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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE I S <br />Set Backs \ <br />COMMENTS <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns \d\y'-^ <br />Erection Pads rv.n/s 4.t'\\(v <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing 'J-a l'r 1 BcZ) <br />Shear Wall 7-2{-,1 /Z<'21 <br />Framing / /- ,D -, r'r,,h.--'tF. <br />lnsulation/Energy 7 c, Il tnl <br />Drpvall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath a. r- 't lQ Aa^ <br />Brown Coat ?/F-L 4 <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />A,vi'k-l-FINAL ilzlt 4;t,.) <br />Certificate of Occupancy I I t t '/ I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />- <br />OWNER BUILDEA DEII R TION <br />I hq.b, llrm und6 Frlt, of pdllry tl'rl I @ .i@fl toD $c Conl[dm Uc$. bq for rlE lolkwi4 rat. (SE70ll J <br />Auin6 !n Prcfdirtr Cod.) Aly Cny or CNlry \t'ah EquiB r F!.n ro @'riru.!, .Xq. ioFo\q dablih or l+.! a, <br />lhl1uq Fi.r <br />'o <br />,r i!t@c., .t r.qliE tb. appli.d lor 3u.h Fnit ro 61. ! !iB..d indor lhn lE or lhc ! licoEld Fmel <br />ro rlE Fovirt'B of dE ( o.EId! Lic .d Lr* ((luf,d 9. CoMine *nh Scrio. 7m ol Dirilion I of thc B6its ed <br />Pmf6ioN CodG) o, thlr lE or rh. ! qnp( rMon dd rhc b6t lor En!.gcd.r@Fion Any vioLrio. of sdirn 7011.5 b,!y <br /> tor . Fmil !t crs th. .tplicst lo . ciril Frnt o f mr mE lnr fiv. hun&.d &,lLB (1J00) <br />:1. s ow orrh< F!Fl), or rydpbr€ urh *!s6 s rh.d ok c.mFuthtr {rU d. rlE wt rxl Llr fildE 6 mr <br />idcld.n d 6ffa.d for st (Sc 7044. B6ir &d Prsftsi,B Cdl. Tlr ( o,{rErd'. liw L.* doc ibr lpry b & o"c or <br />lh. tn'Fry wto hlil6 or iryroG thadr ad who <h6 *h w.t him.lf or h@lf or 0voulh his or h6 om drloyE. <br />Ford.d thd $.h tnF\d'Ea c mr dc'd.d d ofR tn 6. eL l[ h.r(s. r hlildrB or dpmtlEi i' Dld wtti. @ )< <br />ofconpkiol! tlE o*G &d& sil hlE tlE h,rh oaFoms thd lE or !lI. dA mt hild or iIr.!r. d'. FlFty fttr rlt FrF* or <br />l. so*ndofth.Fop-ry, e.xcluiv€lyconirldins wnh liccr*{ co ncroR ro coMtucl rlt tr.j.d (S4 ?04!.8r6md <br />.,n Aoke Co<t Th. ( onrdor'r l-i.@ lr* d.c mr laf l) ro M o*nd orFDFry sho t ild! or i-pmvd rhn@n. <br />ud *ho ontrrls for ruch Fojcrr wnh . (btnEcro(, ltd.d ,!6@r ro lh. co.rrdd'r LicM L*). <br />-l <br />d crmlr u!d6 S.crioi-. B. & P.C. fDr rh6 rre.t-3t-aq "*"-V <24- 54-\ll8tit85<lllltEArArra! <br />DECIJIAIIO! <br />I .mm und6 Fdy ol FJU,y o* ollh. folli$ ing &rhrrioB: <br />-l <br />h&triuillmi @ . Cdifd. of Co@{ to s.lf-lM fd qutdr @q6erd. s FDrid.d tor by Sers l7m of rlE <br />L.b(r Codc. lor rh. Ffolfuc. of rh. {olt fo, phi.h rhc p6nn i! issucd <br />_l h.r. .nd *i,l n!i.r.i. wo*(r comFc.rirf, iNrm., s Eqlrcd Er Sdion ]7ul orlh. Iib.r Co&. lot th. Ffollffi. or <br />th. *ort ao. shth lht Fmi i! Lu.d My vqk6l mmFErion iNuru. ui6 !d polq nuobr o.: <br />Pon.y Numb.r'-Hrptr6: <br />- <br />'b lhd tr rlE Ffotu. otrh. srt ro *hrhrhrpqin s isu<I l.hill m' aphy Dy Fsn i.uynffi <br />$ d !o 3ubid to lh. wod6' .onFdnior liM ofcrlifomia &d lsd rhd i, I ihould t .om. lubjd io rh. <br />so.t6'otr'FEdbDFlliriEofssrb!l?00ofr,ELr!(Co&lslrllffih*ih@nprywnhdhrFovi'ioB. <br />WARNIN(;: failur. ro EE mrtd onFreion cov@!. ir unLwful. Md $6ll iubjEl tu @ploF io qimlEl Frti.. lnl <br />cnil ab6 up ro oR hu,dr.d tlblgd &,ll[! (t100.000). i. ddn6n h th. on of.ooFD.riotr dmr8d a Fo\il.d 6r lh. <br />serkrn 10?6 of'h. Latm Co&. in'rd ud.ft,r.y r 16 <br />\:L)7'tj_4-- <br />DlCltlAIIO! <br />I lF.tyrttmlndd F hyotFJE,rhn Io [.sE d u*jd p.ovi]hn of Clqiq 9 tcomnErins $ith Sdnn 70m)of On irion l <br />of lh. B6iB erl Pr.l*68 Cod.. rn s, lke t i. full for{. ad.lT.(l. <br />saltrauclrl)Irlr:BDllc-acElq <br />I hqcby rmm und6 FEnt oI pdlury rhi rlEc b ! cordMio. lordts ir.ft, tu rhc Faomm. ot th. md toi *hkh rh! Fnil ii <br />is.d (sc. 10e7. ci!. c.)L.i& tNm _ <br />AIIIJ(AILDICIISAIIO! <br />I ho*y arm und6 F .lr, of p.rjury onc ol rlE lollosins ddhrd ioru, <br />D.dhb. Pofing&hd6 Norifrlb! Fcdd.l R.8ddbro (Tillc t!0, Pdr6) <br />-Rcqun.d <br />L6t6 of Mtifi.rioo <br />f I corty fiat rh. f.d6.l Gsul.rioN ESEdi.g sbdo! 6ov.l u. ml +phclblc lo lh! Fojdl <br />y' .diay lhri I h.!. Ed thi! rFli.alion !d rld. lnd ih. !bov. in fom.lion i3 coErl I isr€ lo smply wnh .II cny &d Counly <br />odiM6 rrd Srir. t^: ElIi!. lo hildrg onr,lrrio( trd h6.Uy lurhodt (Feiriv6 olfii! cnt Dd lo olq upon llE <br />.bov. 6ron d popdi, for icr<lion pl,po..1:;::;:;;::WZ-z-- ,a-- _ ,h,. -t-",i -t, <br />P.-ta*t tDdnt-*{*1b +} d} <br />UFER Ground