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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />I rmcxcm,'r undcr Sccr <br />t8 7-C-qc-^.* <br />ltoaKtr&::.ColtrllNldllllli <br />[l]sliLBAII0! <br />I hcrcby0Snmundcr rolhsir8dNlarulions: <br />IhavcindwillmainrainaCcditu,rcorconscntbScl,:l'NurcrirsorkcN.o rr.nslrio1.u\ pmvidcd lnr hr sNrn,n 37()O ol rhc <br />tilrr Cdd.. fr rhc pcranrmncc oflhc sork lor uhi.h thc r.m i\ ksucd. <br />-l hlh &nd qiu Minlain *ort6s' con!.nsslion insuhec, as rcquitcd by Serion 37m of lh. Lqb.r Cod.. for lhc F folnle ot <br />thc work for ohich this pcm is is$.d. My *mt6 odp.nsdion inrut$. @Er .,n Int , nunb.r @i <br />coNiBuqul')N!BuNli-atiIlct <br />I hcEh, oftirm undcr [E.olry ot p.rury rhd lhcrc n a onslru€riotr lc{dine i8cnc, ror lhc PcrforBec oa th. wotk for ehich lhir lxrmn is <br />hsucd (Scc.309?, Civ. C.) <br />AITUIANTDECI.ABAfION <br />I h$$y nflinn und$ pcnllty ol pcrjury otu 6rrh. rollowinB d(hBlionrl <br />Dcnelirii,n PcrnrarsAsb.sros Nolificrlion Fcdchl R.eultrions (Tnt lo. Pun6) <br />_RL!xir.d lrncr of Notifi orhn <br />l.cniiyrhd rlE lcdcrl csllori{,ns rcBrdint tcn$vdlrc nol lmli.trhlc <br />'o <br />rhis rojccr <br />:ial (n ily rhir I h,vc rcd r hi\ .!pli.dn'n nd slolc rhlr rhc xhrrc inlnrnNn,r $ cotrr.^r I !-!@ ro .omlly wirh lll cirv and counrv <br />. 'ln.d\ rnd Srrrr If,\ \ '.hr'ro hiklins onsrrucrioo. ad ncEby aurhoriz rcrc{nla|its otrhir Cily lrd Coutrlylo cnrf upon tlr <br />LG*--,-",t" <br />€.\Cul Aa.ezr* <br />t)rL4 <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildino Sewer <br />Area,/Storm Drarn <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Waler Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL 1 It $-\i/\1\.^*1A <br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc U I \-/ <br />TOP OUT <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Back Flow Device <br />OWNER BUILDEI{ DI]LCARATI('N <br />I hcrchy uilirr undc Enrhy.f rclury rh l anr cxcnrtr fnnr lhc Contacn,N'Liccnsc taw lor rhc ii,liowing rcastr lscc7{).115 <br />Businc$ u,l Prcicsn,n C'{ c) Atry City or Cotrnr} wnich rcquire\ r Fnnil h mnnru.r. ills i,trPiovc d.nrlish or aPln rnv <br />{ru.rurc. tri(r n, ih i\surncc. nko rcqlncs lh. lpplicr ror \o.hIfmir k) filc r sisncd slarctunr rhd hcor shc n liccn\cd Ft\u,nr <br />lo rhc PNvisions ol lh. Cohtd.rolr Liccnscd L!$ (ChlPrcr 9. ConrnkkniS sirh sccriotr 7xr) oa Divi\ion I o, (hc Business and <br />fnlcsnhs C6dc) or rhd trurshc i\ crcnrpi rhcrcli. rMd thc brsh for lh. rllcgcd ci.mprn,n AnyviohrionolSccrionTl).ll15hy.try <br />rlpli.rnr turapcnnii suhjccr\ rh. urrli.Ld ro rcivil!.nrlryolnormrerhan fir. huMrcddollrr (3500) <br />K1t.,.-EY... $icrnrrhr0mnny.orm,un'nl',)cc\* h r JEc\ r\ rhrn v,t cotrrNnsnridr. *ill d(J lhc worl dd rhc $81urc n iol <br />inrc Lt or Ucrcd lor vlc (Sc 70{.1, tsu{iftls d PnrLrs.ns Codc: I hc'r Liccnsc IjE dl)cs nol aPPlt u dndsrcr of <br />rhc pmncny wb build\ or nryrolcs lncNr and *ho d€s such {!rl hi'nrclfor hctsclfot rnmuBh hi\ or lM.$..nDloyc$. <br />,n*idcd rhrr \uch imfbvcnEnr m ml inrc.,lld or olircd fu \rlc ll hoscv.r. rlE lBiklins or inDtuwd isq'klwilhinoncttd <br />olconDLrior, rhc Owi* Buildd wrllh!!c rhc hurdc! olnovine rhrr hc o' sh. dil frn hoikl ur ililr(& rh. PR,rcnt {d rlE fr4rc ol <br />Ar o! rcr "i r h. nmn n !. J r o( lu\ r c D rvnr(rns Bilh liccn\cJ .onrmcros ro otrnocr rhe pmjccr (sc. ?01'1. Busirrc$ <br />a'xl fiofd{bn Codc:'lhc Cotrlrrcrrr's Liccnsc t-s* do.\ norrltly r. rn owDcr.lrr.nlrrysho builds or nnJ)(Ms lhcrcon <br />and *ho conrrrh lbr \uch ptujc(h wirh . Cbntmclo( s) liccnsd lusur.r b rh. (n.r,.u s Lisn\c I is) <br />Policy Nun$rr:-ExPncs <br />- <br />.t- <br />L-]t 4niry,r', ,',r'" p",rn,*ncc otrhc,nrt ntr whirhrhh p.rnrir is issucd,I shlll.or cmlkiya.rFson inonynroE <br />$ 0eto subiccl lo thc *o*c^ L\,npcnurion ofc.lifomia. lnd aEn. rhd ifI should h.tom srttiNl ro rtE <br />workcJl comr.nsnlion I'mvhiois {t Sccr ion l7m or rh. ld,r Codc I sh.ll. fonhwirh .onDly rnfi lhor pDlisionr <br />WARNINC: Itillr€ ro ccuE workcn (,npcNrtion covcflsc i5 uhwtul, .nd shall subicl an cmpldlt. ro riminll FMhics lod <br />civil fincs up ro onc hundrcd thous|nd dolllN ($100.fiD). in addnn$ to th. cosl ofcomircnsaln,n, daduScs rs rrovidcd tor lhc <br />sccrion :1076 ot rhc Litu Crd., Drcrcn lnd tr mr) \ !e';'; ;rj "^-,*7?. <br />-t^.--t <-r*". _- <br />UIIII}&-(ONIIACIAB <br />DICI,AMII!]N <br />I hdftby.mrmundcr r,cmll, ofterjury rhdr I dm li.tns{d und.t F}vhion otChpro 9(.ommmitrs vilh S.*rion 7mo) olDivkiotr l <br />of lhc Bu\inc$ dnd Phfc$ions Codc. lnd hyliccnt L in tuU rd(. a cfiecr. <br />lxtrJfl . Nrrtr <br />-