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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE tD/stG. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Rool Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL /z-/2 -z O JJqJ 's/,e9 <br />Certif icate ol Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />v <br />I <br />owNEn aur-Dt:R r[:1,( ARAT|(,N <br />I lEr.h, rllitrn utujc' Itnrhl, l.rrI!rhlr In crcopt lonr rhc CotrtKktrl. l.(cn{ l r* itr rhc l,,lh* ii! rcnv)n'ls': r( ': I 5 <br /> ,,rl lrol.\lon Clxlc) Any Cir! or *hth rcqont\ a ttrn h con\1ru.r, rlrd. nnln,vc. tlcn'lilh ,tr NNn my <br />snrrur.. nritrl,, ir\ r{(!m.c. Lrl\r Rlutr.\ rh.4iplirtrni (tr ru(hltnnn () ik a \ttu {'n( rl hcoI\hc(li..n{d,r^xad <br />r, rhr pn*rrn ol rh Conrn.ttr-s l.iccra'J lr* lchrpr., 9, Co rmnirs sirh S..rinr 7(Ilr ol l)i!i\i( ! ol rh llu\incs rnJ <br /> Ci'Jc, or rnrl lI or shc tcr.nrfl rhcrclnmir rlt buri\ h{rhc xllcscd crcnfridr An} vnnuli(,nolSc i( 70115hv!.v <br />rmli(!trr lrn rItnnir suhJc.r\rh. ittlrtrnr k, ((ivil numlryofnor nrx.rhrn nv. humt,L\l'lollnr (!tol, <br />-l- <br />il oqmr ollh.InoFny. {tr m! cmll'rt\ wnh {!' rhcn q'l. lulinsrtrnL silldo rh ao* oxl lh \ld1h A nur <br />ilncflll{ or ollrrcd ix rL r S( 7tE1, 8u\irc$ ond\\i,r\ (ixlc 'rh. Cdnrrchtr\ t.actr{ I i} dix{ r trlldt!,r.nutr(ol <br />rh( I,otEdy ]h' hild\ r, nrfmrB rttE .n l r h, ']B ieh rrft himq ll or hcrslf or rhnreh hn o, la, o*n crynoy&!, <br />,nNnL{ ihlr {kh i'nFtrrnrnF e ftn nlcn,.{ { ourml lrtr elc lll hitr.(r. rh. ttiltltrrS or iNnmtatnl is qrlll siihin oN ttd <br />l $ {'lcri)n. lhc oqNr tluiud wiu htt rlr hunhn of trovirU rhl lt .r \tc dil nn t{ill or irilrul. rhc lln{6, rlI IUIFR nl <br />-1, <br />r\.\NrolllrcF,pcny, r rx.hnsbh h.rnBs h lccn*n.orrr ,^n,ro {ru(rh I'o}trrs.t 7ll1-1. Bu\ircs <br />dJ lhnG\rr C,ilc I h. G,nhror s I i.rhc I J* Jr\\ , i rofl'- n! d o$n.r ol lrctxn v { ho hutld\ or i'nlt)!c \ I h.Nod. <br />rnd trho contrrcc tur su.h I'n)j..t\ * hr (inrdch( \ r r'lnunnr tri rhc (ir\ t.Ern\c lnwl <br />I h.r$y nnnN und.r Fm[y of rErJ'rry o'E ol lne tnl,*inr ddlsd nn< <br />.\rflfl ulr]d Slrri{r .BrtP('l, rhhrcn\.n <br />Qzol oo,**. *,*[t(*ffi_vt'urtt<- (.-vt-c- <br />DECLAAAI!.IX <br />-l <br />hrvr tnn $ill rtun lin N (inif$te olG).s t,S.lrl.! rcrorrr di NalEneri,n. ,r pR,vilcd ror ty S.r1b l7fir {f rth <br />lnttr cdk. rar rh. lf, rolmf,. of lhc rqt tq *Ith llE l,.mi h nrkd <br />.-l hrv. rnd sill E,irlin $ o*.^ .onlr.rt bn rn\urrmc. N rcqtr cd ht S.{r ir l7(x) r,l rhr l rtrtr (irk, ntr rN p!.ld nu'f,c ol <br />rh. ssrk ld shi.h rhn , N issu.n nl!srlcrl,inrtrurnrtc.Mirrrlrls,lnydrn$crt.: <br />, ",., flfulz*a, lt':* t 4 meuaqq <br />,,.,,.,*.,,,^. @r)v bclL_L6bt ? ,,.,..' <br />39flr7,ft1 <br />-Utsl$--Irr rl!rltur inrhcttrrt irutr.cflrh. *olkr,, shichrha|f,nnn i! trsucd- I\hrllnnrr lljloy.nyP(r$n lay 'Mnr$ A h tNonE \rhj&l lo lic trortdr\' .ont n\ k 'n h*! or cnifornir rid r!R{ rhd rr I irrrltl lE.m t, rlE <br />Bo'ldr rrnnpcn\d n <br />' Ilnn isk'n\ of S.!tM lTUr ol rh l-h. C,ilt. l dull. i,nlr*irh (.nDly * irh rbr Fivi\i(fi <br />IVARNING Ij,ilurc io $uic lorlcri.onrpcnn nrn covcrJgc 'r utrhslul. nnd \hrlr \rhj(r r cnfk't.r n' ctmirul lrMn..,trd <br />ri!1| fin(\ urr to nrc iM(lE l rhou\ dJollfisr1lrll,lrr,r.trrrddintrtorh..odortnlllcnerinr.tlinu8\a. rid.d lir tlt <br />SLrron .11,76(l rhc ljhtr (ixlc, inr.r.{ rnd r{onry\ lir\ <br />d I2?l0 ^o0,,*",, l)29/.?tf ?-Lutcr--- <br />utl;IM;lltltNlx^j.roB <br />DAC| ,tlLt floN <br />I n d,t lrrn u.dd n(Hlry oa Frj!ry lh,t I !n li.ana{ xftld F'lnio olch4rcr9l(,nnx in3wirhsc.lirn7lxr())orDivirirln:l <br />of rhr lt$imt( d l'rul!\si(nr Cmlc. lod nr,,e i\ i. tull lb(a arl ctlt.t <br />,,* 12a{n(&_,i.ctr\,Nutrf,i _u?3tr_ <br />1",,r-"* @ tffiL- CestalU-Eutvdd <br />llrlirB.l]crloNrDNruNi-&a!!(I <br />I <br />IhcNhtJflinnnntlcrl[ailryolnrlxryihrrrlt!(trr(o{tudnn[trl'n8r8.h)l,rrh.frrlnnrrltcolihcrt'll,ashnhrhhnnn n <br />la.mld \ AdJB\ _ <br />attLllbNlrlEg.a&$ll! <br />I hr*,y rmnn und.r ncnllry of |'cr|n,y om of rlE roll'*i.A d&'latar irs. <br />D.'n,liri,n D.m'rs A{$ror l,lorificdir R.lubr kr( lTnt 4). P!n6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />l.lts of thi!..rion <br />b .cdily rhlr rhc f.'dcrd Eeuluti()n\ Esudtr8 lst {or(nF!!lN& it'' rhi\ pn,J.r! <br />;-::':;;;":"'-'"#?: ,,.. c{>t(o <br />permi,R n,n*,rrin,,: w ..Jgrr,lr hvutcp4'-,-. <br />COMMENTS <br />.{'.J,\.1 t(r, ('r\ ( ) <br />I .nLl.r \ Nrn,. <br />Flood Zone Certif .