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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER I)EI,CARATION II h.rcby artr( undo pcnalrt or r.rjury rhar I m.r. tlr {mnr rhc Conrr.roF tiB lor rh. iolloEinB rca..,n ,Se 10.11 5 ' <br />Busincss .nd Pdt$ion Code): Any Ciry or Counry shih rcquircr ! Irnnl ro onsrtucr. dlrel intovc. dcmli\h or rcl)at atry <br />ddcrlrc. pri{, ro irs hsuGc. also rcquircs rh. lpplicanr titr srch Fnnir ro fi|. a !i8n.d rhar fu or shc is liccnsd pon\anr <br />ro rhe F)vi.nrns of rhc Co r!.rols Liccnsd tiw (Chaptct 9. ConmctrcirS wirh Sccrion ?fix) of Division I ol rh. Bnsinc$ n"d <br />Professnn*Codc)orrtarlrorsneiscxcnrflricrcfronaidrtcba\nfffrhc,llrscdcx.rtrio..AnyviolirionolSalion70:11.5hyany <br />lnplicair iu r t rdi' slhj*h rlE 4rlica ro u civil p.nrlry . r nd frndhan fii. hundr.d dollan ( lsuj). <br />lvaa$r&i:lau$lrallaN <br />DKLAtsAIION <br />I hcr.6y rilirnr u c. p.nrlryofp.rjur!aN olrhc tulL,,u i,r! ,lc.hBr i,)ns <br />-l <br /> lrn*ill Nintli. aC.nificlreolConscnr x,Sclf lnsure ln, {orkc( .onpcnerion. ,s pFvidcd lbl hySecrioolTtI}orrhc <br />L.h, cdlc. r'.rthclxrfonn,nccollhc qolk torwhichrhc pcrmil n hsucd <br />lhavc lnd sillrnrn r n rorkr$ .oD,trn\niion in{mncc. r\ r.qun brSccrion:17(X)olrh. Lnb.r G c.larrh. Nrfo' <br />t0 /-iLDn'U-** "Eicr d F icY numbcr m: <br />Y4oa'/'/ ?it t1,',2- <br />I.cdiryrhnr in r hc Frfortuncc of IIr s.rk,r whi.h ihi\ piinn h nsucd.l shrll norcmpk,y atry pcrs,n in riy mrnkr <br />s, slolE.omc sbjcd k) rlEwo*c onrpcns iotr liwsofcarilnnii. und lsrcc lh,r ilI sh,xld sbjcd Iolhc <br />*ork${ conDens,rio. nrorisionsofSslion 3?00 of lhc titrr Cdc.l nrll. f.nh$irh Brmply qirh rho$ [.visi(,ns. <br />WARNING Fdlurc ro Lrnrc workcB com!.nsdiotr covcm8c n unhwtul. lnd shull slhjcd Bn onploycr b dininal JEuhas 0d <br />.ivil fincs ut to orc hlndrcd thousand dollrrs (S100.0m), <br />'n dd[i.-n ro rhc con nr compcn\srn'n. d0mE.i r( r,rovilcd thr lhc <br />sccrnn.rulooirh. t{b.raoJc. inrcrcn a arrorm},lR' - t <br />".,". <br />,q 7 8 -'q noo,,*,, *1\$Qg, <br />Lr( ENsHoty'rRACToR <br />DICIdAAIIIJN <br />I hcrby litfln und.r p.nulry of p.rjury thst I am lien*1und.r pmvisio. olChaplq 9(commminE wirh S*riJ.7uJ0r orDivhi.n l <br />oi rtc Blsincs md Profe$ionsCodc. ud 'nylic€n* h in lull lorce urxl <br />/) B Ct/)5q7 <br />16',,.,' <br />oi -Z I 't c-n""r.r,l(- <br />caauauqu9xL.[uulNclcl:NclIn$c},yrrn rndcr Fndr! .1 Nrjxry th r,u.hacon{ru.ibnhndirssscrcyiorrhcncrlornuh-'corrhc*orkr.rwhi.hlhtlEirnilis <br />i$ucd (Scc..109?. Civ C ) <br />t ndcls Addrcss <br />- <br />i.ttllqrNlMg,rlait.Il0tt <br />lhlnhvrltn,undrrn trrlrvof trrjrr\ o cof rhrn)ll(rvi'ign..hrnrnr\ <br />Dc nnirlon Icmir\ Asbc!.s N.rilicxr i,u l:sdn' l Rcsu hr i,trr (l irlc 40. l'xa6) <br />Rcqtrtrc t-.[d !l Nolii].riI <br />I.c ifyrhd nr f.dcful icllldi,)trs rc8rdr! id{(o\r. n,ulnrc trorrpflicahlclo rhnl]lojecr <br />l.cniryrhnr I luvc rc&l r[is0pflic0lion ffilsrrcth rhc h,vc inlbnnrrnr nc.n.d I,rd.trr.r\.'nJsrihLnr.r.hhner. irr!ir'F!on{ru('1aL*e!\.rch}JUrh"'vc.,,1.crrJr <br />,'h{c 'ft r[ lf" r.d] n, .r..1r t'dr,', {./l /, J/ <br />rppti.,nr.r rsenrsrAnnrum X ->{ -L u;' - , <br />pcmrrrecmne,pri ,,D( -t o, '11'/4 '-=11 I .< <br />aCre ro orpll wirh allCilyand Counry <br />iver otlhh Cny,nd Coun'yro enicr ulx,n rtE <br />al.-.7Q-tQ <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround ra/R/* :e.;zDzz*'o', ./ <br />Pole Bases ,fl" llt r''6*1oflr6--t6/ <br />Light Standards "L <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER td,tllr t "41/lBrvtk t0/ <br />Translormers t <br />-'t' <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Faclory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Bouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />lt/eter Release <br />Rouqh lL-lt-16 l5-(*a /e) ^I lt{ ^Service IVleter 1U.^Jttt .)f.' <br />FINAL 2,o <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />-) <br />DATE <br />r hz tE?kA <br />l. ,s owmr or rhc popcny. or my .mploy..s silh wag.s as rhci sok conlrns.l ion- will do llr sork ad rhe {t*re h rcr <br />inrc .{l or olIcred for slc (SN 7044. Busine$ ud ttofcsions Codcr Th. G)nraclrnt Liensc Llw des trot .ptly lo !n owmr of <br />lh.Irenny who t{ilds or irq'mwsltEmn. and wto de\ sKh wo himr.lf.r h.r€lf o. rhmuAh hr or hcr ovn cmrlt,yecs. <br />providcd lh.r sx.h inEovcnrnh nrc mri cndcd orolt rrn for sL.lf- hoevcr rhc buaui.g or ir9(\sEnl isY,hwilhinonc )ttr <br />of.or!,hrio lh. Owner Builllf will haw dE hlnL! or pmring thd lE or sh. dil mr buib or intmir ttc i'mFny r.r rrE purp$ or <br />l. rr owftr of rhc lftp.ny. an cx.lusiwly contudnrS wiih li.cnsed co lr0dos h connrud rhc proF.r (sc.. 70t r, 8u\j.c$ <br />0 i ftofcsbn Code: The Conrrdoi\ Liccnt l iw dds nor apply !o m ownc. of pmFny wno huilds o! improv.! rhcrq'n, <br />rtrd <br />_l r'ncx. rll undcr Sc.rion ,B.&P.C lor this rctrson <br />D.l.: Own .: <br />.It "L.--'t <br />I