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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWNF]R BUIT,DER DET,(ARATIoN <br />I hcrcby olllfln undcr pcnohy ol Frjury rhlr I dn.x.mfl rn,n rh. C.nt,crrtrs Li..n* l-aw r(tr ttc f6lb*ing rc,soo (S.c.70.11.5 <br />Ausincs rnd Profcsion C.dc): A.y Ciry or Counly shich rcquncs a ncrn lo .onnrud. iltn. inrFrvc. dcnxri$ .r rcNt any <br />ntucturc. prio lo its isuarcc. ako mquncs lhe 0rpli.n r ror.u.h l)Cnnir t, fiL, si8kd nsrc.Eii lhli heor shc h liccn\cd plNuant <br />to thc ltovisions of rh. Conrr.x, s l,i.encd Lrw lchaplcr 9, Commrcir8 *ilh Scciio. 70U) of Divnion I oflh- susncss.nd <br />Prcicssiotrs codc) or thalhc or shc is cxcnfl rh.rcfmm and rhc bask for rhc allcscd excnq,rion. AnyviolationofScdi.,n?03l.56yrny <br />aff,licanl lbr a subjcck rnc appli.anr b d.ivilpcnalryolnol morc rhun fivc nundrcd dollars ($500) <br />I. ds owncr of ltc pmp.ny. or my cm0lolccs wnh wi8.s as $.n sb .onD.n\d bn. uill & rhi w u41!h. iturm6 nor <br />idcfldcd or offcrcd ror srlc (sd 7(I,14. Bxsincss and Proic$tnN C.!cr'flrc Conl,aclols Li.cnsc tjw docs nol optlyto 0nowrcr ol <br />rhc Ptup.ny who hrilds or impmws rtEEo. atlll *ho des sh m* hnnsclror hfislfor rhoueh hn or h.r .en c'lrl)loyu.r. <br />providcd rhlr such imamEnm e nor i, cnd.d or dfiurd tor {lc. lL hosds, rh. hdilding or iq,roknur i\ wH wirh'n om tu <br />ofonrplclion. thc orncr Builda will h,vc rh. burd.n oI ptrNiry rh,t hc or shc dil trorttrild or iflr,,&w c ttupiy for ttr NrrFs o, <br />l. rsowncroirh.protirdy. rtrlcxclusivclr.otrhrcri !*nhliccn{dco rsclns n, (n,(rucrhc nrc}cci (Scc 1014. Bu{nus <br />a huf.sstunCodc: Thc Contrktr s Liccnsc l-rr doc\ nor anDly ro un o*ncr olF)!.ny sho hxrlds or nnlroves rhcrotr. <br />and who conracls Inr such rmjLrh wiih r C.nhd.rd s) lrci\cd prr\unr b rhc C(,nrrcrtr \ t-ienr L$) <br />-I <br />an*cmpt undcr Sdio <br />UAAtrE&II:OITTDNIAIIAN <br />IECITIXAIIQN <br />I hcEh, amrm under pcnalr, otr.rjuryom olrhc folk,wing dcclrarn'ns: <br />I h,!e and *ill minrain a Ccnifiore of Coa*nr ro scll-ln\urc ntr worrqt io., ,i rmlid.d lor b, sBl i{'n 3700 dt rh. <br />Ln6or Codc. for rhc pcrfonmmc ofrhc m* ror whi.h rhc p.,nn n h\!cd <br />x hav. .nd rill hainiaiD *orkcF comp€ns.r ion inuronce. N rcqnncd h, Ser ion :17{x) of thc Ltrb(, Cd.. fttr rhc pcrfdmtuc nl <br />*ort lorwhi.hthh p.mir is nskd My *o,kc( coflrpcneriotr insuEtrcc cinicr oxl Flicy.umbc. dc <br />s l.t/c \-t)633 )rt <br />I c.nirr rhal io rhc pcrlbrnun.c ofth. work ln qhi.h rhis lcnnn is issudd. I shsll n.r cnl,br r6y r.rv,n in rny manft, <br />b es to tr.oN subjer io rh€ w.rk.. co.rF.qrt'n luwsolcalinxntu, and 08Ec thd irl shruld bcconr su6jcd tu rlE <br />sork 6 onlpcnerionF,visions ofSsiion l7(x,olrhc L.bor ( ftIc. I shall. ..n h*ilh on{,ly qirh rhos nmvisions <br />WARNh'C: t;ilurc ki r.urc sorkc^ onrp(n\rrion.omrr8c i\ trtrlr*lnl. nnJ rhrll \ub !n cmployc, ro qininll pcmlrics otrd <br />civil finc\ up ro onc hutrd rhousnrd dollh (!100,(xrD, in ion- nJ Hg.\ r! lnivid.d I{, rhc <br />Dar. €I <br />I hcfthy rmrhundcr ncnalryorri.rjury lhal I am lieost uodcr povkion olChopts 9 (<, enh Sccrian 7m0) ofDivnion l <br />ot rhc Ausincs ond Profc$ions Codc. rnd nry li..ns h in tullrndiddcrlcr <br />ac)^y o6 )? <br />ryv <br />I hcrcby afitrnr undcr pc.rhyofpcrjxry lh,r rhcrc is s consrtuclion lcndins aEcncy i(tr th. p.rlormuncc olthc *ork tu whhh rhis pcrmir h <br />issu.d (Sr..l097.Civ C.). t <br />AtzugtNLOliqLA.EAlAN <br />I h.rchy diian undcr Fnally orl.rjuiy onc ofrhc rolloeirs dcclarotions <br />Dcmolirion Perons Ashcsros Nolificalion trdcral RCEUhrions (Tnlc 41. PdO <br />Rquircd htrcr of Norifi .arir. <br />-l.cni!thd <br />rlt.i.dcnlrc8u]driuis rcIddilg ar]r{o\ rrnmvrl rc trol fplicrhlc i' rhtF!.rr <br />(..niryrhd r havc lcad rhisaprrka <br />ordiMtrc.\ di srar. titr\ rchinE h <br />rhovr ncnri,nrd pn,pcny i,r iI <br />,\ppli(!nlorAgcnl Sigmture <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safe ty /Low Volta <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />[/]eter Release <br />Rough <br />n <br />FINAL E-rt-tv [.tLd0 <br />Ngtes, Rem arks, E(c <br />C4^/ <br />I <br />i(nr is.orrc.t I ngL! r' (onrdy sir[,ll cry iM cntrnly <br />n,,","r,"t"tr^rt",r")_rr",r"[fi <br />;;;r*^* <br />APPROVALS <br />Service ltileter <br />a