<br />I hcrchy llfinn u cr p.nnlry {rr r.rjury rhol I mqlm riom ihc CuN&ror'Liccnr tjs ror rh.lillowi'rs r.r$i (se 70:lr 5
<br />Alsinc$ lnd Ptur.snD Cod.): Any Ciry or Cdu ry *hic[ rcquncs ! n rn k, cotr{fld. nhcr, iqrn,!c. dcnhlirh or rcDir anv
<br />srflcrud, prior t, ir\ nnrincc, rlso rrquncr rhc dPttli.rnr tor suchtcrRirb lilc, li8ncd stltcnEnr rtrr h.or \hc i\ liccn*d Pur\urd
<br />h rhc l*,vi\k,ns ol rlrc C.ntrerols l-iccorcd bs lChrnrcr 9. Connncnci'rg sirh Sc.riotr 700{) of Division :l ol rh. Btr(in.\\ rnJ
<br />Pn)ic$nnN Codc) o. rhd hc or\hr n ckrPr rhcrcfonr! rhcbu\i\fdrhcrllcScdcrcnrllior'Anrvn,LrbnoIScdinrTOll5hyrn!
<br />aftlicrnr lbra pennir \ubrd.Nrhc rfflicanr lo ucivilPcnshydfnornrrclhitr fivc nrndrcd dollds ($5(x))
<br />I. r\ osn r.lrlN pnn nr-.or mycnrpbyes wilh ${8c\rs rhcn {nc co \i srrnnr. silldoIh.workrnlrh. (u!@isnor
<br />i c cd oroil.rc,llbrslc(SR..70'9.Ux\incs\undh'fds\i,)nsCodd:lhc(tdra.ktr\$tiwdocsnorJpPl,hMostrcrol
<br />ih. t6|tny $ho tdild\ o. i,r9fl)vcs rh(tnr, ul] qlk) d({s.u(h !o* hinr!.ll or hc^clt.r rlrough hi\ or h.r own.rplovcc\.
<br />pn,v cd rhrr \tch i prt*.ntnrs.rctx, id.rd.,loroll.rJ nts'L ll hoLvc$r. rh. fnildins or inll)rvcfnr is ('ld wirhin , i,r )tt
<br />of. Uhlion. rhc Osncr Blikld sillhNt rhc hu.dcn oiPmring rlur tu or {hc dil n,Ia'i[l or imPnrc rh. tmtd! l'or lhc IUrF)r ol
<br />-L
<br />asowmr of rhc poDcny. amcrclusiwlym radinB wnh liccnsd coordor lo @nil .1rhe Inritt (S( 7044 BuiBs
<br />and Pnt{rim C.dc: Th. Contreloas Lh.n.e Law dBs .or apply lo an oencr or lbFrly *ho blildi or inpbws lhctNn.
<br />and qho .o for .h prcjccls viln s OfllBc!6'1s) licc.scd lu6urnt to rhc Conkddmt Lien* L.u).
<br />len.remd trndcrserion .B &PC lorrhi,rc&sn.
<br />I turcr,y srni,n rmLr Fn.lry of Frjury o* of rb. folk'win! dmLruthns:
<br />-t
<br />havcad*ill mi.rain 0Ccnifralcofcon\cn oSctf-lnsur. rot workcn con cnerion. us rmridcd forbrS.crionl?00ofth.
<br />lrl-r Codc- rbr lhc p€rt tmncc ol rhc wolk lor *hich rhc pc.mir i{ tsuol
<br />-l hrlc "nd sill moinrtrin sorkcs .onpcnsar ion iNunmc. !s .cquicn b, Sc.! ion 1700 of lhc L{bor Gdc. tu thc |]crtommc of
<br />rnc work for $hth rhisF mil h ho.t.NI e,np.nsrn irs!6@ .ndhr orl l[lty numb.r ocl
<br />. lzr gb - /z^3/- /8'
<br />-l
<br />enifylhul in lhc Dcrfortune ot rh. wotk for *hththhllcrn is hu.d. l rhrll nol cdlloy tny in !n, 6Mer
<br />$ ss to bccoft snb.,ccl b lh. wortc$' snrFnsalion laws 6r and ssN lhal il I 3huld slbiccr ro fi.
<br />w.*ss' .onFosdrion omvhiotrs of Salion 1700 of rh. Llblr Cod.. I slull lonh*irh sq,ly Rilh rtn$ Povhions
<br />WARNINC: Failrre lo ccuc solkcs' comF.rdri.n 6!cdg. is uflhwful. and ihall .ubj.rl M cmplorr ro aimhtrl pcMhis lnd
<br />civil l_rncs !p t6 onc hDnnrcd lhous!trd dollm (ll{D.mol. in addi to rhe c.* ol.omtEflsliofl. dtmgcs {s lmvided for th.
<br />s.{iotr:r076ofrhc I-!hr (tdc, irrcr.\r n(lJn.dry \,tc\
<br />,{ppftnnr: F
<br />ol rhc llu\i'rc$ r Pn,fc\\iors Codc. r ary li.ris. i! ir lirllturcc n,l.l1tcr-B 9
<br />u,'9-b-!$ ,""',**.*-O
<br />I hcrcby rffiirn udcr pc.llry ot r.rjury rhrr lhcrc n a con(tocrior tcndin,! lgcrcy fo! thc Frli,n!En.. oflhc wo lor whth rhis t Y'nil is
<br />irrhd iS.. 1097, Civ. C.).
<br />d.Srl,llllNflllilLlBAl]oN
<br />I h.R.t y r,Inn unlcr F..[y oi Frjury on. ofrhc tulk,$inr Jcclrllions
<br />l)cnrlirion Pcnnirs Ashr(d NoriTic{lio.licdcrnlRcs!ldri(nr1l Lllc 'lo. Prn6r
<br />_Requtcil I.rrrr.I Nurifi cdion
<br />-l..nify
<br />rhnl rhc fcdc 6l rcSu lar iors rcB8din8 lsbcslos rcnov.l 6c nor 4rpltublc rorhisI)n,itr.
<br />>(cd't) rhot I h.( Erd rhtrlppl
<br />orduilhs ,nd srorc LoB mllrs ro
<br />i:ariotr arn srlrc rh lhc dsr nrfomElion ii cor@r I sSrm lo conPly wnh !U Ciry and Coutrly
<br />buildins connructio( ard h.,cby ,ulhortc rcprcsni,livcs of lhis City ed C6uni, lo colcr upotr tlE
<br /> mnriotrcd pmp.ny
<br />,\pdicatrl or Arcnl Si8nalur.:
<br />x-
<br />,,,", t q-L-/ F
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildinq Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Pipinq
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rouoh Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rouqh Plumbinq
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />q-27-/9 Vrz=
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />-+
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />FINAL
<br />*,".. L-L -lK *r
<br />, .\a tr'
<br />-
<br />kndcir Ad.I*s
<br />-