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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTSAPPROVALSDATEtD/slG. <br />Site-Work <br />Pole Bases <br />L ht Standards <br />Pool, FountainsSs <br />Si ns monument <br />Fire Alarm / Dam ers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildin <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondin / UFER/ Groundin <br />Transformers <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />UIRoof To entE <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />Walls Rou h <br />Ceilin hHard & Soflit Rou <br />lVleter Release <br />Rou h <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL ) <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />()r! \t R tit .t) tlt.,t ( ,\11\ I lrr\ <br />I icrchy aflirfr undcr pcnally ol N,ury lhal I m cietrll,r rdn dc Conlrlcion t-kcns tiu fot rh. rollo*ins rcsen (SN'7oil'5 <br />Bxrinuss ,nd Pn'icssnri Codc) Any Cily o, Counly whi.h rcqunes ! rcflnir to consrrucr, llrtt inprovc. d.mlish or rc|ot onv <br />(ruclulc, prior b iG issuarce. aho Equt r rhc .rplicanr for such Frmi o lilc ! \ised {nrcmnl thal t Dr sh' k lircnsd po^uanr <br />lo rhc Eovisions ofrh. Conkr.lols Lifti\cd tjw (chlPlcr r. G,mmn.in3 with Sccrion 7fiD o, Division I ol lhc B0sincs\ und <br />Penssionr Cod.) or Ihor heorshc it.xcnrDt thcref.omand rhcbrsis ror thcallclcd.rcmdion AnvvtdionolS€dhnToll'5hvanv <br />arpli.anr forapemit \!hjd3 rhe omlicinr ro acivilp.nalryofnol nFrc rhan fitc hlndrcd doll*( ($5fir) <br />-l, <br />a\ o-e' .fihc lollny. o, ny €nDloltcs pirh Pasc! as I hcir \,L $mPcnsar ion. sill do llE *d drl (rE utrlm ir tur <br />inrcidcn fm sk (S(.7o44. Busincss ond Pn,fcssnnrs Codc:1hc Contru.ror's Liccnsc lrw docs nol oIPl, b un owncr oI <br />rhc pDpcny who t{ild\ or ny{m$s rtcd,n. aM who des suh sork him|lfo. hc.slfor rhouBh hn., hc, o*n cnplovccr' <br />p",!id.d rh,r such innevc'rnh m mr inlcndcn or otlcrcd for std. Il h.wcsr. rh. hildins or imPrcvcmnr is sold Nirhin 'ic ,car <br />;furn{ftrhn, rlEOwmr Buit+r uillhrlc rtr buds ofpnrli'r8 rhar tE ot shc dd m! toi[ irlFrc lhc pmFnv lorrlE purlF{'f <br />I.0sosncrofrhcForrny. wirh liccnrcd contlclos lo coNrru.i rhc roJc.l (S( 7044. Businc$ <br />oftl Pn,,isi,n Cod.: Thc Conltackr's Liccnsc Law doe\ nor aPply to {nosnct ornnirnv whn huilds or i'nprovcs ltcr"n' <br />rnd who onrnd\nn\uch |x)irls *irhac \) liccnsed pu(hir i, rhc C.nrrdor's* Lrwl <br />;',"'ry#alt <br />DIiTLjI].IIA\ <br />I hcrcbyrllirnrn .rpcmltrofpct}tryoncolrhcft,lk,sii8dcchririons <br />-thalc&xlwillminllin!ccdil]c0l.ofconsenths.lflnsurclolworlcn'.omlctrsdion.aslftvid.niorbyseiionlTlx]oriheLabo, Codr. ror lh. pcrftrIlec of rhc wort tor wtich thc is nsucd <br />I h,vc snl will dai.rain worl(cri cotr\Er3arion insunmc, {s rcquircd hy S€crion l7O0 or rhc tjt'or Codc, ror lhc ,rrfoM'c ol <br />rh. work for wfiich lhis p.mir is nsued. M, workcn coq).nslion insrhncc caEicr dd Flicv numher dc: <br />Policy Numhcr <br />-Eipitorl <br />-l(nifyrhrlirrhc!.rio <br />unc..flhcwo.k itr$hi.h rhn!c nil i\i\sucd ldrallmr cmPkrviiyp.r\on in xny tutrncr <br />so .s k) li(onc shj.d ro rhc wortcra comfns n{ hws ot Crlif.rnir' rnd aAEc rhrr ifl sh.uld ll.tonf, {brcd torlE <br />sorkcs compcn\rrirn Ircvilions olSccri.n lTur ollhc tih.r C.{t.I shrll Innh*irh strPl, wirh rh']* lmvntnB' <br />WARNINC: Frihrd k, ecurc wotker( .o r8ns.rion cov..!gc is unln$tu|. and \hall subF_r m c'n,lortr ro riminll pdrxi$ 'ndcivil fincs !p r. onc hundrcd rho,sand:::+ffiw' <br />n ..ntFtr\trinr. drnilcs ur pmvidL{ ffl lhc <br />lhccbysmn,uodcrlcnellyolp.tjutyrhal,amlicci$drnd.rpmvhionorchl'rs9lconmncir8wirhSccri{rn7{xlo)orDivisinnll <br />ol rhc B$in $ and Pmfcsiors Codc. !d my liccnse is an ltll rore and cltccr. <br />CANIIBJ]EU9XTENDUG.trGDNCI <br />I hcEh, !,Irn un.Lr Fnllly o{ rt4ury rhal lh.rc h a co.nd.ri,n lcndi,E lscn.v ro. thc lcdom@ oi lh. mrk ror Rhich rhis If,mI n <br />i\sucJ (se. 3(I)7, Civ C.) <br />APPLICANT DIiCI A[A]I(IN <br />I trrhy df,irm ufrlcr p.mhy ol pcrjury om of rhc f(rlornrE dlrlarxrii,ns <br />llcmolirnnl PcrnrirlAsbcdos Norificrrion Folcrul Rcgulrriotr$ (Tirlc J0. PM6) <br />RcqunL{ trrrcr.l Norillcrrirr <br />l.cnilyrhal |hc tcd*nl rc8!l ion\ ngardine asbcsros tcrB,vnlrtu tror r|t'licablc ro rhis Pml$r <br />-l <br />ccniry rh,r I hdvc rcad rhi\,tdi.ario. ad sr{. rhd Ihc , infondbd is coFai I aEr€ ro conrlly wnh s cirv nni Cotnrv <br />o inrn.r\n d slrl. t;rr\ rchr yaurhorizcrcDrcscnrari!c\ofrhisCiryaod(i ntylocnrc!ulxnirltr <br />atnrc Nnrn,ncd !n)p.ny lo! in <br />]\ptliunl or A*enl Sienot ^,",2/l/ztt <br />Underqround <br />Torqueinq <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />'tlnt *, "/'cn) <br />t) \\' \--..- <br />Lln.1fl :A'lJrcs <br />-