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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit)/r\ <br />Walls (Rough)9-',t^,K N"\L471, <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />It/eter Release <br />Rough <br />Service l\ileter <br />FINAL sA <br />Notes Remarks, Etc <br />-.., <br />OWNER AUILDER DELCARATION <br />! h€rcby rflirm un<lcr pcnllry of pcrjury rhar I an .rcnpr lion hc Conra.roN Licctrrc tiw rb, rhc fouowing mrsn (S(.7o1 L5 <br />Blsincs .tuj Pn rcrb. CoJc)r ny Cily or Coxnry which rcquncs o Fmrir ro onrr ct- ah.. if,fuvc, dcmolish or EPrt 6.y <br />slfl.turc. rir ro ns hsu.ncc. dso rcquiEs lhe aplli.unt for slch ro fih a \i8n.d sarcm tnar nc or shc t li..i{d rurual ; <br />r. rhe pdvirion ortu C.nh.rols Lions\l llw (Chapr.i 9. Crnmcmins ,ilt Scction 7(Xx) of Diviion 3 ofrh. Irusincs rnd <br />Pmr.esn,ns Codc) or lhnl h. or shc is cxcn{,1lncrcfron'and lh€ tEsn lor lhc lllcscd cxcmflion. Any vblalhnofSsri,n70115 br rny <br />q,llicd lou pcrmi rh. aptlic!trr ro a civil pcnolry ol nol 'mr. <br />rhn fiw hu.drcd dollom ($50) <br />-r.,s <br />osrcrolrhc nrortny. o. mycmtbrcs rilh wag$ as rhcir elc c.nFn\olion, willdo rlt rbA,nd rtr sME i\ fr <br />i cnlcd or oficrcd ror sk (Se.7014, Busircss .nd Pmfcssions Cn c: thc ConrBcrois LicnE bw docs ml aml, ro !n owncr of <br />rhc pmFny *ho buih\ or inlpmha rh.Gr. dd wlb dc\ skh mrk him!.lror hc^ell or lhmu8h his or hcr own.mployc.s. <br />providcd rhar su.h inlpmftctrh m nor hr.nd.{ or olf.Eri ld $k. l( ho$rwr. rhc huildins or impmwntnr is s,kl wirhin nnc ,Ltr <br />ol con{,htion. thc Owmr Buiklcr uill hnE Ih burdcn of pmvlr8 rhnr lr or rhc dit d huild or nqtow lhc pmFny tor thc pulF)s of <br />L r\ .wrcr .fihc Iop.dy, rm.rclusivcly contmdirS pirh liccn$rl conrracb^ t, con{tucr rtf, r4ftr (se 704-1. RuvEss <br />ern Pmfc\si,. Codc: Thc Conlrrlols l,i.ensc li* docs nol aprly kr Nowndr olpropcrl, {ho nuiBs or imlnlcs rh*.on. <br />lnd *ho conh.i\ror such p6.ids r,lh r!.ror1, liccned pusuotrl lothcConrra.ttr\ t-i.cns. tf,w). <br />-l <br />imcxcmpl unds Sccri( <br />Ovn.r: <br />]]OBf,&BII1;OIIIENSAIION <br />IEILAAA.IION <br />I hcrchyrifirorundcrlEnrhyolpcrjuq.m.lrh.tulL,$'insJ..lax nnN: <br />I havc onl v'll ,miN rJClnilj.rr.olCotr{nrloScll'ltr{trcti)rno'[c cunrFn\dridr.,spmrdcJli,rhyScclidr.17(xIolrhe <br />ItrtnrCodc, turhcFnnrmrtuc.f rh. work fr whi.h rh.Frmir i( tsucd <br />I havc !.d eillmJintlir workcrl coflrpctrsoli nNunrn.c. $ rcquircd bySccrion.lT00ofrh. L.hor Codc. l'or lnc 0crforoErcc ol <br />rhc work lor wlrich rhi. p.rmir is issEd. M y wortcG con!,cnsolion insulancc crfti.r drd |blicy numbcr mSln# l,,,to <br />5 <br />I.cniry rhar in rh. lcrrormRc oI thc *ork lor which Ihh |x nir is issucd,I shrlt nor .'nnloy iiy !.non itr m! m0nnc! <br />q) a. ro hcmm suhFcr ro <br />'h. "ort(s\' .onncns,r nr n h*s.rCaliromin, oM rBrc hlr ifl should l[sm sul,j.d kr rr. <br />w.rlcB conrpcnsarion ,r,vkbns of Sc.tion l?lDofrhc L$or Codc.l sh.ll.lonhsirh ootly qirh rhos pmvhkn$.. <br />WA|INING: Fuilurc r. s.urc $orkc6 conrpcnuriur ..vctugc k u.lawrxl. rnd sholl suhjccl utr cmfLrlr ro aitunrl lctuxi.s dnd <br />civil nrcs up lo onc hundrcd lhousand dolluh ($l00,ilo0), n[ddkion to lhc cosr oi conlcnelioa. damgc\ ai Porid.d tr rh. <br />Sc.r'on lu76 ol rhc LJI!tr Cndc. mrcrc.l ond ah{rE)\ fN. <br />nnn.."lit*r;kss <br />DECIJEAIION <br />I hcrcby amrh unj.r p.nalry or pcrlurr lh,l I e,n licn*rl und$ pmvision o( Chor s 9 (onrftking *nh Sccrion ?000) of Divhion 3 <br />of lhc Busincss ad Pmfcssions Codc- lrd ny ltcne is io lull r.rc. ,,xl cficcl. <br />BL 37Ll l <br />,,,",. s -v)- ll t-& <br />ra!$f,llltl)xrilDtNc-alj.EN1:l <br />Ilrrchy.lljmundcrpcMllyorp.rjuryrharrh.'cis!codncri,nl.ndi.8n8!Nylotthcplliomaneofrh.eorklarwhi.hrrislEnniiis <br />i*u.d (S...:l(n7, Civ. C ) <br />APPIISIINLIIECLASAIIA! <br />I lIR'$y nmnn undcr |Enrhyofpcr.juryone ollhc hlhwins dc.ludn,ns <br />Dcn)lirion Pcntrik sb.nos Noritl.dnrn [cdcrrl RCBUlnti.ns (l illc 40. l'ado <br />Itrq!trcd Lr11d.l Nor Tl.niidr <br />l.cnirythd lhc ttdcrilrcr!lllt,n{r.BUdiigrsb.skNrcii,v l c..rimli.!blc rorhis <br />e,..nrdy wirh illCiryrnd ('onnry <br />lrhir Cirylndc.unryk,cnrd u,x <br />'h( <br />lAl(o^u, 'n ,n^" *'o <br />'ntr <br />omri( rrn'r Jr.rhr rhc rhr.,nroi,nn on | !,,ncc, IJErr <br />;;::: :k: <br />w::it'%_ n hc,.hyrd hc,u.,.,,c\cn {n.c.,, <br />p.m...nrm. pr,n,,: * Al fq[a l/zhptu. <br />*,, 5-/)_F <br />zlEEtr]Iatrfitl <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />. l' I '?o/q <br />tJrdci. AJJr.\ <br />- <br />-----f-_-_T+- <br />I