<br />I hftby !ftim und.r pa.lty of psjry 6at I m cxdrt fm ii. Cotrl.loR' kw fq lllc foll inr @oi Ge.70lL5 Buin6
<br />ed Prcf6io codc) Any City r cd y which Eqoi6 r pcrnn lo @rirlcq al@, imFov., danoliih or ur.t'!ci!r, Prior to ir!
<br />islee, rlio rquiB dE appliMr fd such pmn lo fiI. .3i8n.d llltdrhi rh.t hc d sh. p6uMr 10 0E prcyiridr of rh.
<br />C6oi.1@'r Liffi.d Llw (Chryl6 9, Co@@cin8 widt S@lio. 70oo of Divilim 3 of lh. BNnd &d Prcfdti@t Codc) d th.r h. or
<br />lhc tu cxdpi lh@Em dd rhc bai! f6 rh. dl.8.d qmpli@ .A!y violsd@ of S!ct@ 70! I 5 !y sy lrpliar f6 . Fmit objc.r! !h.
<br />arpli@t to a civil, of no! n@ $e fiv. hu&.d &lle {1500).
<br />_1, a omd of thq Fopcrty, o my orloya eilt wag* a !h.n rolq MF.i.lro., will do l}l. vort dlh. srucl!!. is nor irrdd.d
<br />q otr cd f6 r.l. ( Se 70,14, Buin6 !d PrcfdiG Cod. fte Cdtra.rd! Lt4c kw do6 tol apply to m omd of rh. Fopdry
<br />who buil& d imFovB ric'w, 6d *ho dd Mh dt hiB.lf d hd.lf d lh@Bh his d hq om .hployB, provid.d tnrr 5rch
<br />imprcvod$ e nor int n&d or oftcEd for s.1.. r, hovdd, th. buildjns or impbv.lMr is sold vithi. onc yd of cmplctioi, th.
<br />OwDa.Builds wiu h.v. O. burd6 or prcvin8 th.r h. d 8tc nol build or imFov. for !h. purpc. or
<br />I, a osd of lnc FoFty, m @nF.cring eitn li6s.d hturoE [o @strucr thc prcj.c! ( SE 7044, Buind md
<br />PEl6ion Cod.: Thc Cdtra.rdt Lictuc llw dc nol apply to u oMd oi prcp.ry who builds r imFovc rhdon , {d who
<br />mnt4a rm such prcjeLr wt ! ., licd.d plBldt ro !h. Cont&rois Licd!. La*.)
<br />_l m.xmF undd Sction
<br />-8.
<br />& P.C ad lhi! Mon
<br />loarEBleorqENs4r9N-sEeLA84nq!
<br />I hdcb, afiim und.r p.nalry of pcrjury on. oi th. following dslmtioB:
<br />_I havc 6d siU tuini3in r Cdiifi..rr of Cd6r ro S.lf-I,E@ fc vort6' conpdsadd, a frovidcd {6 by S*tio 3700 ofth.
<br />trbo Cod., rd $. pqfq]Mc. of $. wdl for qhich $. pdmir is iscd
<br />_l havc ed will m,nrain *qr6' ffipqrsatifi i$umcq a rquir.d ty S.ction 3700 of thc Cod., for lh. Frfmse of thq*dr fo, which drtu Fnn h isu.d M, workd' @dp6idi@ itBrme ceia dd policy rmbq e:
<br />Policy NMhd:_ExpiB:
<br />GIh letio rcd nor h. cqnplct d if$c Fhit i! fd on hu&.d dolle {1100} c. lBi)
<br />I cc.tify ltat in tn. pdfomu& of drc *ork for which rhis p.fin is kru.d, I shall not mploy dy p6on in sy he.dios ro
<br />b..dcsubj*ttolhceo*6.ompqssrionlawsolcdiffiia,ud.src.tharif|shouldb.cdcsubjccllothcwortd!
<br />c6por.ti6 proiri@s of S.c$o l?00 of t. Cod., I !h3ll, fdlnwiih cdply wilh
<br />WAaNINO r.ilut! to r6E so*a' cmpo!.ti6 @d!s. i! !trI.s,fi!, 3d rh.ll lubj@t e olloya to einird p.n.ltic. Ed civil
<br />tn6 up io dG h6&!d lhN@d &lld (l loo,ooo),in ldditid ro th. co$ of, drn.g6 !l Fovid.d f6 $c S.dion 3076 of
<br />t. L.bG Cod!, intdEt &d lltqEy! f6
<br />I h@ry Etrm uda Fdty of Fjury th.I I F li@.d ud6 Foviridl oa Ch.pta 9 (comacirs wilh S4lion ,000) of Divtio I of
<br />th. Bsirs ad Prcf6i6! Co&, md dry li@s. i! in tull fNc ad .f..t
<br />Lic4. CIB _ Lic6s. Nuba
<br />I h@by !ffd E&r pcnrlty ol pdjury dt.l &@ ir . @nfocti6 lading ry6cy f6 thc pcrfmec of dr pork lor which thii Fmit is
<br />isucd (S*. 1097, Ci! C.)
<br />DlnElilion P@i!t-A!b6ls Notific.dd lcda:l Rc8ll.rioB (Iidc 2o, P.n 6)
<br />_ tuqrircd t ttlr ofNotificadan
<br />_l c.nify lhar thc fcd.ral Egulaione &8edjn8 sb.nG llmvd E. nor l,plicsblc ro this Fojci
<br />_ I 6dfy $at I h8v. rcad this .pplicltie &d sL rlal thc 6bov6 iDfmddor is cor*t I agE ro chply wi$ .ll City ad Courty
<br />odindG Md Slarc Llwr rclrinB io buildin8 qsEucrid, sd t@hy erhdi4 r.F6ar.riv6 of tir City u<l Couty ro ota !p6 thc
<br />alovc nMti6.d prcFfiy fd itup.cdd prpocB
<br />d-/u ,/" /
<br />Water-Underfloor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifrer
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Pipeing
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Misc
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device trYr ,IE'Eh
<br />Rough Plumbing FFB 0 I 20t9
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />o^" -{ - ' ,./aZ( c^"*,*
<br />-------T------
<br />-------T------
<br />-------T------
<br />I