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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK ID/SIG.COMMENTS ()!vNt:R Bult,tlt:R DEt,( An \noN <br />I hr.b .mrm undcr rsiltv ('a pojr4\ rhd I d .r.n", 6om rh. (i,nrtd,6 l trdk ti\ ror rhc nnlN\inr i.6.n ls( ?l)lt 5 <br />lrus'n!$ and Prolerhn ('Gl(l Ant ( ilJ or (ird\ shi.h rcq t6 a ,rrnn ro co.sttut1. !lrd, impo., ddtulah or l.lE, ntrt <br />sll!(turc. Fi, r. nr is d.., aler r.rtrt6 rfic ,il'phca aor su.h]]l b nl. t iildd nil.mdr lhal lt or ,r k li.m(d t]uBo.d <br />h rh. pn\snrns orric Corrncrois l.ic.nial Ils r( hafl.r e. ('oinh.ncin! \irh Str5n Ttrm .r Dirirhn ! ol lh. llsinci ,.d <br />P'ol6nonsCod.)orrh tc or sh. n rk.6om .nil lh. t{s6 lor lhc alL:F.n .rdl, io. nt \iotitonotsc.lxh7l)lI5h any <br />.mlicnnr nn n pcmil3uhjdk rh. alplicin! l. a rI,r.nah) ofnor nioErhdn n\c hondr.ddollEs IlsU)) <br />l,6.\NofllEfhrp.dy.ormy.nlplirs\irh$a!6t\lhci'$\r{l^ddrh.rh16.rn! <br />r{.rkt or.rT6.d ror sl. (SN 7011.lrusn6r and Pror6lhE (.J. lh.cod,..d's,\ dr6 nd qd) h an oNE ol <br />rh. rordr sh. hriuq nr nntn\ Ls llE 6.. Md \h) d(E s(h {o,l hi'nsclror hF*lr.r rhn,u8h hir or nd o$n o,rl.\c6 <br />pio\ rd rhr' \uch ftFdv.lmrs {. Rn hldxld { oildfl tu sk It h\r66- rli tritlin* f r imlmv(lml E $ld \nhi'r on. \d <br />ol.onDldir rlt(xn( tt{illo \illha\cth.trd6ottro\ms rh, h.or sh. dkl nor hi[l !r imtmvc lhc pinFlv for tt tulF*rt <br />{ne ollh.For.1!, ar(rcluen.l\. nhdn'3$ h lrssl c.nn adnrs k' onnru( r he prrFl (s( rrllr' ll6nl6i <br />itrd lh,r6iir(-t.:Ih.(onu.cnr'iliL.n{Itr\d6noritplln'.nornd.llrctEnr\ho$u'ldsor n[o\.srhoe.n. <br />trnd "ho ..nxads n,, such fnldr q i h. ( o.rncn(r) licokl r s!. r,lh.(itnx.dD,sti(oscl,0$) <br />I rn.\en,t)r tr(l- SNn.i <br />ItNr. <br />!]8L-18!l!!U!-lS !I(^ <br />Dl-( l.\R\ll(l\ <br />Ih('!h\ rlri'nrL (10 Nrrr\,,rllrrr1'r,..lrh.i,lli$tr,(J.!1tr rr <br />I ha\. dd \ ill m.inram n ('6lirEil. ol Consl n, s.lHtuur. ld $ or ..nrpqNrion- B pr o\ id.\t lo' bi S(rion l?lro o I rh. <br />I at'or (itJc. for 'h. Fn\m.n€.lrlE $ork ntr sh(n llE,mr( n Ntr.d <br />Ihr\\'llnriririri\orl., dl,'ierl h\ sd'on rrl() frhcl !tx{ (ir!.. itr thc p(fnnnincr ol <br />rh. \.rldtrhr[l[GlEmir'3'rsu.ri M\ \o,l-s (mt6sri{'nstrrnn((nid and,x,li.] nu rh(rr. <br />I rriif! rh,r ir ri. |trlo'nnncc.Irhc \orli (tr \h'ch rr'il F nrn is (sRl- I rhrll n.t 6nllo\ rn\ pon)n in rn nann.r <br />$ isxr lEcon. rtrhr_! h rh.r0116 (onrFr*n{ h\i.f( antunir, ind n!'*rl rII sl'irrld BLo'n.!!lr{r ()rlE <br />so'lds .lht'dlsrn{ tr, n,NofSrri,tnlT(xrorrhcl.h,(M..lrtrll.lLtrlhs[hcorfl)s'lhrhosOorisi,ns <br />ItARNIN(; ljiil(r lo snrc \oAdr'$mIx:nsdhn (tr6i!. is unli\lul. rtrd rlrill $rhNt arr dnfk,\s x, rtnilml Fnahis o(l <br />cnil nn.s pt)on( hlndrBi lhourind rloll s lslr)lr.lrlrr)). irr rddir(,n ntlh.r.{ ra conD.nslnrn. d,nErcs d Fo\nkn n( rh. <br />,on rt,76 of rhc I dhtr (i)d., i' d d ind knM) s a.s <br />I t('cNsFD ( ON rLA(-lOR <br />D[9.68 llAN <br />I lErbr lmm und( nd.lrv !lFi$! thit ! am ti.6sd trtrJ( Ino\i,'on of('hfld a (.onnnsEin[ \ilh sslaDn Tmolofl)irknn ! <br />ol rhc tlusirHs aM hoasnll.(t&. orl hr li(de i! in full lhr(. d .lkr <br />(()NSlRt( lI()\ l.l\l)l\(; .\(;1.\( \ <br />,tPPt.t(.{N t Df (-l,11}{ I loN <br />IlF.tlilUmlidd rEralr! orp.'i'n.n. ofrh. nnl(\rin( d(l dn'ns <br />l).rir'lihn l,\ Norifical'.. Idl[.] R$nlnrrnr ( I (1. t(,. l'a,l6l <br />Rc(t!trdl l.1ld.l \.nli., kn, <br />I (r'r\ rh.i rlr lLil!'ilrrr , r{\ r.rrrl tr( i\ld!\,eN ltr'. .!.,t.fh!.1N.r! rh\ Drr(r <br />Irdlil\rldIth\.rendrhisitlllli(di(ranJ{.r.rhdrltrh\rr.ronnrltr,iir()ndl Itrsl(t,('nrfl\$ [1ll( ir\iBl(irunl\ <br />odin.n(6and I !\rrcbrinFnr li'ildln! c.nnndnn d'd hdch! iurlili7.rr'tte.ldiLsotlhi.( il\ and(i{nr! b6ra qri. rlE <br />il.:..'-:":;:,';-'ts-c 6r* L_ <br />,,e,ri,(,nx .,nin,,: F- K€Li 6op-<o J c[z,l <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Irila son ry <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL I 'z-/?-20 v//-{d nGt, <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />I DATE I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I i <br />I <br />1 <br />Pool Fence <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I