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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS owtr4 aulLDER t ELlxaTlolY <br />I t *r.tfD urdq Frty ofFiry 6r I E q.!t ftlo rL C.lln.r6 Lt!* l* 6. rlE 6lbwt lEo (Sc.70l ! <br />&!itB d Art iir Cod.) Aly Ca, or Cqdy whih Bqui6. Frn 'o <br />odlrEr..!.. i'pro!c. .laDli'h d ,!C.n -y <br />.tttr<rs!. rio( ro in illec. .lo ,.qtn6 &. Tplior for uh pd6n lo 6b . drld ii.rE lt. t or .t i! li6.d ,l!J.d <br />lo 0E FoviioB of lh. Co,ll.ar6! Li..N.d Lrp (Ch.prd 9, CoM*i.s *nh Sdrior 7000 of Dili.rJi I of U. 8si!B u.l <br />Preli.ioB Codc) or thd h. or rh. b d@pl lhcltor md rtE b..b tu tlr il&r.d aqlc(ior Aly vioLrion ots.dx'n ?01L, by Dy <br />mlic.,l fd . FDi tltici. {E .pdirl lo . ci l pa.t, of Dl en llD tu. blldEd &,ll!! (Jrm) <br />_1.. o{E olri. FlF r. d rr.qbra si! ri6. rlEi, iL oleclrioo. rfl& rtwt.ddrtldEi Er <br />irad.d doturd 6. -L(S-.7oaa. &riE rd PrDbirco& Tt Cdrri.rd. Li!*t-ed6(ry,looo*co( <br />E FFtt *lD bib ( trqlE 6aE6. .d wlD .b6 rdr q't iitru.lf d taalf or [LDlai h! d I'd oa.oploy..1 <br />FoviLd ftn 3uh idlror€Erln bl ird.t ddokld 6rrl. tl b!!G.ln hdldnr ornryorqd i-ld,ininE rc <br />ofoirplaio.. rh. O"G hiE win h.r! dr hlrh otFDviry $, lE d JE <tit rbt hild r irFw 0. FnFry &r lh. F!po* of <br />-1, <br />! ofu olrlE frEFry, & d.rlidy .oerd4 win ka!.d 6GIl6lo c.ekr rh. poF (Sc. 7oaa. BriE!d lrlbi! Co&, TIE Co'nrxi( . Ltd. t - <b6 ot el, lo o o*c of FoFr, wln bilt d i'lrro€ ltr6E <br />.nd erD @d.d! lt ki FDis win t Com*rq, liu.d Flrd ro rt Con .dd r Lic tr) <br />_16 qap. @(b s€rnn <br />!!Ef,E8glA!4!E!AUq!DtctdaAllo! <br />I ha6, .ttd @dd F.[, otFicy c of t!. folb*i's d-L ia: <br />-l <br />bE ,.1 will oiltrir . Catih. of CoDd lo Sdf-ler! &. Eto drFdit\ r FoviLd 6r b, s..rir !7@ onL <br />lrbo. Cod.. tor lt. Ffollcr of 0E wt fti lttt O. FEt a iocd <br />I h!v. ud will ulnrin mil6. coitrFution iEurE.. d Equil.d h, S6lio. t70O of lh. L.hor ftd.. for tlE Ffoffic of <br />lhc $ork tor rnich lht ps'ri n is!.d My iNurffi. ffis !d policy nunbd s.: <br />-l <br />oaify td i! tl' F6ffi otu. wort 6oi *lah $B F6n i! i$.( I rlull @l @rloy Ey rEln i! or m <br />$ Broh@Euq.drorlEm 6'6BFEri[ LsotcdiforDa.d .|Ertr if I rbuld b*o $Ban lorlE <br />m*d cohpddllion pirviiioa ofskrion 1700 ol rh. lrbor Code I J!ll. fonnwnh mnply *hh tt * Pr.vbioB,. <br />ciql tn6 up ro oB hritld rlblr.d &llrt It1m.000,..ddnb. to rlE .or or orynnotr fiut6 a Foy!.d ror rh. <br />Sani'n 1076 ofdE lrtd Cod.. i,Icddd m E t <br />ltCl!$D.cONIAACIqA <br />DECBAAIIOS <br />I nqlt, .rEr o!.t . pa.!y ol Fiu., l|'. I e licd '&dq Fo!iri.. olo4la e (oe!'Eiia wnh Selir ?000) or Divlih ! <br />of rh. &dB &d PEft..rD Co<t . nd 6, lic a nr nI 6d d.fii*.. <br />c./ <br />".,,,9,1a)/z <br />callrlltcuo!.lrdlallclllx <br />I td*, .Itm !,& Fdt, of Fiu, ltr tnq! i r od^xrbn trdi'r {*t tu tlE Fflfu. orllE wt for *li.t rlt Fni a <br />is.d (Se !0{7, Civ C ) <br />IIIEUCAULDECIaSA:UQ! <br />I han, rffrn ulda Fd, ofDajury onc oflh.*irl d.<hnrio6: <br />DsDlitbn P@iE-A.h.n6 Notif.nbn F.da.l R.8{lrb6 (Ti c,10. tn6) <br />-R.+ind <br />td6of Nodf..ii <br />-l <br />.diry Od dE f.d6.l Erd.oB G8rdi.s .!.id rm\r! G er {pli..U. b <br />'lln Fliqr <br />l(dr'r\rhrlhrUrr\l!1,\,rrrilr.nrtrrrtrlirr.rhrrhrJlr\rntu,rlr!r,N\!!'.\r lut!tn'.!!,,r,1 <br />,, Llr. r(, rl \r e | .r1\ L i r j!ldin* con{rudnr(, lEttyaurh,ru.ics6drdiv6of rhnCir <br />,nr,\. n,nrtrr.d pn)poi\ ntr <br />Appli, d Acst SiSrllE <br /><-a. <br />y wilndl Cny.rd Counly <br />, !d Counry lo 6lq uFn lh. <br />5/*2 <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled 1 lril f *r,4 lcJa <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />o penrngs <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rou gh Mech.g-t!r-F,erdto, <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL (lrelrq o <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG. <br />,,*_s&22_ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I