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20167934 - Permit
Seventeenth St
1125 E Seventeenth St
20167934 - Permit
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Last modified
6/3/2021 8:42:15 AM
Creation date
6/3/2021 8:42:14 AM
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1125 E Seventeenth St
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Circo Caballero
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Medical Office
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LUC 2019-10/handout given
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Special Event
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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG COMMENTS OIVNER BUILDEN DETTL-ATATION <br />I ilIrh unda pGrny oaldjury lhn I n .rdpr nom dE Colnncid LkdE t * lor th. lollowhr it&n (s< 7011 5 <br />S6ind Jd PotdioD Co<|.)r Any Cily or County $hich r.quir6 a Fmil lo otrdrucl. ird, ir,troE dan lnh or lq.n dy <br />ttrucl@ FU lo ni isue.. .&o r.quro rlE +pltd f rEh FEn b lrdd@l thr lE or tlE i li.qB.d Fr!.n <br />h rtE ForilioB of rlE Conrr-ldl Laa*d L.w (CllPr6 9. C<l@*a.8 r in Sdbn ,0o0 of Divnioo I 6l rt Bum ed <br />PmtdioE Co&) c rh, lE or rlE i aon'Jl $d.eom dd th. bs! for rlE llkscd ddFd AIry rbhitn olsclion 701 I 5 by 6y <br />lpplicor lor . Firn rubj<G th. .ppltel lo . civil p@ty of mt tuE lh.n fiv. hund..d thUB ( lt00). <br />-1. <br />6 o*E of rlE Flpart. n Dr.orph)d wnh w!A6 d llEr $L corp.rldio( *il do rlE rut ed lll rnd@ i br <br />idarLd olr6.d frr rl. (Sa.7ol.l. 8{!!6 &rl Prol6i,6 Cod. TrE Cdrrxtd t LtG Ls {rc iol +'1, lo e ow ot <br />rE FlFry *ti tutL 6 i4.o€ tlEE( .n $ho &E $tr *Gt hi!B|, or hattf ot dh!31 hit d lE os arpk'rt6. <br />FoviLd rhd sch inForqE$@ ot irrdd.d orofid.d ft'r iL l[ l$ms. tlE buildilE ii+.ovdrd i' slj *hhinoft ]d <br />of.orpk iol! 0E O*rE Bullda wil n&c lh. hnlsr olprrvilE thn ,. oi !h. d'd ml hili or if,4.ov. th. FDpar, t'r dE Ftrpo!. oa <br />1.6.$n ofrh. Elrary, D ocluiv.b odd.llu *nh lEau.d.odr-o6 !o ordBl lrt Ftj6i (se 7(}{. AEIB <br />rid FDkin ( o<L Tn. cont.dor'r Li.G Lle (l)d ml q,r'ly lo e o*n6 otFoFry *lkr hoil& or inprova rh@( <br />od *to onrdr lm !u.h Fqdr! wirh ! Cdntsloi(, l,coEal puBuul lo lfic Conttdorr l-tae k*) <br />I n crdF u,r& Sdion-. B & P c for thit l6,t <br />Drr. Onnd <br />$'oRxERS', ( OntPENSAt l(rN <br />DE('I {RA IION <br />I h6.b' .flinn und6 D.Ehl or Fjur. on. olrhc (rlkr"illl d(&$ioN: <br />I h.Erd will uid.n r Cq f.ncofco@ lo S.llJ@.6r Eto dnt .rio,\ . FoliLd for ht Sclbtr !r00 of llE <br />Lts C6de tu E Ffo|ffi orir s* fr eti[ rlE p6na r t {.d <br />- I hav. a.d wi ll mrimdi! wod.d conpctuln'n iEur.rc. s r.qui(d b-t sd ion l70O of th. l$or Co&. f.r lh. prfollffi. ol <br />rh. * l fo. shi.h rhn Dmil i ierd My ldk6a @dpa!.irn i6uft. trit !d policy rumtE d.: <br />Policy Nuhbq <br />-E&nc <br />-l <br />.diS rhd itr tlE Ffolrl4c olrlr *o.t ad whah ltu Fnn E Re.d. I i lmrdplo'&}pden'n-,nffi <br />e B ro bdom st*rr ro rlE rst@'@qEdio. LE of c.litomiud *d dir if I dbuld baor $tiai lo llE <br />{od6 conFB.ronForilhBofsdlhn l?m.rth. t tr, (-Glc,l JEll. ffihenh @mPlt snt rhos Flvtiod <br />WAR]\TNG: Fnturc ro sE srld onFEdD! corr.s. ! ul$'tu1 d idl 3ubj..l d o,phF lo sihiEl pqubb od <br />cn fn6 !p to oE hurH rh.usd <blls. (tloO.0OO). in.dnni.o b E cor or con{d.rit{ drug6 B Fo\it d tor $. <br />!€rb.1076 ofrlEt t {Co& i' ad rd.ndE ! f6 <br />Appldnl: _ <br />UCEIIIDJ9UI8ACIU8 <br />[ECtlSAr!)n <br />I hd!t! .frm uid.r Flty of Fjury rhd I m li.sql !,id Friitn of ClrFs 9 (oll|ljftins sirh Scl.n 7000) of Dvn.. l <br />.a th. B6i,B.d Pmfdi)d Cod.. en my lr6q a in tull dn dId <br />(o!$4.!cull!-LEuDBclcl,!lr <br />I fieby alIrr ! jcr FBlryof Fjurr th, rhd b.odtudb.l6d!s qdy for llE Ffollffi. orth. mrl 6r *tah rhn Fhir ir <br /> (s( 10e7. ( i c) <br />AIIIICAdLDECIJSA]IIr! <br />I hddy lfrE lds FEty (f Fjur, oc of lh. follo*irg .h.Lrd i.N <br />Donohion Pnrnlkb6lor Ndificdion F.dsslR.sul ion! ('l'irl.40, P.n6) <br />-R.qun.ii <br />I tii6 oaNoiardion <br />-l <br />cdlit, rhi rh. f.ddrl ctuldioB r.sdins G!do! 16.r.l s. ml4'pl.,bk b ihii F.i.( <br />I c6liav rld I Mv.rad rhn lrpli.arion !dsrir.rhar th.cotrd I asrcr0 $nvl, wirh 6llcily dcounry <br />D.dininc6 ad sr.t. lj$s Eliins ro h'ld,nl EF6drair6 o I fii! cn, .d lo dld ,Fn dt <br />| .tr!. mdroBi F)Fn, aor <br />,{pplicnl or A16l SIAn.tur.h K ^rra lsl tt <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service [/eter <br />FINAL I g,U/1 -J)-t11 {*i\ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />C6ir:-
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