<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Underfloor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Pipeing
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Misc e)
<br />Gas Service nD
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler /)\'u
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap ^YrBack Flow Device Y qvl
<br />\I\/v1
<br />Rough Plumbing r.Y V Y> ',-fFinal Gas Test / \\Jt/\ \t/
<br />Meter Release \\r.,{\.y' d. ..y,
<br />FINAL 76Vs
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />O6-Buil& D..Lns.
<br />I! r& rdry of Flry rh l6 r-p.6.a & c.dta.r'Lir t r &.tl &lb'it r.a (...?q,t-r lcb-
<br />rd! Cod.): &, Ci, or Cod, 'dicl l.quir . FEt to ..G!q, .lr. q.!ii, .l@lil 6 ,gi E, E tan, Fir b biEE, rlo ,rquir tL +?lbn br tu.i F6it o tL . .td Eird rh t or tb i li6..l Flur l. t! Fwii. dlb
<br />CoE ad'. Lied by (CbPrr t C.ol!reilt etl Sdbo ?a{o olDhiion t of d. auiE lld Prot... Cod.) d li b a
<br />tt. ir qeF Ur*oo .d dr h.i f!. 0s dlitd aariion .Ary viouion of Sdio6 ?0r 1.5 by &y .ptliqd 6r . prrEa ,rbj.a. t
<br />.rpliqar !o . clvl D-.ty of @. @E tL, fivr hlrdr.d &lLn (l5oo).
<br />*n..olrL,rlFt.orny6pbydwinw{.rrni-L66?d.ri,..eiuirotn.F.t|rrltLi.tJdeabilrdal
<br />d ollcld lor xL ( 56 ,0.a, Briu .d Prrb.ioM Co&: Th. CoEltro.l Li..d. Uw .r0.. or .I?lr to o 616 ot6. FFt,
<br />*to hrldr d 6Foe tld@a .rd lto .br r*t s.r hiau6 nr.U d &o'rai ii or lr oE .dplor.., F!{,id.a tt t{.t
<br />iap.otasrl e ior i(.rLd q ofrtd l!. .l. l( br,.€, rb bildi! d i6r.oE!.d i EL tiib @ F, of .oqkb.. ln.
<br />Ow-BuiLla rill hE tL hltlr of D.ovirr tltl h. o. tl er bild d ioEe lb. U. !l!!o.. ofr.L)
<br />_1.uowi:otdr,.oFV,6elltml,colnr.aireil'li..r.doG.aonlo@e!arL.Foj.s(S&7oaa,B&E.!d
<br />Pfr&.tion Corh: 11 C6r..o/. Lie L.q 4o. d rrot r. &.t otroFry wto hcild. d iEFIE rL.o., .!d rlto
<br />@l,trcr br $ch Foj..lryil . Co.nco(, !@.d p{un b ln. coe.cor'. Lio.!- t s.).
<br />_l d a6Dr uld6 S.dioa ...............-.-................-B. t P.C. f!. rli lrl.n
<br />torElc0@aa0llclcl.rA[aB
<br />I tra, .lfto !rd. r-l, orFjry a of 6. i!.,i d-hoc
<br />_l bF.d ai[ EiEi. Crdtu o(C.d b !.&I-. t l!t-'coqd.,.. FftiLd t l, thab l7o dL.
<br />lr!o. Cod., b. tl Ft qu 016. rlt 5. rtior 6. FEt i i{lt
<br />_l bv. d riu Einrir tm.trl' coqotiro ltrer.e, r r!$hd b, s..dor ,?00 .(6. lrtor cod., cr 6. FCt[! . oftl.
<br />E* tU $tlt ltb Fni i iht d l.ry hrt-' Gonpd.lio! i!.uu.. crnir rrd polk, otltlr .r!
<br />ao!ry Nca!- Ergi.:
<br /> d Er b. @aL.d UtL FEl i.6. 06 bll,d <n lllol c b)
<br />_l €rr, l!.r o tt. F6![e of rL Fd &. Iii.! di Foi i iol.( I ltdl E( qby .ay FE i. .!r o.dr . ! lo
<br />bdd etid !o &. Fltqr ' coq.!.rio! lsr otc.libmi, .!d rar. rb! il I {ocld !a Eni.a btb Ero'
<br />6i?6rM Foviioo of S.oi.n !r0o of tL bbd Clilc t rh\}ii cGqly ,nt do.. Fwitb
<br />D.t!._Arliaf _
<br />lP/lINtllG: ldt ! E tcuc Bto' @!! 6!r.a. i. uL?tul .!d lbll .rbi6 d epbF ro cnni!.j pdtir .!d civil
<br />nE up ro or b&.d l[o!!.rd .bU.D (llOO.OoO).b rdAiioo to 6. 6d ol6tPri... d.r|t. ! Foilql lb. tt! !116 of
<br />ll. b!o, C.da ir.r.rd.iBr.y'r lq
<br />ucl!$rto llrcr9tt0rct4tarloB
<br />r .!tr uldi dly of Fidy tb I c lio3..d l!d. Fovlb, .(cbr.1 9 (@t etl lldiE ,oO) o{Di!i.b! t oi
<br />&. aLirs.!d lEb.iD Er liu i b &I6.E.rl &
<br />co!!rBlIcI&u.&EDEG.6G!!CX
<br />I Lrl, .firD .!& Dot, of Fiuy tLr dE! L . @cl!h ladla {8, 6. G. Fbr &. oltb m.r br *t!! Ui imi i
<br />ia.d (lha tot?, Cie C.).
<br />AIILIiAU}PESLI3^UA! Ndi6o6r r.ddl n auLba (TnL,o, Pm 6)
<br />ctry dt t tb. f.ddl Et{LrioM rcgrl(lry sbel.! 6Ehl e mr .ppliobl. to dit poFi
<br />_ I €dly lbr I Lv. Ed rlt rrpli.db. .rd .l.l. rbr O. .lor i.6rr.ri(!! i. .on .. I rar- 6 .oryt rtl .tl Cly .!d C$ry
<br />o.tlirar u.l Sd. L.'l d.i6a ro lcddi{ c.6tn€iE,.!d t ltr rriorb rr...drirr. oflli Cry.rd C.rd, ro dr !0.. rb
<br />.loE eri,..d FoFry b. i.|f.(iirn ,
<br />4?liod d {- +: D.G-taf
<br />I
<br />t
<br />M \WP51\P.rnn-h!o.don doc 03.31 06
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow