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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNER BUN-Dr]lr T}ILCAR TION <br />I h.rcht ,rlirn undd lrnrlry ol neriry rlrd I ad crc rfr riim rh. Conrrr.kni l-i.c.\c trw lu lhc tulk,wir8 &s.n (Scc 70.11 5 <br />Bu\in.\r dni Pn cssirr Colc) Any Ciry or (lnn y whi.h rcqtrircs ! rxilrir tr .onifl.r. rhcr, nnrr.rt- dcnF|\h or dtt0n rny <br />6 ihc no!i\n,n\ or rhc Contrrrorr l.iccn\t{l lr* lch trcr 9. Co nn.nciDg wirh S..rii 70(X1 ol Division I ol rh. Btr\i".\\ .ntl <br />Prufcssi,,ns Codc) .r rhrl h. orshc is .xc.rpr rhcrcft{rn 0Dd rhc hr\i\ torrh.allc8.dcrcmprio. nr_vi(,ltriotrolSccrionT0ll5hyany <br />amli.rnttur!.rnrirsubjccrsrlrcrntlictrtrrbs.ivilNrlry.fDortrrtrclhmllvchndrcddolhs(S500) <br />l. rs owncroirlrpoi'.ny.orn,yc ott.\ wirhwrgc\rsrhcn {rlccomPcn\rri{nr' {illd. rhc *ork Jxlrltc(ntxrc is nor <br />ncr cd .r ofitrcd lnr slc (S.c 70t4. Bu{ trtrd$ior( Ctxt: ]'lt Gd (rr\ l .t.n\c Lrw doc! nor ryPlv h rn os cr ol <br />rh. | lrny *h() btrikl\or iNpn)vcs rh!fru and whodoc\\u.h*o'k hi'nrclr rr hcn.liorthmuAhhi\orh.r.*f.ndoyc.s. <br />!rcv'.lc'lrhir\uchi'nPn)vu,mtrl\irct.rinrcnddorofcrdtrsrljllholNtr.rhchuildirg.rirnnlov.tttri\nrldwilhin.n''txr <br />ofconll]lcti)n. rhj O*ncr Buiklcr willhi\t rtt htrd$.1'F)vin8 lhd hr or sht did.ol h,ikt or i'nfro$ rh. F)pcnv ior rho l[rF*.1 <br />-1. <br />r\ o\ nd .f rhc |nJNi y. iN .rclu\irly contmrihs sirh l'.ctr{,l c.nkr.t,r tu coflnnd rh. I,l+cr (S.. 70x. Btr$Nss <br />ifil hrll\sh.Codc:'lhcconra.ktr'rLr.nscl-nsdoc\trorxpPlrt,.trosncrolfronr,whrbuiklsorimrn)vcrihcrcor <br />rnd sho .onra.Bntr suchrr+.r\qnhrAa n.rn(s) licctrkrl Pur\unr hrhcContrdois l i.tnsd l-da) <br />I aNcrcq,r uMcr Sc.rtun <br />tl()RKl-Rs collPllNs/t1r{)N <br />IIECL/IaAII()N <br />I hc,cny.ll nu cr li.nrlryof p.rjurf oN ol lh. nnk)sin!d..lrnri{tr : <br />l-rix,Codc larrtup.rfunn n..orrhc*oltln,whichlhcnciuir i\is\dcd <br />rh.$.rIntrsIicl'rl,i\!cnniri\is{'cdMy*ork..e.oD,t,ctr\rrnnr {tr .. .rtri.r rntl I[l'.i_ hutrlN tr. <br />,,,-'",,'L'tJV'Lh hvv ic or,t lYYnulatW-,- <br />;-.ro7or-ror*rr.,*,-Nlh0'141 ?to+b <br />l.crril-vrhrtifrhcp.rli)rnun.cofrhctrotktuwhi.hrhi\rrnir i\i\\uttl.I\l[llnor.'.Pl.yrnyPrr!,n uflv'nrnmr <br />w, as b hecom \uhic.r h rhc sorkcn .on,p!f\rri{r l $\ ol C hft'trir. rDd +r. rhrr il I \ln,old hg.onr {'hl..r io rhc <br />{.rk.r\ co rp-n.di,{r Dmvl\i,rn\.1S.dnn,.l7(X)ofrlt l]txt ('odc.lsl$ll. tunhwirh..nrdy wirh llm{rrtrni(nN <br />rl^RNINC: lixilurc t, {.urc u.rkcr! c.mncnrorion .ovc unfustu1. rtrd \[]ll n,hrcr ntr . oNt r,, !ri'ni',rl Ffuhics r d <br />civil iinc\ un t) om hrndrcd lhon{rd nol <br />Sc(rnr ll)76ofrhc I rhtrCodc. inlcrc( ul <br />tr,tri\irr( Llrmrgc\ rs fmvnl.d I'n rh. <br />al{lo <br />Ihcrchyr,tunu.rpcnrlryol!crurtrli l nm li.ctr{dutrdcr D(nniin,olChrlncr9(..mrf,rln! wirhSc.l <br />of rhc Auq.c* d.d Prncssio'NCod.. ind y li.cM r ir lirlLlhrcc udcllc.r\ <br />th4426 <br />"". 'qfrl@, <br />g*n,',.nnu cr FDrhyofpclury rh{ th.rc is r con{fl.ri,r kndi'rt r8ctuy ktr rhe P.rlnnmncc ofrhc uork in shi.h rhs |tnnir i\ <br />i\$cd 1Sc. :1097.( i\ ( ) <br />lxn,lcis Addr.!\ <br />-^ITUCANLI)ECIABtrIIONllxr$yrlltmunncrn.trrlryof pc!tr,yoncolrhcli)il,)wir!d.clxrrri,n : <br />I)cnrliriof Pcrnir\ A\h.{o\ Noili.nridi licdf{l Rc!trlali(nr\ I l irl.;10. P n6) <br />R.quirci I.(icrol Norillcrr()n <br />lccnifrrhrl rh. fcdcrrltugul ri('fs r!! dirAi\h!!osrcnn,vrLJciorr|Plrrh.brhisnntlcrr <br />1..'rLlirlrr I lnyc rr,lrhi\ rpplicrnn,rl,rrdilr, is.r'r.r I rll.c n,.'Dtly tr irh xll Cd) r ('nrlr_ <br />.hr_ rrho'i7d r.prr\c rxr!c! rl thi\ (iryrnd(.ou\ rtrrlSrn.l-r\1r.l nt n, l l(l <br />$rve nrnli,nE tn) <br />ApDli.anl or A,rent SiEra al+l@ <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq I ilnhr t 'dnr6A4A J <br />lnsu lation/Enerqy :olllF fi 'n k'rA-,:o ) <br />Drywall 4!lr lr avl^t,*l,nJ <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lr/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar rdzolt(,|'1t4lttW-ltDl <br />Handicap Req.[' l'- <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />FINAL 6zat o,L tt/rs /t* <br />Certilicate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Femarks, Elc. <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Flood Zone Certil.