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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD lAPPROVALSDATECOMMENTSOTf, IiEi BUILDEX Df, LC R TIOII <br />I hd*, ltrm uida Fdly of Frury lld I !h .idp( nln rlE (.onrrxl.6 l-t.M L!* aor lh. follovin8 rN. (54.7011., <br />A6i.@ ai Prcl*ion Co<b)r Any Chy or Cou y s,htt Equn6 t FEi lo srdru.i. .16. inFtrva &ai.h or lq,- -,svdc Firro ir illl.E.lo,.q.i6lh.Elt nl 6t uh FDr lo lil. tod ardEfl fi. h.6{r b 1i.6.<l Fed!o E Fovbb6 of U. Coffi-rdl Lknlod L.* (Cl1416 9. Cffiirs *ih S€rb. 70@ of I)ivbi). I of rh. EdiE rd <br />Pbiliod Co&) or lbl lE n dE i' s. rl tllclt n !d ll'c bGri aor rh. 6@Fio[ 4., reLlion otselirn 701 ! ., by 6y <br />ipplicer lor . pmn &bj6ri rh. ipplh.lll lo . .ivil p.ulty of or norc rhe fiv. hu<lr.d dollr. (1500) <br />1.. w of tlE FFry. q Dy ar|chrd wih {.e6addr.l onF!lb.. $i[ & dr $(t -d iE ritlG i @t <br />irdid d otutd fr -lc ls6.70aa. BiliE 6d troltsiE Codq IE Codr*id t Ltlc l,w &- Br ?plt ro 6 o*E of <br />l[. FoFt, slb b.iLl or LqrE rlE@,!. .d trtD d6 Mh wrt or ha*lf or rLough hn or hd os @plo]r6. <br />prcri.i.d lh r $.t ieFoetrir3 c ml indd.d ordH 6r $L lf,lslec. rl* boiurls or inFDEai i! sld sirhh orc rE <br />of@rvlrbo. tlE Oqr hil& *ill liE dE hr&' ofFott $a lE d tE dil lbi Uikl G itr'FDw t E F.Fry 6r tlE F ror.of <br />l. ao\n6ofrh.Irop<n!. n.(lu$.1! co i&1m!*[hhc6nd,(ntrdonr,tl)BrtrdrlEFd](r(sd 7lrl.l. B"nn(s <br />md Piiisi,n Cotl., I h. (ink.cro.r l.,c.ns. l-rtr do6 nor aptly lo !n owno of F)l{n ) sho h!,ldr or nn|Ltr.s r h.ron- <br />.nd \h co.n,r.r! tu srch noidt \ nh . (i,nrafillr) licdkt <br />'l(nh.r <br />!Ih.(ndncroar I (tr.1$) <br />I m 6a!tr u,.b SdFn_ <br />".,,1fu10 d,/1-'Q,,, <br />\lJaffall(ruff,lsrlraro};(!l!talla! <br />I ha.b, .rm u.nd Frn, ol Firr, 6 olrlr lolb. ans .t6lrni'6 <br />-l <br />hrw -.1*ill dinr.h. Carlft.l. of Coda ro S.lCl6@ fo. wt6 onD. abtr . Fovi&l6r b, sdi61700 of tlE <br />Lbq Cod., tu tlE Ffotire of lh. mrl for whth lh. Frir a b!.d. <br />I t d wil ub.i. Etc! oq@rin iE,.a.. ! r.qoiql b, S<liE !rl[ oft t bo. c.d.. b.llE Ffdl@of <br />dE E t fd rtth lllir FEi ir irtd M, *qtd @"F!lh irdre nb .n polt, 'Bbd E <br />,-*, l,lolvul Vnu^ FrAA ttlqa <br />'an-n tJLocrollg </z? <br />-,-,*, <br />l/.+$2. <br />_l cd& rin i! rb Fftr fr ot dr 6* 6' whth tib Fni ir isu.4 l rldl oot Erpbr 6y Fer in .!y 'I!rE$ dro leoc abiel lo tlE &'ra'6np6.iion Ls of C.libn6. ed.s6 $i if I should b6on. tubjct <br />'o 'l!.sit.Jr' .otrFr.b, Flvii(E otscrk[ lrm ofdE, Cod.. I ftlL 6nlBu' oEpl, rith 0E F!6hu. <br />rlr Lnli! (i'dc.liG6i nnJ d(nk\'"*u)j/. rr,2 7 <br />a -766 f of.E{"rk <br />(Ii.u.8ri(]Illl_Ll:urtc_Etill(I <br />Ifis.hyalln undd p.nalrtolpd.rrrt rhd rhd. i. r.ohrru{r$n b'd'hs asdc! nn rh. Faonnrnc. or rhc so'k hr \I'.h rhir t6rit i9 <br />ku.J (sd 10e7,(i\ ( r <br />,\l,l,l.t( r\N I pI( l..\R,\tlol <br />I h.rbr.lEn 6dd orFiry oll. of th. 6llo*ina &(brtr: <br />D@Dlirb! laEiEA.t .16 No(ifrrb. F.da.l R.alhiE (TaL a0, PIl6) <br />-R.q!i!d <br />r..nd ot ilorifi.ri, <br />I qrify thi rlE t d6rl rGgcLrird Errditg !hdo. Eml d e <br />'E{ Tplk bl. ro llir F!r.d <br />-l.dit <br />lr I hnt Ed rhi.P,tkeilI nd idc thr r,E lhoE io6 itMci I lecro smdy wnh.llci, rrxt colldy <br />odinlnca d Sld. Lt$r Gld!8 to htildirB 6!!mdb,'. nd lE by .l,lFd6 rcFc*r di!6 ofthir Ch, ord Cosr, ro ntla oDoo 6. <br />.b.v. Mrion.d pmp.ny for iDlpeiion Dqrr!6 ,-1 <br />^*"^* ^"^'*.^., py/nfu ' lQe <br />"^,**,,-u, 4,ll1i- baf ry'/,, <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Ducl <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 6 -l\ -20 <br />Notes, Remarks Etc.v <br />ID/SIG. <br />IJCIITEO.CO IAACIIA <br />Dlcta8ArQtr <br />I hodr .rm @d6 po.fy of p€iu.y $e I u li.d u!d. F!vi.L! of Ct 9lr o toffiira qnh Sa$! ?000) ol Ditiio! I <br />of rh.tu.i6ndPi!i!i.6Co&dEylieirn tufi 6E tndtl <br />7I\'{w[