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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.owNER ltull-Dlifi DaLCARAI toN <br />I hctbyrlrlr tndcr p€nalrr otFdu.y rhrl I am cxcmpl lrcm rhc Co racroF l,iccnsc ltre forrhct Uowin8 tulv,n ls.c7).115 <br />Ausincs nM Prof.\\ioi Culc): n, Ciry or Couiry which lcqutcs r Frnrir io .onq cr, rlrcr. i F)rc, d.'n hh .r rpair My <br />nru.rurc. nrnn ro its isnutre. also rcaut r th.,rdicrr f(tr su.h Fr.'ir n' ul. r siS cd idc.rc,r rhr heordr ir licciscd !u^u,nr <br />l. rhc ,hvisioN of rhc Cl.ftn !r's{d L'! (Chrprrr 9. Connn.ncing wnh S.crn r 7l[)0 of t)ivision .] of rhc Bu\i'lrs lnd <br />Pmic$ions Codc ) or rill hcorshc hcxcnfl rhcrcfro$ and rhcbrsi\ for rh. dlhlcd .xc'nprion Atryvt,lDrionotSc.riotrT0ll5hy.ny <br />applicur rbr a Frnril ruhjcct\ lhc lttlicunr lo ucivilncnrlryol trot mrcfion fivc hutrdrcddoll.r iS5($). <br />frl\, a" o*i., ,,r rhr Imriy. or m, cmpk,ydc\ wnh w,s$ a\ rhct vrc co'npcn\rrn,n. sill do rh. $ ork rRl rh. nmrm . d <br />i"rcndct rollcrcd for $k (S(.7O1-4. Au{rcss rtrd Profc$trN Codc Th. (btun ttr s Li.cnrc Lrw docs nor lPplyh o\rftr.f <br />rhc pbp.n! who hrikh or i'npr.ts rhc(r. dd who ,rc\ n'.h sork hinNcll o' hcrcllor lh(n'ai hir or hcr own cmpi)yccs. <br />proviJcd rhlr su.h imnnivcntrh nc rmr i .ftl.d or ollarcd {or sk ll hoMrd. rhc } ildin8 or ntmvc rnr is {,ld wirhir on. $ <br />ol.onDldion. rhc Oqncr Auih$ rill ha\r rh. hr&n of poving rh3r hc or \hc did R trildor ilnl ovc rhc pmlcny ti,r rhc purlr)s of <br />ffi:xx:lrl':u::,;,;H::l'ir;rr:Tli:ilL",:Ifii,,"::::r{:;:;;:'r}'fr"liT#r'fi:'.',,i;,1'f.ftH: <br />rnd *ho conlmch {o! such pmJc.k wir[ icrM.dnnl) lic. \cd <br />I hcrcby rilnn trn .r p.ulryof Frjr'tnm.l rft ftn[Nirr dcclt <br />-l <br />hsvc ondwill mlinrain !Ccnific colconscnrroScli.lnsurcforso crl compctrsotion. as pmvidcdrorhySccrion3?O0ofthc <br />L,bor Codc.Ior lhc p.rfon mc oith. work i.r which rhc p.rnir h isucd <br />IhilcandwillFniniainworlc'! compcnsarinn insunncc. !\ rcqln.d h, Ssiio..i70O narlr Lzt*, Code, f.r rhc p.rformnc..f <br />th. rorl forwhi.hthk p.nnir is issNd Myworkc* .onrpcdqrioi insutunc.ariui rnd l.licynunrb.rr.: <br />Cuicr:- <br />l\'1i.yNtrnrhcr Ertncs:r\ <br />Eit hr rr rnr ,n rtrc rrr.rm{Nr,rl rhc s'trt ,nr lhtrh rhis pcrmir is issucd, I shallnor cnTk)y my pcrson in..y mnncr <br />\l'i7n ha, n c \uhtfl | r, rl. tr.4c'\, rn,|($ariotr |.,tr. oi( trlrf.iinJ.otrd rErcc rhr ri I "hnuld t("m \uhjccr r.r|i. <br />sorlc^ comnrnsari,nn()vi\i,,tr\olSrcri,nr.l?(lO.IrhclilxtrC,d.-l ll. hnhrirh.on,flv rvirI rln'{ Irrvi\i(tr,\ <br />IVARNIN(i |rilur. r, {.tr'c sorkcr'conmcn\rri,r..\.'fu. '\ r lirl- ud \lnll {l,].ct !n cn,rhy.r i, crimnrl t^-.mhis md <br />.tr I lnr\ up k, of. htrnd'cd rhotr\xnd nolh \ r1l(x).(nx)r. iD x(l,l h rh. .on ol .on,lrn\rri,n,. drtrx€r\ a\ t)r,vnld ,nr r[r <br />:::::'i";-D'14" <br />I hcrchy rlrtnr undcr pcnihyoip.ryury rhd I rnr licctr{d uMcr taovhior oiCh.i'rcr I <br />of rlr Buenc* d Pturc$n sC.d.. dd.ry li..nsc n in fxll torc. r!]rlfccr <br />l-iccnsc Ch* <br />-Licctr\c <br />Numbcr: <br />- <br />D.l.: Contractor <br />C(INSTRU(:TI(IN I F\DIN(; A(;ENCY <br />I hcrct y irfirnundcr p.nrkyotll€rturyrhal thcrc h 0 consrucrhn lcndin8 r8ercy for lnc pcrfommc ollhc *ork tor which rhh lc nir is <br />issucd rSc..1097. Civ. C.) <br />aftrtc NrD[clll[auo! <br />I tEEby irlnn undcr lcnllry ol pcrjury om olrh,lollowirg dcclmrnnN <br />D.nslirrnPcnhirsAsh.{orNorifi.urbn Fcd.ral R.$ldions(Tnb4l), Pd6) <br />R.qurcd lrncrof Norifi.uhon <br />-l..nilyrhar <br />rhc lcdcr rcsuhri{nr rcsndins ast sosrcnnrval.rcnoralplicxt' <br />H*r 'ly rhn 1 I'x\c 'cxd rh \ rft,li.rr(, r rnd rhar rh. ih,!d irloi,Mrion s conccr I +e lo comply wilh all Cil y and Counly <br />trtiDtr. d hcr$yrurlntrizc rcorcscnlarivcs olrhis cir,0nd Counrylo enrcr rhc\rfd Sr c ltrtr\s rhrirf r, hrildrtr! <br />trbort Nntoi.d pn,t. y f(n nisFari,nr <br />,,,,",, iltzt&Appli.ont or A*cnl SiSDrlua: <br />P.nnil.e nanP (pnnl): A <br />/-l1/, <br />a.-- <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/l nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsu lation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Exl./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />De puly Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL 7-2? -/€J/e!il ,-(O\ <br />Certificate ol Occupancy <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />-{ <br />COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />*" 'E /tz I <br />%r - * *,,^ ^*, ",,,*,,^ ^,