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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />lvlisc uipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />Ro ugh Ductwork <br />Venls <br />Toilet Room / Clothes D ryer <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Jype I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />I <br />Rou gh ,*X\'l) <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL ///of/ttr ,,) <br />Notes, Remarks , Etc./ --1,,/ <br />-+ <br />O\,VNER BUILDER DEL&RATION <br />I hmby a,Ifm uMcl pcMlry of ncrrury rtar I m €xcnpr tnm th. Conmcros Lh.m tlw ror llF fouowing ffin (56.7011 ,5 <br />Blii*ss ad Pmfcsion Codc): A.y Cily or Counry vhi.h EquiB , Fmn ro on{e[ allci itrrpor., dcmli.h or E on my <br />iren@. prbr ro ir. hsu!ft.. rho rquircs rh. q,plicet fo. su.h ,Emir ro fiL a iigied *rdcmnr ltr lE or sh. ir lic.n$i puM,tl <br />lo lhc pmvisioN of hc Conir(ioi! Liccncd trq (c}q,tcr 9. C.mftftitr8 wnh Sc.lion 1100 of Divnion I of rlE Blsincs and <br />PDfcssions Codc) or lh lE d dE i! .rcmF lhftlion ard ft. bssi\ for rhc .lkg.d qcrlflion. Any viobion of Serion ?011.5 by sny <br />rmlka for ! lcmir subials rhc appliclnr ro r civil pcMly of not me lhan lie huodrd doll6 (t500) <br />-l- <br />as o*mr of ltc pmpcny. or my .riploFca wirh w,gcr .r rhcn src c.npcn$tion. will do tlt wst {d rL srnd@ i\ hr <br />inlcn&d or or.r.d ror elc (Se.7044. Busine$ {nd Pmfcssions Codc: Thc Co mcrols Liccnr. kw {hcs nor amly to n ouBr of <br />rhc tat!.ny {l'o hlilds or iqmts rlEDn. md who dG sucn md hims.lf or h.Rlf or fibugh hh or h.r owr rdploycca. <br />pmlidcd thar such inrylkmnk m mi inrc cd or ofiald ror eLr. It tu,wcs. rh. bnilding or iqmwmor h s.h anhin orc Fs <br />ofconphliotr th. Ownr Buillo sill hale rh€ burden oipmlin8 rhd hc or shc dil nor blild or imprer! dE Impcny tor rlE p!4DB of <br />-1. <br />!s owrcr of lnc !mpc,ly. am crlNihly .onr&rios wirh lic€nrcd coirra.ton k, snsrdcr llE roj.Er (Sa. 7044, Bunncs <br />and ADtlcrix C.dc: fic Conlmclr's Liccnsc l-3w dG ml sprly Lo ,n o*nf ol proFn, who buildr or in!reks $crcoo.lnd who .onlmcls fo, such F)i{ri eirh r C..rBclo(s) liI.rd pu^Mt to rtr Conlrldols Lk€r* ljw). <br />-l.n.xcryl <br />u.dcr ser B & P C.for$h rcMtr. <br />lLOStrEXSll;OMtENliArrA! <br />DEI;Id3A:IION <br />I hcrcby.ntmundcr p.nrlryorl)crjury unc.rrhc rolLwins declulion\: <br />-l <br />huvc nnd will nuinrtrir dCcnill.d.orconscnrbsclt lnslrc,or sorkera con{Ensntion. as pmvided lnrhrSccrionlT0Oolrhc <br />l-$or Codc. lnr thc Frronn,rc .r rhc work (or shich rhc pclnril n issucn. <br />I hrvc ndwillnoiorainqortcr'cor.pcns.riotrinsur.ncc.asrLttun.d6yS. i,ril?(n.frlrlihorCodc.forrhcrclfornrmcol <br />th. sork for which rhi\ pcnni is is\ucd. My sorkcn ion insurlndc cdnhr ud l)oli.y nu,nh.r ml <br />Cl (C\ce <br />.o 2_b - q.z9.2p 19 <br />I.cniry rh.r io rhc pdfo,tutc oarh. *ork rbr *hth lhis p.rnrn is nsu.d.l shall nor onpbyanyp.tron i! my <br />$ as lo beom subje o rh. worlcN .or{E6r!io. la*s of Califomi!. and asm thd ir I should tEom subrct ro tlr <br />*orlss cou,xnsrionpmvisb.s ofsdion 1700orirr khor Codc,I shall.lo henh &r{,ly wnh t,Ds pmyisions.. <br />WARNINC: Failurc b $.urc w.rkc( Lr,npens ion covcasc n !n <br />civil fmc. up lo onc hundRd lhou$nd dolld ($100.000). in <br />Sccrion 30?6 oftnc kbq Cod.. irrer.$,nd nromy s i*s. <br />p",", -9e?.L6.18 nor,,-,, <br />uMltt -rax <br />I }EEby ar6rn undcr Fnalry of lcrJury thll I m lienscd udcr of Cn picr 9 (conDrmin8 wilh Setbn ?000) ol Divisior 3 <br />ot llE Busirc$ and Prcfcsiotrs Codc. ud my liccns is in tuU lom r.d .tlor <br />Cn-c).3-oq\t <br />llo <br />I hcNby dtnm u rr Fn,lry or pcrlory rhar rhcrc n ! enslrucrion tndir8 rrcncy tu rhc l{rrbrnun$ of lhc <br />issucd(s( lm7_ civ. c.) <br />AITUCANIDLCI/&IIION <br />I rrinn u cr,.nany orlxrlury on or rhc r(rb{ina dlrbruriotr\: <br />D.mol n,n Pcrnlil\ A\hc\los Nolil_r(.lion ltd.rll RcAUlrrions (TnL{0, Prn6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />t ($ol Norifi.nron <br />-l <br />cenify lhd I hnvc Md lhh lpplhd io. ,rl sdc rhd rhcah,rc I .3dlo.omplywnhall Citylid Counly <br />onlin!tucs.nd Sirrc bw\ Nb( ing k, <br />uhovc mnr ioncd [.pcny r.r inslrcr <br />s ofrhG Citt and Counryh ctrrcr ut,n'r. <br />Ap/icmr.r AE.nt sisn r0rc ,,,", -S€.zra.lB <br />nc I <br />a4r, <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Lxnd.f sMm: <br />- <br />-l <br />ccnify rhd lhc lcdeElrcElllrions ESordin8 asbcstos rcmval aE nor fplicrbk io rhh pmj.{r.