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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS owN!:n rull,Dl:R lrEt,( AItATt(,N <br />Lrd't r n udLr Ftulry ()l F,rurt rhd I m.r.n{i fntm rh( Codr .^- br l({ rlr nnhuin3 i..on lsr( 70.!l 5 <br />lrlik< irl P.oli(i'n Cdcr Ant C y or Coudl shrh r.qutc! a lrn r' dnNMl. !h(. imprr.. d.tuh\h or EI{tr lnt <br />(n(urc. pdtrl,, irs n{u.h.'c. lko r.qunc{ llE lnrlinnr lnr rkh F-rmilr,' liLa rirncd da,cmor rhtrrhcor \h. n Ptrhon r <br />nr rll Fo\sx,.r .r rlt (,mr&(tr'r L&.ql Lrr r(lur{d 'J, (imnnrit rtrh Sdt.n ,Urr of Drvr$n ] of ttt Bu.ims .nd <br />Pr'!.\rnF (-(i,.r tr rhi h. fl \tE tr.rcrm lEcrion r.d rhc nx th..lk8.d c\rmlrhn Any \i'LrDiofs(rrh 70.1I I hyrn, <br />nnpli$nrf(,{prrmil{uhFrr\rh.rflrlicrnii,,trcivilI)lnllrrolnnl'rmrh,^fivchundrcddolhtrrl$5fi1) <br />-1. <br />s ow olrlE FDFnr. d n, .nploF $$ qs ! tlti rk onFniJbr rO .t' tL Et tn d. mEre i d <br />idnld d olE cd ror rtc lse.?044. Bu.iB rn Prohsirtu Cod.: T,E C.'f..r.r'r Ltlm Lrw.lo.. rDi.rply l. u om of <br />rh.F+dry llb b{illr c iqm6 rha6 .,n *b &., Gh qrt hnMr.r rfflt d threuo hir d lE on.d?t'Fa <br />FDri.n rrEt i!.o6Er!nd aratd.ddolh.d 6. -t.lL lffi, dr hliBit bT.ftnrd i slll ratirc <br />'rof drpbin tlE 0',6 && wiu lrE d! brib ofFovi! dr lr d ,lr dd tEr hd! d t!F!E iE lrtrqry ld llE pupor. of <br />l. !s orF ol rh. I,nFdt. rh{drd <br />'nE <br />r fi ltrn{d.o rdoFh(rn{tu1rn FrFrrS( 7Ox. Busms! <br />aBl rhrl\nnr (i'dc: 1hc (bnr.!.tr'! l,iccnr. l tr* d,.r mr lpl ly rt, 0n osmr or p!,pcnr rtx, btrildr or tnpr.kt rhodrn, <br />und nh. d'di&Gn! ru.hF!r.8*irhi(tdE&rlr) nurud L,rlE(l'nnrroir lr$, <br />-l <br />.n .x.npl unds S(l <br />l)rr.MXlfall'l)ltflrs -uoilr!gr\&uu! <br />I h.'rhrJrl' rLtr,l$ t,.trr!).1trirtr,!onc.irlrl"lr'N!'!(,trki\ <br />-l <br />h.r rd qll rillrrh tC.nif..r.olcon roS.r-lnrwldEt6 qnqEdtri,q a Fuvitd lo. ty Scritn inn of rlr <br />trtrtr Codc, ld rlE Frloffi..l rh. worl ld "trh rh. Fm' n r(Ed. <br />X "*.r.u,-,".t -116 orrr.i.rir ilmE.... 'quitn b, s.dih lnDorrrE L,5.r c.n .6rdE Ftu or <br />llr 6t fG whrh rhF Fmn ir istd M, *dl6 onp.dnn 'rtllR ffi, rid polty rumlb d' <br />-,- Sla{-a. lrlrt?. ltlS. fr.4fLl <br />l70D7SLt -t lblaD <br />lL.n'rrrhrrnrtiIirrtnror.,'rrht\(kntrtrfirhrhtrti, trr trs{'rn l\hlll'rn.trFl(\trnrtrr!$'nlnttrHnE <br />q,^r'h(. r \!hFi tr'rh. tr 0,116' n\xr ur [tr\ol(-rllr, trr- rrlrIr.rhr, 'l I\h,ul(l tf,.om \uh,(rk!rlI <br />rortrA$nqrtr\rri{tr,pn,ri\i,tr\nlSrcii'n,l?rxrollhrIrhr(ixl..ldull.r,nihNirh,ollJly$hrh){.tnrnflN <br />,.,,,fl21a: <br />I lER6y dlrn ud.r FEly of F luy llrl I .m liFcd uidd F{ttbn ot CnrpE 9 (ffiint *llh Sc.rbn 7qD) 6t Divl.ih l <br />or 0E DBiEn.d PEhi'B C.d.. d hy Elc n ir tul rdE -d.ltrE]. <br />b <br />,,.," 8l5llo ,,,",,-,* )trl lke/"1"@. <br />(l Slf,IlMtlf,J,I)1iiLG}]I(l <br />i{tr..jrs.( nD7. (l\ ( l <br />AIILICABI.DEIIIIAIIIId <br />I lEd,y rtrm un&r Fn.ry of Fjury .E ol llE folt *ina &(Lr.ri,nr: <br />D.mllhn P.rnih'AttElror Norir6.rhn R.dLrionr (Thk 40. Prn6, <br />-t <br />q!ftn tdrd ol t{dd.rir <br />-l <br />dify oEl dr f.&El E8ullllB Etrdha rtrrd lmhl E ml +pli.bL lo lhis FDj.d.v,Zal ccn ily rht' I liv. Frd rhi .pnli.i hn rd {.r. rhd dE .bor infoidhn i cdE.l I .!16 ro orrpl, wnh Ciyrn Counly <br />odiEM rn Sltl. Lte. ELtiry ro hrildinS sinnEinr .d llEty .ullsri& lqnr.!fliB of lhn Cn, rd Couty lo cnra Wotr lh. <br />.tnr d irnd FoFny lor iq..rbi <br />AIDI(rn,.r At.trr si!trnr tre k- ^.E42a <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouoh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release l/\\ <br />FINAL B-r\ -7,0 \$t\d <br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc.\-/ <br />***,* qa5?3D <br />( <br />r