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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />btWk:Bondinq I Groundina I UFER ?tur ) <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Roush <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Roush) <br />N/eter Release 711 u)Drrtr-fr <br />t <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter It I ./ <br />FINAL 7'Dtrw o'7 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I <br />I / <br />OWNIi,R BUII,DER DTiLCARATION <br />I hereby affrnr unrler penatty of perjury that I anr erempt frunr the Contractons' License l-aw for the following reason (Sec.7031.5 ; <br />Busincss and Prol'ession Codc): Any City or County which requircs a permit to construct, alter. improvc, demolish or repair any <br />structure, prior to its issuance. also requires the applicant ftrr such pernrit to file a signed staterEnt that lr or she is licenscd pursuant <br />to the provisions of thc Contractor's l.iccnscd law (Chapter 9. Commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Busincss and ' <br />Professions Code) or that he or she is exenrpt therefrom and tlre basis for tlre alleged exenption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any <br />applicant for a pennit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not nrore than five hundred dollars ($500). <br />_1. as owncr ol'thc propcrty. or tny crnployees with wagcs as thcir sole compcnsation, willdo the work and the stnrcture is not <br />interxlcd or offered frrr sale (Sec.7Ua. Business and Profe.ssions Code: The Contractor's Licensc l-aw docs not apply to an owncr of <br />the property who builds or improves thereorr, and wlro does such work himself or hrself or through his or her own entployees, <br />provided that such irnprovcrrcnts arc not intendcd or offercd tor sah. Il. howcvcr, Orc building or irprovcment is soH within onc ycar <br />of completion, the Owrcr Builtler will hnve the burden of proving that hc or she did not build or improve tlrc prcperty for thc puqposc of <br />sale). <br />_1. as owner of thc property, um exclusively contracting with licenscd contractoni to construct thc project (Sec. 7044. Business <br />arxl Protbssion CorJe: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property wh<l builds or improves thereon, <br />and who conuacts for such projccts wilh a Contractor(s) liccnsed pursuant to thc Conuactor's License l-aw). <br />-IantexemptunderSectiott-,B'&P.C.fbrtlrisreason. <br />WORKI,RS' COTIT PE,NSATION <br />DECLARATION <br />I hercby affirm undcr pcnalty of pcrjury onc of tltc lbllowing dcclarations: <br />_l have and will nuintafur a Certilicate of Consent to Self-lnsure for workers' conrpensation, as provided for by Scction 3700 of the <br />Labor Code, for thc pcrforrnarrcc of the work for which thc pcrmit is issucd. <br />/.' I have and will nraintain workers'cotupemation insuratrce. as by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for lhe Jrcrfornutrce of <br />thc work tbr which this prnrit is issucd. My workcrs'carricr ruxl plicy nunrbcr arc: <br />a7/za/z LPolicy <br />_l ccrrify that in thc;rcrfornuncc of thc work fcrr which this prmit is issued, I shall not cnrploy any pcrson in any manncr <br />.so as lo bccorne subject to thc workcrs' cotnpensation laws of California. and agrec that if I should becorre subject to lhc <br />workers' conrpensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Cotle, I shall, forthwith comply wilh those provisions.. <br />WARNTNG: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal pcnalties and <br />civil firrcs up Io one hulrdred thousand dollars ($100.000). in additiorr to tlrc cost of comgrcnsation, danrages as provided for the <br />Section 3076 of the labor Code, interest and attorncy's [ces. <br />I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that <br />of the Busincss and Professions Code. alxl <br />LICENSED CONTRACTOR <br />I)ECI,ARATION <br />I anr licensed under prcvision of Chapter 9 (conmrcncing with Secti<rn 7000) of Division 3 <br />my license is in full forcc arxl effect. <br />License Nunrber: <br />l/ <br />CONSTRUCTTON LENDING AGENCY <br />I hcrcby aftirm undcr penalty of pcrjury that therc is a construction lcnding agency for thc perl'ormance of thc work lbr which this pcrmit is <br />issucd (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />Lender's Nanre: <br />APPT,ICANT DECI,ARATION <br />I hreby affirnr undc'r pcnalty of pcrjury onc of thc following doclarations: <br />Dcnxrlition Pcrnilts-Ashcstos Notification Fcderal Rcgulations (Titlc 40, Part6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />l-cttcr of Notifrcation <br />_l ccrtily that thc fcdcral rcgulalions rcgarding asbcstos rcmoval arc not applicablc to this <br />IZ/l "otyrhat I havc rcad this application utd statc tlut with all City and County <br />and County to cnter upon thc <br />abovc rncntioned property for inspcction <br />Applicant or Agent ll IIlcrmilee nanre <br />^n ir f ,L/zc <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />'e'I1,1-l <br />v <br />A rrrrlir':rnl:\A), <br />ordinanccs and Statc [,aws rclating to building