<br />I hqd', r,Im u!d6 Foly olFjurr rlll I o 6dpr tlB rlE Corirxrd Lk6!. l4 firr ln. following '@. (Se,7011,5
<br />B6in6 !d Prcfshn Co&): Any Ciiy or Coofly *lfth r.quiB . Fnl lo $l6ru.i. .tr, irrFov.. .rhoalh or ry.i oy
<br />!r^srG. Fi, ro irr iffi, .lo EqriE th. eli r lor FDn ro fL t dAEd ,rdE{ drr lt or L a li.6.d F,'Dr
<br />ro rhc FlvbioB of b Co.rr..lo.'. Li.m.d Lr* (ch.prd e, comacin! eth S6rio. 7000 of Dvirioi 3 of thc Buiias od
<br />Pre&saoo co&) d ilr lE o, !h. i! qaqt ta!6sm.nd rlE bdir t'. th..lk8cd 6otio6. Aiy virlrior of sdbi 70ll.J by e,
<br />+?ti.8l tor r FD rubjdr rh. +plitur ro..ivilFEtyof .or trtrcth& ar. hu.&.d &116 (15@).
<br />-l.
<br />B o$c ofrlE FlFry. ( n, Gr+br6 wni wrs6 ! rlEt $L s.potiiolr. wil d, dr wort ild dElalde i Dl
<br />idod.d d ofEnd f.r sh (Sc.70{1. Buliid r,d ltoft..ioE Codlr Tt! Co ftloir Lt6!. t w &6 ml @b lo u os6 of
<br />th.FlFry s'lF hdlh d irFlc fi6!.r !d s,lb &6 rd *qt iirudror haElfor tLD{sn tii q tc (M dplors..
<br />F!vi,.d lhn sh imF!ffi e El ii.iLd ddEd 6r rL l[ lD$@. tlE hildi'r or ipro6Gr t nld *thi. c rt
<br />ofsnpliDll. E (x16 erilda Mll firE llE hrd6 of Fvi,A ihn lE or.lE did ml hild * irFw lh. FDFty 6t tlE p6FE.l
<br />- l. a.wDd of rh. FlFry, m com.di!ts *ilh li.qud.odr.d6 ro otrrD.l llE Foj.rl (Sd ?04,1, h!i6
<br />rn ADt'in Cod.: Th. Codrslo s Li.@* L!{ &6.or .mlt ro - om6 elFoFry $lb h{il(b d ihpreldlhc@^
<br />ud *ho cod*ll rd 'kh For.dr *nh. co &1.(r liGu.d Pla@n rortccomal . LtlE lr*)
<br />I h crdrl un&r Sdbtr . B & P.C. for rhL ,6&n
<br />\\(rRhl.R\' ( o\ltr\\lIr()\
<br />t)!( t.\R\Ir)\
<br />1le .[! r]rnr Ll.trtr,!r\.1ltlrtr\ n(!,rtr'rJltlr r {r
<br />I ha\.{xl$illrn.i .nr tr ( qrilicirc ol ( oB6x r. S.lllBUi. nr \{' !6r .on\e$r Fn, 6 ForA.d lttr b, Sdion u0(r ot lhc
<br />btr\ (ii.. lor $. tEaonnrn.. of rh. trnt a.r \ hi(fi rh. rmn k i*ro.d
<br />.'Llbc ild $'ill did.h wortd @6Fm.. i!!trq E rcquir.d bysBlrn 17@ or$c rrh cod.. fot lh. Ffol'lrc of
<br />iE "vr t shi.h rhi,p6rr b !a.d liry*qra'oordi.'i i,llm;dir -dpolty trMbE R
<br />c."r., . cwt€'<< r rjiaaa+€ coMQarY
<br />rori.yNq,,bq, r rfu,rcnll O Zr- Erpis::t/y'zoz<.t
<br />-
<br />I.ari8fi'l in rlE pdtrillE! ot$. $ o* fq whtt rit Fmi t i.rE( I shtll nor dphy.n, pdlon in&yi'!6
<br />s B ro beom rubi6l to rlE s.'l6 onFlrioi Lwr of C.liaodra. dd {E rll.l ill dhlld bcom rubj..l !o lll
<br />s!nd' ompqB bn FuniE ofsElir lrm ofrh. l,td ('ode l Cdl. lid*ilh o.dy {ii lhoi FovirbN..
<br />ci{l 6n6 up to od t'rltrd rloB.,'d &llc lll00.00ol. i! ildii@ lo rlE hn, &ur6 a prlYid.d tor rh.
<br />^^'' 2/41 ^op,,on,:
<br />I h.Etry rllm u.dq F hy of Fjury lhn I m licas.d undn Forrion of Cl,qno 9 (..nffiog wih Sc.rior 7llr0) of lrn ilion I
<br />ol rt Buindr od &nfsi.a (n&. el ny lk.@ ir m lull for.. dn .lldr
<br />,'**.",,*.' (*"'frr/14 roZ4qq /
<br /><trncrorE hl+EEb.l ar'^)trtrcr l6rJ I'IJC
<br />(a!ga!l(:Ila!.Il:!DtN$tcfrcY
<br />I hct y .mtn !.dn Fnnlry o f Dsju.y rhdr rfi6c ir i oHlnNion lddin8 .s*) n, rh. pcfi'l11@. of rh. *o nrr \'fiah rhi! p6nn i
<br /> (s( 10i)7. ci! c)tin!.-r\rn(
<br />I Gild s AJd6s
<br />.tlpLt<,ttt i ux'uln,t rtor
<br />I t{.1! loinn trndd t'rnaht orFjLn\ onc.frh. n\l[\rinr dNlar.r()nr
<br />l).nx'l{ ion P.rm + skst's N.! rnm! i.n li.&nl R.!uh n,.s ( I nk 10. l'n 6,
<br />Rqrtrqi I drd ofNorilicdrn
<br />,.nk\nLrc f.1trft)l'rilnc r, ihs l lNr
<br />rl!{c $rortrrdtr$ u (rNr lN,an,..trrdrtr hrll( rr\a (r(i!!rl}
<br />l,\ nrh'ur,.f,(!irtr,,e\r'lrhA( \ ftl(otrnr\r, c lo rrrrlr
<br />.tra'.-,. n."* t,r,.." I
<br />r'..r""..""r1,,.r1 2("y'1/1@a? !#BvAJ,cglrZ-
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork l,t/'7n bk*k7t'- t
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer Ir \c 1n l-.,k*E1
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release II
<br />FINAL t 1r)DK}'K'\
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />t
<br />I
<br />)
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I l
<br />I
<br />I