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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Iv'leter Release <br />Rough 1'u"t0 J,,tfc / <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL '/-q-,/B ,)7) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNER AUILI}ER DELCARATION <br />I hcreby ltnirn und.r FMIry of p.rru.y rhur I rn cxchfl lbm rh. co.r6dor' Liccnsc bw for Ihc followiry rcls,n (56.1031.5 <br />Busincss antl Frofc$ion Codc): Any Ciry or Counr, *hich Bqunes o Fnnil ro con(rucr, rlrq, iopr6r, d.mlhh or Epan any <br />rocruc- Iri{trro irs n\!an.e. aho rsguircs rhc lpnitlnt lor such lErmn to filc a sisncd srdcftnr rh h. or slE ir li(.s.d l[nuanl <br />to lhc pmlisn,ns of rh Contmbls Li.c.*d llw (Chnpr$ 9, Comming wirh Scction ?olx) of Divhiotr I of thc Businesr ud <br />Pmfc$ions Codc) or rhor tr or shc iscicmpt rhcEfrom snd rh. hosis fo! inc !lle8.d cEn0rion. Any liolariotr of Sdhn 7031 5 b, any <br />applicanr forrpcrmil subjNls rhe apdi.BnrroacivilpcnalryofnolmrcthanfivciundrcddollaB($500) <br />-1. <br />os owrc! ol lhc pmFny, or ny cmplo)ccs eilh w,ecs is $cir $le onrlEnsll bn, uill do lhc wolk and lhc (trlr G not <br />idc,xL\C ordff.i.d torslc(S(?044. Busincs snd Pmfc\snrns C.dc, Thc Conrrcn \* Law dfti not rpdy ro M owncr ol <br />rh. !.opcdy *ho hoild\ or iqmrcs rtEEn. ald *ho de\ sEh wo,k himslfor h.r*lfor rhou8h ht or t.r o*n cmpi,ycc\, <br />providcd rh such inJmrnEnrs e mr inred.n o. oficrd frtr slc. ll hrqcc, tlE ttriu,n8 or inpmrrmrt is sE wnhin om )re <br />ofcoroLlion. tlE O*tur Build.r will harc rhc hhl.n of pn,ving rhar hc or sh. dil mr huiki or i.pmw tlr tsFny inr rlE lrqDe of <br />t. rs ovncroihc !n,Nny,, ri,r! wirb lic.n\dd conrturorsh.onnru.( th. pmrc.' tscc. ?014.lruqncs <br />arn hDfcs\hn Codc ThcQ,nrracroisLicenseLowdocsnor0rnlylonnowncrofprot rly qho huilds or inrprolcs rhcrmn. <br />nnd who co.rrlcrs ft, su.htojcch wnh n Conrrd{,(, liccnscd ru6@nr ro rhc G,nr&kr'\ t,ic.ns.liw). <br />lrn,clrD,Jn u ..s..roD .ll ,!1,( ttrrhr{cr{,, <br />I) tr ()$nrr <br />tl!)4f,.E&r.!i:qu[ENta.u0N <br />IECI"AX{IION <br />I hcrcbyafiii utrdcr tcmhyotp$juryotu ofrh. followi']3 dcclnrrrhns <br />lhrvcnnd willnrxn ni'raCcnir{\c rhScll ltrsurctrwork.B'ro rrcn*nrnnr. rs thlidcdlorhyScdion1700ofrhctihr Gnl., i(tr lh. pcrlonrutur.frhc Nork tnr !hi.h ihc pcnnir ir issu..l <br />_l havc ind willmairrli| workcd conrpcnsllion iNurrncc. as rcluncd hyScclion 3?(lr ol ri. ljhor G)dc. fo.rhc,crt rtutucof <br />lhc aork tuehkh rhi\lEr.rir i\ i\!k1l Mysorl.n co rFnsllion insurancc.rri.r and F,li.y numh.r-cl <br />Ic.nityrhrr if rhc n rtun'un..olrhc fff{hi.hrhir!.mir k i\\urd. I \hrll nor cnlPh,, rny pc^otr rny nrtri.r <br />$ as b h..onk subjc.r k, rhc wDr* oJ .o nra.nsar n, n ldw. orcdliroma.,nd +N rhar ifl should bcco'rc ubjcd ro rht <br />w.rkc^.omlcn$rn,npn)v(ir,n\ofSNrbn:lT0Ootrh.LatrtrCodc.l\hrll.fodlBirh.onrdypilhlhostmvisioos.. <br />W^RNNC: I:lilurc k' scurc sortcs comncn$tioo.ovcrlrc is unl!$iul. lnJ \hrll \lhjccr rn cauk,yr b cirninll liMlrics dnd <br />.ivi lincs up ro otrc hundrcd rhoulrDd dollrr (SI(x).(x in addirion ro rhc con orconp..sarion. d,nD8cs rs lrovidcn lor lhc <br />s.cri{)n _1076 otrh. l]htr (i)d.. inhmn rd mtrtrry \ <br />"".,'d/6//K <br />I hceby,Llnn xnd.r pndryorlc jury $d I m [an{n und.r !^,vErn orchnDrs 9 (oummms w hScdion 7uJ0].lDivkioi 3 <br />. (r,0", ,* ., ,."u." *,.,rrr',".* -a"n*, <br />LiccnscChs:- <br />€ /'r //a <br />I hcEby afilm undcr lEnslty ot Frjory rhsr rh.rc h s mnnrudbn lcdinB dslncy for rhc rEfolfue ot fic e.k for whih lhi\ Fimir is <br />issu.d (se. 1097. civ. c ). <br />AISLICAXLDICLABA.IION <br />I h.r.byrnmund* FnDhy ofp.riury om ofrhc folbwin8 ddlf iohrl <br />D.n{rirn,n Pcrn rs AstEskx Norifi.triion Fcdoll Rcsuhr ions lTir lc .lO. Pd6) <br />R.qun.J I dricrol Norili.rii,'n <br />-l <br />ccniiy thor rhc fcdcra! rcSulntions rcsudinB.shcslos rcmvnlarc not lPlltohlc ro rhn poj(l <br />l.cnifr rhtrrI hrvc resd rhis mli.,bn tuxl snr. thir rhc rh)vc i.fd Drdr ic..nct. I +rc ro .omfly qnh .ll Cny lnl Counly <br />ordiM Ccs rnd Sttrrcllws rldinBro buildinS c.inrudion.0rxl hcrby thorizcrcprcscnrari\rsofthisCilyandCounlylocnrcruponthc <br />"h,vd 'ftnr nnnl pn,pcny in i'l <br />,\ ppli.nnr or ,lgetrr siaMr *;, 6b1/L <br />,z?) <br />Pole Bases <br />l.cidcr's Addrcs <br />i=-