<br />I h6rtr .lTm u& F!n] ol Fjur, rhi t i d6npl 6on lh. Cdrr.clB' Lcdg L.r for ltt folhviB ,*'n tsc ,0! I 5
<br />As'na !d Profdon Co<ll Any Cn, or Co!n, rhEh r.qtc . Fni lo oorru.r. .xd. tq.oG daDlit m lt.n ey
<br />xMuc Firro iB iM.. tL t.quiE rlE+plicr for sh Fhn |o fih. r'8i.d rrsEn rhr h. or tt a [.6!.d F,id
<br />ro rh. FlvitirB ol rlE Conl,&td! Li4n!.d r,e (Cblrs e. ColMtrils w h Sanbn 7(jO0 of Divnion ! of lh. BuilB ud
<br />PoadioM Co&) or rhll tl or rlE ir Gropr lh*Eom sd rtE h.ss for dlc dlc8.d aoFtun Any violalkrofsdbn701I5 b,e,
<br />lpFliclnI tor r p.Ern sbjcl3 tlt .pplicur lo ! ovil pdllry oa ml mor. lho fiv. hln(ll.d doll$ (S500)
<br />-1.
<br />6 @c of llE p(oFrr, or ry opb)6 *ilh w.36 B $.n sk @EpdaiD,! wiu & tt wnr rd dE rrlrle . ml
<br />i'n4Ld dotu d 6r st (Sc.7044. Bci6 od PlofBi,B Cod. T|t ao'rD.ir't Lt* L&d6 rFl +ly to, ow of
<br />rh.FDFry rto hrild s iqo6rise rd *t!..t€ldr wt hirelf iqrlror ihtuuo lir d lE om aDt'yd
<br />Fovld.d rn t sh irqor@rt Gd irad.d qotu tu r.L. l[ hor-q. dr hd,!c ( iq$qiE a -ld *inn oE ]t
<br />ol@plaila ilE o\ffi &ib wil h.E tlE h!d6 of Fwiry $r tE or C! did ol hild ltFDt tlr FlFty 6.dt FrF..of
<br />qtl. s omd orrhc Pl!p6'y. m qclBivcly coln'!6in! snh lt.N.d conhdoB ro oldru.r rlE Fojd (sc 7044. Buird
<br />!d PDb.ir cod.: Th. conkrcblr Licft. Llw do6 ml tptly lo u o*t( of lroFl, who buil4t or inPrcvq lha@n,
<br />ud who @lnrxri fo. kh F,6:r! ${h r Co.[ndo(rl lic!.d poBEn lo llE Cd.&rd t Lkds t w)
<br />-l
<br />u.tflF u!r& S.(n.-. B & lC.lortht!@r
<br />D.k . ?1:7/t1 11".6 )l- (7.ac L^- _-t / iroR\ylts'('0nrPF\s^Ttoft ,/i,'DlllJSAUar
<br />I hqtby lmrfr undd p<nihyotFJuryon.ofrhc tdlo*inB d..h6roB:
<br />I h.v. dxl *ill minlsin . C.n iliclr. ol(-ong{ ro s.lf.l ur. aor Mrk6t @tr,p.ioi'o^, s Fovi<t dforbySElio.l70OoIlh.
<br />r.th. ( oda for rh. Ffoffi. oI llE *qI fi)r *tich l,E P6rni a au.d
<br />_l h.r. r,n {ill mid.h rortda codp.Gnion i6tr., 6 E$-.d b, Sdion 17(IJ or0r l,!or Code tu E Ffl,ffi of
<br />rh. r'dl l shth rhir DCEn L re,.d My *std' ontrrBr.n ilBllft. .ai, tn Fliy lubq e
<br />@l cdri& rhd ii rhc Fdoru.. of th. wort for shtch lhn p(hn i! isu.( I !h!lt nn mplo, sy F$n n uy md6
<br />$ 6 ro bd.r sbj.rr ro rlE sdd @nF!ri.n L*. ot(dilomia .rn .8r rhr if I JDlld b..!ft sb.d b tlE
<br />ro.Id' omFerbn FDviliod olsdrb.1700 ofrh. l&, coae I tEll. fnhsnh $opt *irh thor Fo!ir66
<br />WARNING Filu. to cu. rnt6' orpoErio. m\6q. u unbe'ful rn 3hrll tubFr u d.phlq lo (min l Flrb ad
<br />.Ml li.d op ro oE hun&.d thou$d &'lld (llqr,Ooo). ( !.lln.. b rh. .or of otuFrE iion dtn46 G Fo\ilod fot lh.
<br />tlhor ('od.. in'dd &d.no*y ! tc
<br />tlrt".' 7 '7 4 x-A/,.^--. /t^ --rlrrlsuriaiEailx, " ,-
<br />Irl:(liarua!
<br />I h@b, .rm udd FrXy of Fjuy $. I e Dcq!.d un<ld Fo\'irio. olcn+s q (offiilg wirb S<rion 7000) ot Diviion l
<br />of rh. B6i,B dd Pref.d)6 Code rd my ltou it i! tull loN !d.rd
<br />co!$a!cuo!..1!!DIxG-aGE!(I
<br />I @ lrB u,r& Frty o I Fgury rh, rh6. ir . .odrudbn Lndins *cy fnr th. Ffollrjft. of th. wl nr *n(h rhi Fnir ir
<br />is.d Isa.1097. civ c )
<br />I lE*y .fm und6 p€n.lly of Frjury oE of lh. followin3 ddhrutioni
<br />I>m.hh. Pmit-Arb6ror Noxlicirb6 F.(bal R.suhi ioN tTnk 40. Pd6)
<br />-i.tuir.d
<br />Ld16 of NdifErEn
<br />-l.d't
<br />$i lh f.d.r.l qullioB r.Srdiry at nc romr.l rc ml @lt.tll ro
<br />'hn Frixl
<br />421 ccliry $n I hlE sd
<br />'hir
<br />rp?ltdir &n ndc rtur th. rbov. inf.mrio. t.oEEr I .*'E ro conply wih lll cn, ud (ourv
<br />oi{its6 ud sl.l. t!6 ahruB ro b{ildE8 co.irucriorl rd lE t, iulhoria r.F6a!div6 of lhn chy &d counly lo arq upon tlE
<br />.l!)rc mortuncd plop.ny lor iNrdr('n
<br />^ppll(.nrorA*flrslsnrrm )A
<br />r*rr- -.. rp.inrr, K
<br />ru,b lAZ
<br />c14/.t 57cft8^ ULrD ^,,,t /r/Ll
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Founlains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltase
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueino
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough 7/orlfi ,t /t46fV My'
<br />Service lr,4eter ( 'yt j
<br />4ht // 4 ,-"1&+.,t )
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />-l
<br />FINAL
<br />Poti.' Numbsr-ErptB
<br />-
<br />I trN. Numh.r:
<br />-
<br />I