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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WOHK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNDN BUILOER DF]T,CARATION <br />I h.rcDy .risn u dci p.i.lry or Friury rhar I tun cr.nipr rnnn rhc c{)ntrcrorj Li.cnsc Llw lor rhe rbllosin8 rc!$. (Sn.- 7011 5 <br />Bu\inc$ nnd Pnntssion Codcl: Ary Cily or County *hich rcquircs d pmril l(, cor(ruc|. allcr. improvc- {knoli\h .r rcpat rny <br />iflcrxrc, rrir kr irl ts!oc..lhortquiesrhcapl,ltarrforsuchpc.nrithfildrsigtud{lnrrrhartf,.rdrirliccnsdNrsuanr, <br />lo thc pmvtios of rhc Ctntoctols l-iccnrcd L,w (Chaplcr 9. Co.nnclcins wilh Scclion 70tu ol Dirti.n .l or rhc Busi'rcs\ rnd <br />Pnrcsio.sCoJcJ orrtar hcorrhe nercmpr rhcrcfro ud Uc bnsh ior rhc aucscdcrcnlnn,n'sc.riotr70ll.sby,ny <br />,tpli.anr roraFr6ir \ lh. ro r.ivilFiatryoftror 60r.rh fiv. hutrdrcddullls(551x)). <br />-1.r\otrncroilhcprorEny.'nnyc',pk'yccrwilhwa8$u\!.n(ii,n.silldorheork,i <br />rh.nMmnRn <br />i cndcd or ori.r.d tur s lc l So.7IH4, Bu\inc* rtrd Piofcssn'i\ Cdtc: 'I h. Cotrr rcri s Li.cnsc liw docs ml a|)l)ly to !n owrcr ol <br />rhcpmFny wio hoilds o. i,q'mrcs ad rho drcs srh wo* hiDscll or hcr\cltor rhmu8h hn or hcr own cmpby.c\. <br />ptuvidrd rhd \uch nq,okmnrs m nor inrcnl.{ or olTcri ftr s,b ll how$cr. rh. huilding or i'r{rolcmnr is y,ld wilhi'r onc )td <br />ol.onplcri,n. rtEOwncr AuiBcr willhr\r rhc hurJcn orprovin8 lhd hc or shc dil nor bnild or irprow lhc pDpcny r'or rh( pu{D$.f <br />I. h .*n.r or rhc pft,ldy. am.,.lusivcly .ontrci i.! $irh li..n{rl cDntrt,6 ro .onstrucr rhc projccl (Sc 7044. 0uiincs <br />,nd ADf6si.n Code ThcConrrucnnsLiccrscl-awdocs.oraptlyloun.*ocroaploEnywhobuild\orimpolcsrhdco!. <br />I *ho snihcr s ftr su.h pdi.( wirh r C. a.trG) licco\.d lu^und t, rh. Cofta.ktr s Liccn€ trs ) <br />IrNcrcnit,u ,B &PC <br />Ormr: <br />IIOAffAILCOMTETSAIIO! <br />DI!;LAAAIION <br />I h$cb, !finor undcr ri.nalrrorpcrjrrtonc ofrhc r,rl,,*in8 ncchrarions: <br />-lhlvc <br />IwillnBn dn a Ceniti.atc olconscnl h Srlaln\urc tiri vorkcE cofi,cns $ Drovidcd lor byStrridn lTtx) ofrhc <br />tih1r Cod.. aor rh. ,rrormn.c ol rhc work ror whi.h rhc pdmir n issucd. <br />-l <br />hlvc rnl $ workcn co,np.ns!ri,,n insuraNc. !s R\utcd br Sccrion:l?01)orlhc Lzbor Cod.. rrtr <br />'hc P..fonun.c ol <br />rhc work tor whnh rhi Frnil is tsxi My{orkcn conrpc,sarion insuEme.:dcr ud Policy nunh.r dcr <br />-ExPnes <br />I.cnifyrhdri.rlrltrforrtuncc.frh.sorkfrwhi.hrhi\pcr i n h\ucd.I shnlnotcnUloy ny pcson in ony nranncr <br />v' r ro icom \uhr{l lo lhc *orkcr' .onrpcnsd iotr hw\ or C iri) ria.!Mlsrccrh it| \hould bcconr sol,jcd k'rhc <br />*orkcF c.npcnsalion pnvisionsotSeciion.l?Olrolrhc lnhor G c.l shrl1.lonhwirhcomFly wirh rlx)* pmuiiiotrs. <br />WARNINC: Iiulurc lo e.urc workcri .ompcnsali('o c.vcnAc i\ unhwh'1. trnd shrll \utrFr rn cnl,tolrr k, mmDrl Ntrrlrar and <br />.ivil nncs up ro onc hund,ed rhou\and dolh^ (Sl(xl-i{x)). ir rddirion t) rh. cod or co'npLnsarion. ddntScs r\ froridcd li't Ihc <br />Sccrn,n.lllT6 of rhc ttrhn. G .. inrcrc{ Md ormr'r flr\ <br />ur!!$lr0NrBAcroa <br />DICI.ABA.IION <br />I hcrcbt alfrm undci r..,hy ol r.rjury lhd I aD li.cnk]d urdcr pmvision olChitlcr 9 (enrmn.ins *ilh Sc.ri.n 70OO) ofDivk,on 3 <br />ot lhc Businc$.nd Pmfcssion\ Codc, and ntylic.n{ i\ in lull forc.urldflccl. <br />C( }NSTRT'CTI(IN t ENDIN(; ,{(;ENCY <br />I hceby ditm undcr lEnaht o! lErjury thst lhd. is ! cotrsrucriotr lctrdioe qcncy |or ltc pcrfo rnEncc .f I hc wor* ror which rhis Fanrir ( <br />i\sucd rsc. 3m7. Civ. C L <br />AIILTANLDECIAAAIAN <br />I H,y allrm undcr pcn.hy oip.,juryorc ollhc followinS dechrntions: <br />Dcnxnirion Pcrmils.Asb.(os Norifrari.n rtd$al RcEul.lio.\ (Titlc,lO. P! 61 <br />,Rcquncd L.rlcr ol Nolifrotion <br />I..n'tyrl r rh. l.lcrrl ,cguLri,,tr\ ngrrJrn! a\h.(o\ mr q,flxnh. ri Ihtr fxJjc.l <br />-l <br />ccn iiy Ihar I lulc rcd rhis amlicrrin ud srurdhur tlr rborc inlbn'ur ion is cotrcr I rgru b co.Dly wirh ,u Cny a.d Counry <br />uldinanccs und St{rc Llws rclllins ro l,uildins consrrucrion. und hcrchy lurhori4 rcr,.eorariv.s orrhis Cnymd counly lo cntcr uFrn thc <br />ihovc nrhrnd ttupcny tu <br />.\DDli( ntor1!ul Sirn rurr ?lrtu ".,.<:/5/Zt7 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Rool Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL I lqln T vnl..*xf 2h) <br />Certificate ol Occu u\:pancy <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />tf,nd.'-\ AdJ... <br />I <br />f T------ <br />f-------T------