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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNI]R Bt]II-DUR DT]I,CARATION <br />I lErchy nitn un cr acnilry ol pciuy lhd I !m cx.rlpl frorn rhc (itr lrclors l-kctr\c l-r$ fttr ihc lalkisn,g tiR (Sc.7)115. <br />Businr$ nDd P!or'.$t,f, code): nt Ciry or Counry which rll]unc\ r lf,r,rir to cdtr!ru.r. ilrcr. itrrpii,rc, dunnli\h oi rcl'ir $, . <br />ro rhc F,!ni{)ns ol rh \ I ir.n\.d t-rs rchrnrrr L Conn .n(nit \irh Sc.riotr 7(XX) ol Divhtu :l oi rhc ln'sinc"\ itrd <br />Pn'fcs\i,rtrCudc)urrhai lforshc itcxcnU rh.rdio rrrd rhcbrn\ lir rhc illctcd cxcnrfior Anyvi.hrn,nofSRri,)i70-ll5hy!ny <br />rtrli.nDr ir r Nnnir nrhlccrs rhc rrDlicrrrhaci!ilpctrrlryornornnrthinlivchundrcd(lolllf(:15(l)) <br />-1. <br />as o*ncr of thc I,oIEny, or d, cqrlortcs wirh $a8cs !s rh.n sb .onl)cnerion. will do tlE wdk tun dE sull]w k flol <br />hrcnd.n or dllccd to, slc {S(.7{x4, BNircss md Profcr.i,o$ codc Thc Co.lradm s Li..nrc tiw dcs nor q'dy ro nn o{rd or <br />rte phlEny who hdirl{ or in{hB ttrN( dld wno dds sh h& hi.r.l{ or h.s.lf or lhmu3h hh or lE o*n chpl.rccs, <br />Imvid.d rtar sucn imt'oEEnls m mr inrcd orollcEt for $l€.li,h*r. rhe hildin8 o. inpmwmnr h sld wirhin om y@ <br />of.omplcrion, 0E O*ft, Auddd wll h.w r& htrdcn of pmvif,8 thd hc or shc dil mt ltuild or iryme Oc pDpcny for 0E !u{me of <br />l. as own$ ollh. tmpcdy. 0n crclusivcly .onrretinS wirh liensd conhcroF ro conirucl rh. tmj(1 (S(. 7tr44, BNim$ <br />,nd Fotu{d Codc: Thc Conkeror'. Li.cnsc llv dd{ not nlply ro dnosnn oflrop.ny who builds or imFmts $.rcon. <br />lid sho conrrcls lor such proj(rs wirh o CotrtEcro(, lic.n$d plrslo ro the Contactd, q LkcnF tiw). <br />l)f,.rdrnr un(ld S.rr B &PC r'orrhi\rcN)n. <br />UOBf,E8:I.COIIIEIIAIION <br />DECI/XAIIQ! <br />I hcrcb, ufirm uidcr pcnlIry of pojury om of tlr following dc.ledrirnsl <br />l:rt\ (inl.. io.lhc I)!n,trtrL'nre.trh. sork lnr \h(h rhr Nnni ir '\\ur(l <br />I h,vc andpill'minl0in workcrs' con{f, n sar ion insuramc. os rcquircd by S.dion 1700 ofthc Lil,or Codc, for fic pctfo,nEc. ol <br />tnc wolk for whkn.thk lch l is issucd. My worl6 .om!.nsotion-in,uDtuc .orir dd li.licy Nnbcr e: <br />",*, Z.unc\^ I)v*tticovt \YVNnrY,Qz, <br />' \Al <br />^ <br />")to4 I0 <br />-l <br />ccniftlhol inlhcpcrlortun.corthc wo* aorehichrhisFrm k hiucd.I dallnor cftploy My p.r$. inlnymnncr <br />$ 6ro b.cor srhj{i to ihc wort.* conFhsliion I0ws of Califomin. .nd tr8rc lhal ifl shoukl tEcotu subr..l ro rlr <br />mrrdc omp.nslion pmvtions of Selion 3?00 of thc tibor Codc. I sh!I- rodhvnh @mPly eith rlbs tmvisio.s.. <br />WARNIN(; failurc h {ck firk$i c.n,Fisari('n covcB!. i\ unlrsful <br />ciil linc\ op ro onc h(ndrcd rhou\! l dollur\ (Slur,(xN)). ir uddiri.n x, <br />subjccr atr clnplorcr b siminal rnalrics lnd <br />ir0r!c\ r\ tr,vi,l.rl ntr l[c <br />Libor Code, inrdc{ md atrofty\ <br />c l0 t ^iiis'. <br />r!!!l-Brr.t( <br />I hcrby dm.rn udd.r pr llry ol !.rlury thd I rm liccn*\l uM.r provision of Chrplcr 9 (commnc iis rirb SFrir,. 70(x) ) ol Dilisioh l <br />ot rhc llurinc\s Md ln,fe*i.n\ Codc. md ry\d il ir tuU rar.c ant.tlt.r <br />t1 14?+6 <br />u ?) <br />I hcrchyrlftnundcr lcnalry.rlErjrryrhrl rhcrc isr.oriru.rion lcndinitrscNy forlhc pu ormamc ol rhc {dik tr which rhi\ pcnnn is <br />issucd (SN. 109?. Civ C ) <br />AITUCANLDECLAAA.ION <br />I lrl.])yrllnNundcr NMLIy ol ollhc nnl)winE d(l i,nr\ <br />I)cnrniri,i l'cnnirs A\h({o\ Norilllrri,n F. crrl R.g liri,nN r'l illc {), Prn6) <br />Rcquir.d Iirrcr ol Miill(lior <br />-lccrtifylhJ! <br />rhc !.dcml rcgublion\ rcglrning oshc\ros rcmvllrc nor llPtlicrblc ro rhi\ pDi*l <br />l.cnify rh I h,v. rcad rhk $!l inlonMrion h corcct. l lgB ro comrly*nh all Ciry and C.unr, <br />or.linrNcs iid Sralc trw\ rclal ,cnrsnr iv.s ol $is Cny and Couf,ly lo .nrs upon lhc <br />ak'vc nEnln,nd poren, i(n <br />Al)Pliconl or Aaent Sisnat!4h'clft) <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation nlr,l/,Gru>ra'/f\- <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork to/>/?€u,r>.*t-/o,,'[(, <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar oho.//-?@zt>./8- <br />/ r/t,- <br />Bough Mech.'2/?o//t e ,?tivl.,?-/Q:---/( <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 2zzl ,r'?- l/t 7r/ts <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />APPROVALS <br />Furnace <br />lnstallation <br />Final Test <br />----f-- <br />-------r----- <br />=