o!r.Br. .Io. iryov.. ddolih or qrt i, <br />c'rdE!. Fn b A i!le., .ro E$,i€ rlE +dir, 6, sl FDi ro 6t . ri9.d ser dr lE d ll. it li.q!.d F d <br />lo U. Fltirioo of lt. Cdffi'r Lin!.d a.* (Ch.r.a 9. Cool6iq, wit S<rbi ,@O ot Divirb! I of rh. &d6 rd <br />ftlfabB CodG) q $n E E dr i d.!d thqdlE -d rlE h.tir for th..lk8.d a.I6in. Aly vbldi, ofs.6bn 7Ol l.t by &t <br />.ppli6r for . pc6n .{bjd! rk eplicor to . cilil p lry of 6l mrc rh& fivc honH &ll& (1500). <br />_1. a o\rEolrt FFry. r 6y dlpbrd eilh wr.6. rl..i 5l. ddrdrir. si! & O.e!t.d 0r -ltlc i oi <br />ina&d d otuld tu rl. tsc.70a:1. Aria ed FrobbB cldc tt cdrrxlai tilE Le &- d +rry to - orG of <br />$. F!!d, *no hdr or !rFo6 ttEo[ nd *to do€ r,.i qdt hior.lf q iaflfc oE!,i fin lE om a4lorr6. <br />Fwid.d dd a.h EFEH! E ior irqd.d q otu for .1. l[ to\l!6. rlr badnB d ilFuet b -ld * !b f ,t <br />of@mplrior EOrG B{il&edlhwtlrhrdarofF.vir Ur h.ctlE dll El hxbor i'p.!Erh. FoFry tutlEF pocof <br />-1. <br />6 dc of rh. FlF t. m qcLnr!ry olrair wirn [.@.d.onrdd to od,tEr ri. FDj.rr (Sc 7O{4. &r.E <br />,.d Elbir Co&: Th. Cotlrrrol, Lkd& L.* .t'6 mr +ply ro d orc oaFoFry sho h{ild! or impmE lhso[ <br />ud who odrls! lor !u.h Fotq! wnh . Cortn ro(r) Prtrletr to rh. Co'nr.crd i Uc€e L!w). <br />-l <br />m.rmF ud.r S..lbn-. B. & P.C fn lhit.d(r <br />Dir.: Orn6 <br />woxl(Ela'coM?Els{TroN <br />IECIJSAIIA! <br />I harny .lIm unb p6d, of Frdy or ofu. touoei8 d6bdbB: <br />-l <br />h.E nd lill ccrifi.r. of codlr ro sdfitu 6r wta m,Furidt . FDviLd tu by SariE lr00 of dE <br />trbor Cod., 6r rlE FfneE of th ki ld *htb rt FDn i i$!6d. <br />_l ll.v. .rd *ill ui.t i. Ertd coDFsrbn i,sue.. . Equn d b, Sclb! 1700 of llt r,bor &. it Ffo'lffic of <br />rlE *rt fd rnah lhir FDn ir isE t M, *qtsr iaul[.6ind pohy !@td c <br />-l <br />cdify $f in rlr Ffoffi of dE s.t *ttn thn p.Eir n isd I Jdl 6r aoloy oy prDn h ny rlE <br />- !!o b<.c Dbid to tlt wre'ml,.t!.ird Ls of Cnifonn^ i{ {rc. thr itl tlblB ttotu Elitr lo lh. <br />mnd' onF6dih pmviri.B ofsrrion lr00 ofrh.l,td Co<lc I idl. ftiirhwnh oftply {-itt $o. F irioB.. <br />ir uL*tul rd llrll obr6r & dploF to atiird Frlir &d <br />civil 6a up h c hlxH lnoqad dollrr (ll l. n ..ldiioo ro llr .!d of cdD.d.ioo. .Lncd . Fot d.d &. $. <br />llgE!!tr8AcrqB <br />IECIIAAIIA! <br />I hdrh, .tIm u,<lq FrXy orFruy rhr I n li<.s.d urib Fovilion of Ci$a I (offiilg sit Selin ?000) oa Dirnio! l <br />oa th. Buin6 $d lt!ftshE Cod., .,i my lt@ ir i! tull lorc. !d.lIEl. 7 <br />9 <br />colslagclto!.,trlDllclcEdcr <br />I hddr dlrn udq Frl, of FiEy 6. Oc i. @d!.rbD l,D.r.r.$ay rd rt p.rrtu oftlr 6t 6. *tict $i pdui b <br />t&.d (Sc. loe7. Civ. C ) <br />AIILICATI.DTCBAAIIAd <br />I Hy.eD ur& Fd, of Firy c otdE hlbwitrs &.hrni@l <br />Darclirio. Pmit}tubdro. r,Lritiorbi F.da R.sohioE (Tirlc 40. P.n6) <br />-r.qsid <br />Lcl6of N.aif.ii! <br />-l <br />cniry th! 0E f.da.l EtlhioB ESrdila .t 16 @v.l e mr rylirtlc ro llii proi:r. <br />-l <br />cdiry l[d I h& rod th6 rpplirion ,n n.l. th, tlE !h'!. info trhn n cffi I +!d 10 coBdy wnh dl Cnt .ti Counly <br />okl, rn.6n JSr rln\sklrrtrr artdt EF6. ii€ oloir Cay -d Cordylo .n- l+on lL/l.lhw 6!ion d FoFt <br />Arpl'.dr or Ator Slllurur. <br />Pdnd n&E (FinO L /<or YGzz <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Eva porative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. E quipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled ?ro-tq W to, <br />Rough Ductwork al*Lq .Ettd/o3 <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes D ryer It1 ,8<e /O) <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.slzl.ara? lslt <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL t,Lc DEF.d tO) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />L4 <br />---+-- <br />I <br />I