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20167482 - Permit
Adams St
634 E Adams St
20167482 - Permit
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Last modified
6/2/2021 2:43:57 PM
Creation date
6/2/2021 2:43:56 PM
Permit Number
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634 E Adams St
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Esparza ADU Conversion
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Resid-1 unit
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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER 1'EtTAll.{1'IOIi <br />I h6cby anm uodr lsulr, olpajury rhll I @ cx.mpl 6on rb. C.ntadou' Licen* bw aor $c followin8 remn (Sa.7011.5 <br />Bulin*s and Profsion cod.) Any Ciry or Cody $hi.h r{un6 . Fnnn ro cod d. alr6. nht ove dsnolish or rqon dy' <br />struclu€. prior to ils isumc.. also r€quir6 lhc aIplicer lor such Fmil ro lil. , sisned slatfldt lhd h€ or shc is licft.rt pure4n <br />b rh. r,oviliotu ofrh. Conlra.tois Lic.nsed l5r (Chapr6 9, Conmcnci.g wnh Sdrio. 7&0 of Dilisio. I oftt€ B6inN ud <br />Pmf6ions Cod€)orlhar fic orsh. Lr qcmpl IhB.trom d thc b6b for lhc alleg.d q@prion. AnyvDlatio.ofs.dionT0ll5 bysy <br />applica for a psmit subjets rh. arplic&r lo a cilil pflahy of not Dorc $d 6!c hundr.d dollds { $50o) <br />I,6 osneroarheproFlr, or my emplo),€B snh N.8e a rhet sol. compcNation. *ill do th€ rvolt md lhc slruda 6 not <br />inimdqi or oals€d lor sle (56.7044, Busin6s and holssions Cod€r'lhc Contacrors l,icce law do6 nor applt <br />'o <br />d ownd ol <br />rhe poFry who build, or nnprorG thNn, md who doa skh s6& hnns.lf or hdself or <br />'hrou8n <br />his or hcr om cmploy€6. <br />[ovided thal such impovondls s€ mt i.lddcd or oftsq] lor elc. lf. ho\'6 s, rhe buililinI or nn!.ordn d ir $ld {ifiin onc }a <br />ofonpldio.. th. (nv.d auiB€ will hav. lh€ htrd6 ofprolin8 llDl h. or shc did ml build or i'nprevc thc preFly lir lhc purpo* oi <br />-1. <br />sownqolric rmp.ny. en cxclsilcly comactins !irh liccns€n conrracroGro onsrocr rhc rrojer (5( 7044. BBmB <br />dd Pmft*ir. cbd.: Th. Co"iEctoas Li.tu. k* doa nor '!rlt ro an osnd ofprop.ny Nho builds or imlrordlh6@n. <br />a.d \rho conlock for sucfi r.ojdrs *''th a licoed puEum! lo rl,. Conl.rcrol s Licmc b1v) <br />_l m cr.mB ud{ Ssrio <br />IECIAAAIIa! <br />I h.rcb, amm undd pcn lry ol pdjury on. offi. aollowing d-ldotioBr <br />_l havc dd *ill dai.rain a C.niarcalc oaconst ro s.lrl$ur. lor workeu' conpensr(ion, s F.vtu.d for by Sdrioa 1700 o I lhc <br />Ilbor Code ior lhc psfomua ollh. wo* for vni.h lh. pa'nit is isu.d. <br />_l ha!€ and will mai 6in po*.B .omp.Baliob itr@... s ,.qdr.d by Sdrior l70O o t th. L.bor Cod., tor lhc p6fod&cc of <br />th. Mrl aor etich rhi. Fmil is is.d My wo.kdi conpoEdion iBurmcc ffi6 ed policy numbs dc: <br />Policy Nunbc(_Erpircsl <br />I cenify$.t in rlt paao narccoarlEwort aor \vhicn l[is pcnDil is issred,I shallnol anploy any pssoo i. a.y rond <br />e6tobd € subjd lo thc *ort6 co'npeBalFn laws of Califomia, d.sre rhar ifl should b.comcsuhje' lorh€ <br />$ortd codp€.srion raivisioB ofS..lion llT00oarhc lillr Codc,l shlll. ronhsnh comtly \vnh rlD* prolisions <br />WARNING: l;ailure ro wurc $ork6s compasation covmsc is unhsful. Md shall subjcl u onployq ro ominal p.nalri6 ed <br />civil lin6 up ro on. hundrdi rhoMd doUau ($l <br />Sdtio. 10?6 of lh. tlh.r Codq intdd md <br />l )1.( t.\R\lx)\ <br />I h*by a,fun under pqaltyotp€riurylhar I m licoFd undcr provision ofChapls 9{o'nfrocing $irh S@lion 7000) oaDivision I <br />of lhe Businsand ProissioN Cod., dmylico* is in hrllLrcmdcIId. <br />CANiIAUCUQII.IXDING.&CTXII <br />I hmby afinn undcr p.flalty o I Fjury Ihal lh6c is a coBtruclion lcndins asocy aor rh. Ij€iomdc. oalh. sorl ror which lhis pqnil is <br />,ssued '<A r0o/. r n <br />AffIrcAlfDEq.AAAIION <br />I lE!5y a6m undd p.flalty of pdjury ore of lh. follosinS dele.l ions <br />o.,nolhion P@irs-Asb6ror Noti6.dio. Fcdqal Rcrulaiom {Tnl.40. Pd6) <br />Rdtoied Itnd ol Noi6.dion <br />-l <br />cslii that ihc fcdeml rqulations Es{dinB 6b6tos rqnov3l r. not applicable ro lht p(je.1 <br />I .olify lhar I har. rad rhk applicaiiod and slar. tha! tn abve inlomarnrn is condt. I .gre lo comply vnh oU City and Counly <br />f'di[a .6 md s1.r.l-a*s 'dlnli ! ro bui conitucrion. ani hreb, iuthorizc rqradarivG of this any and County lo fllr upon the <br />ak'vc msnrioncd propoly lor i <br />.\pflicrnr.r,\s!trr sisnir <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof To p Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)1t /\ <br />Meter Release ,l '=NftM6/2\ <br />\]U v,./ <br />Rough <br />Service Meter 77 A <br />FINAL 2-11-l >.wtu| <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc V <br />Transformers <br />Air Conditioners <br />'g.lJt4n <br />Lic.M CLN:-Lic.e Nuta: <br />- <br />Ir.t.r Conrncror: <br />.---T--- <br />f --T------ <br />tt
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