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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS (,WNER AUILDI'R DEI,C RATION <br />I rbEhy nrli(n und.. n nrtry or Frrrry ltu I u .r."y fion lh. Co r.clon LicctrE lis f(r rtE folh*ing @sn (sd 70.11 5 <br />au{incs lid PDltsrin' C.dc) Any Ciry or Cooty Fhich rcquirc\ o n mir lo ..n{Mr 1n6. inFov., !.'rnnh or EFn my <br />sturuc I,s nr ns ir$!tuc. dso EquiE\ rlE q,Ili.anl lor luch Fmi ro fik r si8ndl <br />'h,' <br />h. or slE i. li.cnsrl I'uNor <br />io rh. Im{sions .r E ContErtr s Lianrd li* (Chq .r 9. Co'n6eirS *irh saliofl ?uD of Divilion ,t or llE Bllimsr Dda <br />PnrrcsionrG.)flrharhor{Eir.r.nqlnd.rrom nttuhsisnnlhclll.scdcrcnFn{ 4., viokii,n oas(laon 701I tbr y <br /> tur. Fmi sufuals rlr lmlicant ro !crvr! IcElryofrcr d,r rtud livc hundr.d &nEr{5500r. <br />-l.$o*krofrhcprolEny.{t,y.n,|)lo)trrnhsrSh,irh.nq,kdxrlEnrarion.trrlld'rh.kIdrlrh.dtu1ftisrrrft1rld or .fi.i.d lor ek ( Sa 7{}ll. au\imsi and Pn'tdnons ('nlc Ttc O,nhdois Lmnr. Inw LIri nn ryly () itr .$rcr of <br />rhcnn'l.ny Brn &ilds or nqmkr rlrmr4 nd *b d(n r*h *ort hrnl\.rf or hcNll or Ihrush tn r lEr osn.d{,k'ycc!. <br />tdvii{ lhil suct imFnmNs ft 'rt iddxltn d onc.d ntr eb lf. btuar. rL t iUin8 or inlhiwd i< sE *ihin (ft y6tr <br />orurr .rbtr iltOqd Bu'ki.r will h&E rtr hdcn orllnwm8 rtul tE or slx dil d ldll or hrmE 0t pt,rtr, ror ft ptrrF,s.r <br />-1. <br />rs olmr ot ric pon ny. 6 cxrhr\irrly Lonuad inS $nh lic.nrd conrtuloF !, .ntr{tucr th. pn)Fr (Ss 7t}rl. Btr\Ds\ <br />u' Aol!.!ir Corlc l hc Conl,rloar Li.cne l-!* tlocs ml rrrpl,lo m o! icr or roFd y who h$ilJr ot imF,rcs rh.rsn, <br />snd f, ho .onrrt tu s.h F)id\ $trh r cl)irrN.n\) lBn!{ Iurs@trr r{' ih. Gdrrt,\ Li.n{ llr) <br />- I[ uo(l.r S(!o _,8 & I'( li,r rhk r.aY,n <br />Dorc (r*rr <br />rr()nlERs c(rnrPLllsaTloN <br />Dl:cLaB lla! <br />I lrrrhv nllirn,unJ.r Jrnalry.f ,rrjurr- o cof rtE n,[.*ng dlilrnri{,n\ <br />I hNr ads,tl tuinldn a Cc( if(rl! 6rcon*nl ro sclr-l uEiMw*ss NqEnrao.,!\ FlviLd ,Dr by Ser6n ]7m or rh. <br />hn'!] .d.. n( rlE l{rlonrm ol r *o for *hth rhc Ftr r i1\ucd <br />,-l hn\c Jni u'll mrr,m rork6 .nnqrn\dnn rNuhmc. N rquir.n 6y Sslnn 3?$ ol rlt tr&" Cqh. ftr tls Frrm'uftc of <br />rlr $ort li, Bhah rhir l!.mi! ir n .d My wrks mnllxn*lnn insuEtc cutt ad Fliy nunb.t e: <br />-l.cnify rhlr o rhc Frlorturc nr rtr wo* br which rhtr Frnril i\ isucd. I nEll nor.nDloyan, r[Fn in o, 'tundrv, rbhdom rubrlr t,rtr worr.h .onrn$tn'n h*sol(.llililmi!. ud asB rhnr ifl:hrld \ubj.d lo '*nr conwmauon nmli\k)tr{ olS..rbn.}1(,olrh.l,hn cli., t {Ell,lodhwnh 6mply wirh ttu$ t)n vnrmr <br />WARNING li,ilutu lo sr erkcd o'nlEneri)n .rrv.r,tc i\ u lawtul. u \hllr tuhlrct an cmtk'y.r lo.rininal FuLi.\ rrl <br />civil riNs up lL, oN hundNd rh'u\dd dollarr illfit,ffxD, r trddirtr,n t, rlt .o{ rl co.!{nglion, dlnq.\ ar ror .!, inr lh <br />S..ri,r llr6or rhclf,litr(inlr.'nlrrr{itrrldkr .} \nt: <br />*.{o1fr/ze=e <br />DECTJSAITAX <br />I tErhy lriirn und.r, or Frjory !h,r I !f, hnhl umls Fov'sx,tr olOr0prs 9l.\'nm(ins *nh Sdrir ?(t ) orDivKon l <br />ol rhc B!!nc$ and PrDlcsionr Co&. uj nry lEcM n 'n aull loE{ ad clrNr <br />(3q f o=SSc./6 <br />$ " (a/Z4/2,Zo p et,obl'c-%cf-r'--3 <br />culu:BtrcltlllirEllNc-ecf.lll <br />I ,Irbt arnd uirc, |.Mnl .r Ftury rhd Ih* is ! ('ncMri.. Ldlin3 .acR_, rbr rrE ncrlonu^..c or rh. wot[ r.r eh€h rrN lEr n t ir <br />r*ard lscc t097. (''v C ) <br />at8uc.{NlDlicLdBtrllo! <br />I lrrnyimnnundcr pcn0lry olr^-riuryorE ol rhc a{,Ui,wt,E ilc(larrtinr <br />l).n,lirituI( ni!\ A$(!or N{niitrlio I cdoal Rr8ularb.\r'l lc10.Pnn6r <br />-Rcqut.J <br />tlrrrr nl Mrilicdirt <br />-l <br />ccnily rhlr rhc fcdcrll rcllihri'.s rcgadi.8 .dBror r.mvrl !rc ril lc ro lhir I,Fj&r <br />=:frd rr) rhd I hEvc E!.1 rhN rrllorsn aid {rr. th6! rh. rhrv. mlonmrion i\ corol. I aE( lo o'ilrly rnh 6U Cn, rnd Couoly <br />odiMrc\ a'd Slarc Lrwr ElrrirB lo hikn'8 conturiotr od t rcty surlhrit EF.sit is oI thlr Ciry.od Counry to mld qu rtr <br />!h'rc nEnlNmn nmtdy nn m\Itccii,n <br />,\pdi.n r or \Irnl Sirtntrlu <br />I'cmrilft Nu( rlrinl):O/\*irt,Lp/z1a <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq t"1-arzt <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />It/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Beq. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil <br />FINAL 12-\- 24 )JV')(, <br />Certilicate oI Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />,,*.oz/LfuL-L42ttd'->-, <br />tmdca. Ad,lns <br />v-t1\0