<br />I h@by lffqr unds !c lty of rctury rhrl I d cics{,r feft the Conra.lou Lic.ns. L3* lor ltc follo{hs rc@. (Se.7031.5
<br />Blsitr ss mn Prcfcsion Codr): Any Chy or Crunry qhich rcquies s lErnit lo onstdct. .lls, inl}rev., rLmlish or EIBi dy
<br />smcoe. prior lo ns hsuue. !L{o rcqunes lhc +pticot for shn Frmil to lik ! sigftd 3r,Emr thal h. or shc is lian*d PursMl
<br />lo lhc r'rclisions of tlE Conrtuhis l,iccnsd tiw (Chnpl* C. Comncing vnh Sslion 70m of Divhao.3 of lh. Surituss a.d
<br />Poacsions Co(c) or rhal h. or sh. n cxcmpl lhcEtoh.Id th. bssis for lh. allcScd cxctrprion. Ary viol{ion oascdion'70]1.5 by tny
<br />nppltsnr lor a lcmir subrccc thc & a.aril0c.rlry6frcr mE lhan 6vc hundrcd dolles (J500).
<br />.t
<br />-1,
<br />as o*ftr of rhe prop.ny. or ny .nploles wilh w.8cs ar thcn $b conp.nilrion. will do tlE wdt ird rlt .lnrrE i! @r
<br />h&ndcn or oficEal lor slc (Sa.?044. Blsimss lnd Prof.ssions Codc: Thc Co rerols Lian* L3w docs nol ryly lo d. owmr oa
<br />rlE pmlcn, who builds n nr{EB thootr od wlr .ktr trh slll hims.lf or hcelf nr lhm!8h his d h6 6vn.mP,oy.cs.
<br />lolilcd rhdt cuch inIrewEors e mr inlcndcd 6r oftrd for $h. ll horcE tlt tdildinB or iqnotmnr ic $ld wilhin o* ,t&
<br />of orolcrion. rlE Owncr B!il15 eill hlw rh. btlftlor of pelirg thar rr or sh. did nor buiH o. impmw thc Fopqly fot rlt 0urpo$ ol
<br />_1. I .*ncr of rhc l1rop.ny, an cxclusircly conhcrins wirh licen*d onr6.ron lo consdcl lhc pmiNt {S*. 7014. BEm.s
<br />od Aorssbn Cqlc: thc C6nxncror's Li..nsc Lnw do.s nol alJply io !n o*mr of r,ruIf,n, Dho builds or inprovcs lhcrcon.
<br />Md eho sntod* for such lmjc.n wiri a Conr6to(s) liccis.d t!is!an' b ln C.nlfl.tor's Ltcns L!*).
<br />I rd.xctrrt, u cr SLrr
<br />IIof,f,E8S:!'TTMPESAII0N
<br />PECLIBAIrc(
<br />I hcrcby liiro x.d.r p.nally olperiury orc or t aollowine d(ldalionsl
<br />-l
<br />hve .tn will minrain r CcnifElrc ol Con*.t ro Scll.lneurc for eorl@ts .odp.nsdion. a! prcvid.d fot by Sslio. 3700 of IIE
<br />Lrb6r Code, to $. Fnolr]m otllE mrt ftr thkh lh. Fnn ir isskd.
<br />-l
<br />hnv. and will Mnrlnin sorkcB conncnsdrion inruhft.. !* rcqun d hyScliotr]7m ofth. Labot Codc, for rie l'(Ylbmncc of
<br />rh. eort for ahicn fit pcmil is isn&n M, wo*6 c.of.nsa'ion insurrN cmicr and Inicy nonl'd e:
<br />u)
<br />-l
<br />ccnify th2r io rhc pqrornBmc oI ltrc work aor which lhh pcrmit is iss!.n. I rhiu lor.nDhy ony FMtr in lny @Er
<br />$ N ro beom subr.rr ro rlE wlkcrs cohpcnglhn hwi of Calilomie &d r8re tnal if I sholld lEsrm rubjer b rlE
<br />woi(c('compctrsorionpovhionsofSerionlT00o(th.t,rbrCodc.lslull.tunnuirhomplr$ilhrhoetovhi.ns..
<br />WARNINC: Fsilurc ro $u,c mrkcm' .on xnsslion owmgc is uiLwful. ul $dl subj.rl o mploltr lo oimin l |*Mlrix ard
<br />civil fincr up lo o* tlndrcd rhoui{nd dolrss ($Ioo,{xrj). iMddilhn lo lhe coir ofcomp.ns(ioo, da'Egcs ss phvid.d fo. rhc
<br />Sdion 3076 of rhc Llhor Codc. iotcrcsr and s omyt fes.
<br />eppuoorrf4
<br />I hc.cbyrifird! dcr pctulrr or Fljur! rhd I n licenscrl undcr omlisn,n of Chafls 9 (omfttuin8 eirh S(rion 7ux, of oivsion l
<br />.f rh. Ruri',csrsM Pn,ac\\n,ns Cod.. rhd mv{ is in full f rR nrd clfc!.
<br />^,,, 4:/ / ?'/ / ta .*,,*..
<br />grNlilall:uQN.LllDtlc-trGrlcr
<br />I hcrc$y rflnDUndcr p.nalry or ptrjfir rhd ih$c i\ a oNrrucli{nr Lrtrdir-! lsc'ky r.r rhc pcrnxmmc ollhc *ork r{r shi.h r[ivxlnril is
<br />i!\ucd, Civ C.)
<br />I hs*ry nfrim undcr Fnalr, olpcrruty orc or rhc li,lb*inB dNl.rltions
<br />Dcn$lirion P.rnir* A\b.\ros Nori6calio l'cdcrol Rcsuhr ions ('I ir lc {o. Pd6 )
<br />Rcqumdh crofNorii.arion
<br />Lr,#.
<br />ilith hc,cdcrrlrcBUhri{,nsrcEUdinsr\bc{osrcnrv,ltu.norr!plicnhlclolhi\Pt,
<br />rhd t hrle Edd rhi* aptlh0rion und sl0l.lhar lh. atnt infomrion is corc.l I iER loomply wirh all Cnylnd Countv
<br />ordirrtrccs und sr.rc l-aws rclaring ro hrildin8 co.ddcr llrlrrizc rcprc\c arirt\ orrhis Cit, ond Couoryro cnld rF,nrtr
<br />& or Agcii SigNturc:-L --'''4/trK
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Rough Ductwork q-
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ranqe
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openinos
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.l9 tqlP ?fr)
<br />Final Test U
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL vl )-2b )
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc U
<br />--t
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />*, * //v //s
<br />ahow nEntiorcd pml'.ny for irNtiion
<br />-/-lo
<br />I
<br />I