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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNEN SUILDOR DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby lafirm undcr Fnalry {)t lcrjnry rhar I d srcnfl fmn rhc Conrict'E Liccns tiw ntr lhc follo{in8 rca$. lscc.7o:ll 5 <br /> ,nd Pmf.ssion Codc): Any Cit, or CoDnly whi.h nqunc. r frmir ro o.$ru.1. ulrcr. inpovc. &'mlhh .r'mrril any <br />sructurc, pior to irs issulncc, aho rcquircs rhcaprlictrnt ior suchpcrnirro lll. r \igncd {,r.mni rhor tror shl i\ li.cnsd plruad <br />b Ih. ptuv(ions or rh. Contri.ror's Li.cnscd bw (Chrprcr 9. Commcncin8 silh Sccrion 7(x)0 of Divhion .1 of rhc Bxsincss nnd <br />Profc$ions Codc) or rhar lr or shc iscrcn r rhcrctor ond thc Msh lor rhc alkscd dehprion Any viol,rion orsccootr ?0ll.5 by any <br />amlicanr l apcmrir subjslsrhe dprlic!fl x, acivilpenrlryofnor tu)( rhan 6vc hundr.d dollds(J500). <br />l. ,c oeftr .f rhc pn,Fny, .r ny cmploy..s wirh w,!.s d\ rh.n s)b .onp.nel ion. will do llr wdk md rhc slturutu is M <br />i cndcd orofcrcd for $lc (SN.?0.1,4, Busircssond Pmlcssions Codc rhc Coftncrors t-i..n\c txw docs n.r mnly lo !n owmr or <br />rh. nnJrMy who hoildsor in$i.vcs llrron. ond who de\ such *o* him\clfor hcRlf or rhfruAh hh or hd.wn cnfhyccs. <br />pn,vidcd rh r such inEoemnrs d c nol inkfrll{ r ofiL*l f(tr sh. la howev& lhe huiuina or imtrovcftd n skl *iihitr orc For <br />ofconr0letion. rtE O*ncr Alihcr sill haw rlrc tDrd.n ol pmvins rh hc or \h. did n.r buih or impor lhc pmroly lor ll'E purlDsc oi <br />-l- <br />r\owncrollhc pro!.ny. !mcxclu\ivclyconlrrcrin8 sirh liccn$d..nrr.ktrs r)..trsfl.t rlE nn'ret lScc. ?(X4. Bu$ncs <br />rnd ftrf.sion Codc: Thc Connrctoas Liccnsc Lor d.cs nol rpplylo inownc. olpml].dy sho huild\ or nnpovcs rh$&'n. <br />rnd who conrrach tu slch pmjcck wirhaConrB.k(s)licen\cdptrFornr brhcQ)ntra.rols Liccnsc Low) <br />-l <br />a'n eremfl undcr S(rion <br />uaf,KlBS:roMftiNtarrlJl! <br />DECLAA rcN <br />I hcrchy allirnr und.r pcnallyoipcrjury orc oflhc n'lhwinB dcclaruri,,N: <br />-lhnve..dwillmoinl.irrCcnificarcolConsenrroSclilnsurcrhrqorkcrsonpc.\rrnnr,uspn,vidcdlarbyserionlT(rooithcUh.r C.dd. for rhc p.rfonnan( .f !h. $o* lor *hi.h thc p.flnn is h$rcd. <br />-l <br />nrvc! qill mninrain workcni coDlcrsrli.n i.suBncc. !s rcqutcd hy Scc(ion.l70Oofrhc trhor G)dc. for thc p.rlonumcc ol <br />lhc $.rk lnr s[ich rhnpcnnil i\ i\sucJ My*..kc ' i.sunn...ndicr rlrl Fnicy nun$cr arc <br />c <br />P"tic\ N!n*l--]f!!zhn)2-a.4 0+,IJ <br />lccnifyrhari',rhepcrr(rnnic.ofrhcw.rkforwhichrhispc nir is hncLl.I shalln.r cnUloylnt p..vnr ii atr,ranncr <br />sr .s lo hc<rrc subjc.t to thc vorkcn onDctrsrtion law\ olCrlilnnin. lnd aaruc rhar irl shuuld l$onf, sunii lo rhc <br />qnkd s comEnsation nn'visions ol Scdion :17(x) ot rhe Lllnr Q c. l shrll. lbnhwnh c. dy s irh rhoe fmli\ion! . <br />$ARNIN(;: FrlLtrc ki {curu sorltr^ roi\f,tr\rrnn,.orcrxg. i\ trn ltl. .nd sh0ll sunicr rn cnrpl.jlr ki fi'nnrlN.rlri6 utrd <br />civil fidc\ xt, h onc hututrcd rhou\rn{l dollar\ ($l(D.(Xx)). nr addir ns.lion. d,trug.\ r\ p(,vidcd for rhc <br />:',-:-''4j.;Iru"" <br />I hcrcby lllnn undc{r.trrlr, of t'crjury d.l I m licus{ u.dcr rol (hrpr.r9r.lnnarmi ! sili S..ri(in rrxX)r.l'l)lvi\ion l <br />of Ihc Businds\and Pn,fcrsions Codc. ond my lken* is in fullfor.c rd clIsr-b 1ef?'+Zb <br />4ltaltlt <br />I hftby rfiim lndcr lEnaht of,,erj!ry th.r rhm k ! oflstru.rion hnding ,Eeicy ror !h. Frlomncc ol lhc work for whnh tht rEmn is <br />ksu.d (scc.1097, Civ. C.) <br />trmlca\ Namr <br />) <br />AIPIICANIDESAAAIION <br />I hmby dtirmund.r p.n0hy of pcrjury onc of lhc followinS dcclaElions: <br />Dd.blirn,n Pdoirr Asb. os Norin.nrio. Fcde.rl Rc&trlario6! lTirlc 40. Pd6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />trrtcr orNoIfi coliotr <br />_l..niiyrhrr rtu iidcralrcgrhrnnr rtrdin! a\h((o\ rctrxrrlri(. mr afi,licnhh h) rhr Dm].cl <br />l( iryrhrr I turcrcrd rhndttli.dirinrtolnnrc ion i\.oncd lasrahcompl,sirhtrllCirr.i c.u ry <br />o'di' ,..\ r Srxtr l-r*\ '.lxl0A nl rcpr.\cnrrrivc{ ollhi\ Ciry rtrtl cohry k, rirrr urx,r rhc <br />Jhrc nEnrion.J Imncny lor <br />,\ppli,rrl orAgotrl SiAnrlu ^,,, 11rc\rc <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit)4/t//3 t /tot*+ I t1- <br />Walls (Rough)tdz"/rt I 2*tc*ye-"r--Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh ,1r/15/te /DL <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh),/Art/tC E?1Lrra.^-/c>, <br />It/eter Release [ ' (,t ' <br />Rouqh td>olt I E"{rVt'Z-? <br />Service ltlleter ,l <br />FINAL bP aao:le' <br />N es, Rema Etc. <br />ID/SIG. <br />Pole Bases <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />II